Assure DQ
Troubleshooting Common Assure DQ and Insight Communication Problem(s)
Troubleshooting an Assure DQ and Insight Authentication Failure
Troubleshooting an Insight Dashboard not Displaying Assure DQ Control Results
Can Assure DQ 9.6 Read PDF Files?
Infogix Perceive License Error Message "(License activation thread) Exception in thread "License activation thread" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/axis/AxisFault
UTRS001: The system failed to initialize the translator service
Assure DQ clustered deployments Requirements
Assure DQ 9.6 System Requirements
Where to download products for Precisely Infogix products
ER: Extracted .jar file appear to leak technical data
AssureDQ: Error: Index CON_C_IDX not found on table CONTENTMEASUREMENT_CORE
How to Set up Schedule Job when the file arrives
Error null sending INFO command configuration will be reset: null MODCLUSTER000042
Assure DQ error "Code #UPRC003: The system failed to create process the process group: IRS3DT02_CE1 is a duplicate of existing process group name"
Perceive Upgrade DB Error: Validation Error: Column USER_ID on table JIAccessEvent has incorrect datatype.
Assure DQ: Does Assure DQ require Premium SSD or Standard SSD/HDD Disks
How to delete control data for particular run
Error: Jasperreport.engine.util.JRStyledTextParser in Assure DQ
Unable to read MS SQL Server database
Assure DQ Deploy script failed
Importing a cert into a truststore
Adding sun.jdk module to Wildfly to resolve "Invalid secret key format" and "Vault Reader Exception"
Using Infogix Assure's exportControlData script
ER 4.6 Release Notes
Set Default Landing Page
Connecting to HBase / Phoenix from Assure
Creating your own truststore
SQL Queries to sum control execution time
Assure 9.4 Release Notes
Using the "-local" flag in runcp scripts
Success Message after stopping Wildfly
Managing Remote Event Subscriptions
Encrypting JDBC passwords within Assure
v9.1 System Requirements
#UCMF035: The supplied file file_path_or_URL appears to have number_of_header_rows header rows. The expected number is expected_number_of_header_rows
Insight - Application URL loads a blank page in Google Chrome Browser
Updating Information Source, Source System
SQL query to list alerts by control
Perceive 9.0 Release Notes
How to decrease volume of product expiration warnings
How to use Assure's runcp script to trigger controls
Troubleshooting Assure DQ Performance Concern(s)
Troubleshooting Common Assure DQ and Insight Communication Problem(s)
Troubleshooting an Assure DQ and Insight Authentication Failure
Troubleshooting an Insight Dashboard not Displaying Assure DQ Control Results
Can Assure DQ 9.6 Read PDF Files?
Infogix Perceive License Error Message "(License activation thread) Exception in thread "License activation thread" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/axis/AxisFault
User cannot open Multiple Reports
Assure DQ job failed with IO Error: Connection reset by peer
Steps to clear the JMS queue in Assure
UTRS001: The system failed to initialize the translator service
Assure DQ clustered deployments Requirements
Assure DQ 9.6 System Requirements
Where to download products for Precisely Infogix products
ER: Extracted .jar file appear to leak technical data
AssureDQ: Error: Index CON_C_IDX not found on table CONTENTMEASUREMENT_CORE
How to Set up Schedule Job when the file arrives
Error null sending INFO command configuration will be reset: null MODCLUSTER000042
Assure DQ error "Code #UPRC003: The system failed to create process the process group: IRS3DT02_CE1 is a duplicate of existing process group name"
Perceive Upgrade DB Error: Validation Error: Column USER_ID on table JIAccessEvent has incorrect datatype.
Assure DQ: Does Assure DQ require Premium SSD or Standard SSD/HDD Disks
How to delete control data for particular run
Unable to read MS SQL Server databases
Increasing the Assure DQ client log file size
9.2 AssureDQ,Insight,Perceive,ER Java 8 or 10 are supported.
AssureDQ Azure Cloud deltalake tables & Azure RBAC roles
AssureDQ: Encrypted input file
AssureDQ Error: Code #UOCM013: The archived zip file is invalid. An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x33)
Error: Jasperreport.engine.util.JRStyledTextParser in Assure DQ
Unable to read MS SQL Server database
Assure DQ Deploy script failed
v9.6 System Requirements
How to use the Insight Platform ID Mappings
is there a way to relative records in Assure DQ
How to Enable Rule Search in Assure DQ
Export Server Utility Module
Platform 9.5 Patch: IPS-9.5-150567-1
Importing a cert into a truststore
Adding sun.jdk module to Wildfly to resolve "Invalid secret key format" and "Vault Reader Exception"
Using Infogix Assure's exportControlData script
ER 4.2 Release Notes
#UINU008 : You do not have the permission permission_name necessary to perform the operation
Clearing scheduled Report Events
Infogix v9.2 Upgrade Considerations
Halting Retention Processing from command line (Assure)
#UOCF006 : The system failed to create a cycle because control data instances for the cycle ID {0} already exist.
