MapInfo Pro v15: 32-bit
For those of you who do not yet have a 64-bit operating system, MapInfo Pro v15 is available in a 32-bit version. Please note: we are skipping the culturally “unlucky” numbers 13 (in Europe and Western hemisphere) and 14 (in some eastern cultures).
Please note a 64 bit release of v15.0 is scheduled to be available in late October.
v15: What’s new
- Creating output: Improvements to the Layout Designer
- System: Support for touch screens
- Performance: Improvement to update and append
Plus, both the 32 and 64-bit versions include the following enhancements:
- Faster object processing with multiple core/multi-threading support to use more or all available processors
- All new Layout Designer with active layout to interact directly with maps inside layout window
- Additional data format support
- Improvements to distributed licenses