GeoRSS is simple proposal for RSS feeds to also be described by location or Geotagged. It serves as an easy-to-use geotagging language that is brief and simple with useful defaults but extensible and upwardly-compatible with more sophisticated formats like the OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) GML (Geography Markup Language). Use the utility to download and view GeoRSS data into MapInfo Pro. Use the Hot-Link option to link back to a web map.
To learn more about GeoRSS and its uses please visit the following sites:
Use MapInfo Pro to download and view GeoRSS and RSS and feeds. With this utility you can access and download any feed that has the following icon:
Utility Requirements:
- MapInfo Pro v8.5 or higher (download evaluation)
- Internet Access
- (Optional) MapBasic v8.5 or higher if interested to enhance the code