ER 4.6 Release Notes
Set Default Landing Page
Connecting to HBase / Phoenix from Assure
Insight 9.2 Release Notes
How to Change the Data Retention Period in ER
Switching ActiveMQ from AIO to NIO
Comparing History (Control Data) to File Data using a Multi-Capture Control Point in Infogix Assure
How to update Java in Assure with Wildfly
Controls stuck in -1 status stay in -1 status after a restart
Creating your own truststore
SQL Queries to sum control execution time
Assure 9.4 Release Notes
Diagnosing Assure Email Notifications Not Received
Checking Jaspersoft License expiration within Perceive
Updating VisibilityAPI Oracle Driver ( z/OS )
Insight 8.1 Release Notes
#UCAP003: The Capture Source service failed to initialize.
#UCMF032 : The Java runtime does not support the channel rule character set Character_Set_value.
Using the "-local" flag in runcp scripts
Success Message after stopping Wildfly
Managing Remote Event Subscriptions
Assure Client Installation ( z/OS )
Adding Generic JVM Arguments in WebSphere Application Server
How to update your license
Retrieving History Data (Control Data) in Infogix Assure
How to Apply a Patch in Assure, Insight, Perceive and ER
SQL query to list Perceive Reports and Ad-hoc Views
Encrypting JDBC passwords within Assure
v9.1 System Requirements
#UCMF035: The supplied file file_path_or_URL appears to have number_of_header_rows header rows. The expected number is expected_number_of_header_rows
Updating Wildfly's LDAP read user timeout
#UOCF006 : The system failed to create a cycle because control data instances for the cycle ID {0} already exist.
Creating Users and Groups in Insight
Perceive 9.3 Release Notes
Collect CPU and Memory Data
ER 9.1 Release Notes
Insight - Application URL loads a blank page in Google Chrome Browser
Updating Information Source, Source System
SQL query to list alerts by control
Assure control data location
Using the Networked Character/Byte Stream I/O Data Access Method in Assure
Unable to access views after the upgrade to Insight 9.3
Insight 7.1 Release Notes
Insight 8.3 Release Notes
Exporting an SSL certificate via your web browser
Perceive 9.0 Release Notes
How to decrease volume of product expiration warnings
How to use Assure's runcp script to trigger controls
Perceive 9.5 Release Notes
#UOCF019 : The system failed to find any runs in the most-recent-cycle control entity control_entity_name.
How to update Assure with new ER recon fields
Using to modify product configuration
Data Failure Push From Assure To Data360 DQ+
How to change the WebSphere WebContainer thread pool sizes
Updating VisibilityAPI Oracle Driver ( z/OS )
List retention period by control
Assure - Email Alerts Question
How to check for duplicate Field ID Records in Infogix Assure
How to Customize Your WildFly Server Logging
Set Default Landing Page
Adding sun.jdk module to Wildfly to resolve "Invalid secret key format" and "Vault Reader Exception"
Updating Information Source, Source System
Capturing data from repeating sublayouts
Google Chrome and Adobe Flash
Generating Heap Dumps via Infogix Admin Console
Process and Memory Viewer Screen In Admin Console
Best practice for scheduling Perceive's Report Events
Collect CPU and Memory Data
Checking Jaspersoft License expiration within Perceive
How to Import Controls with the same name in Assure
How does the Product Expiration Warning email work?
Accessing the SQL Console
Exporting an SSL certificate via your web browser
Installing a Data Source on WebSphere Application Server
How to build a control view in Infogix Insight
Finding database tables used by Control Entities
Creating additional log files
Insight Active User Base Determination
Capturing data from repeating fields
Generating thread dumps via the Infogix Admin Console
How to send individual alerts from Assure
How to increase heap for a Wildfly installation
Creating Users and Groups in Insight
How to check your JVM configuration name
Bringing Up the Java Console with the ER Rich Client
Retrieving ACR/Summary Historical Data in Assure
Rules-Based Performance Considerations in Assure
Troubleshooting an Insight Dashboard not Displaying Assure DQ Control Results
Troubleshooting Assure DQ Performance Concern(s)
Troubleshooting Common Assure DQ and Insight Communication Problem(s)
Troubleshooting an Assure DQ and Insight Authentication Failure
Infogix Perceive License Error Message "(License activation thread) Exception in thread "License activation thread" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/axis/AxisFault
Assure DQ, Insight, Perceive and ER Product Support Lifecycle
Troubleshooting an Assure DQ and Insight Authentication Failure
Infogix Perceive License Error Message "(License activation thread) Exception in thread "License activation thread" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/axis/AxisFault
Assure DQ, Insight, Perceive and ER Product Support Lifecycle
Updating VisibilityAPI Oracle Driver ( z/OS )
List retention period by control
Assure - Email Alerts Question
Diagnosing Assure Email Notifications Not Received
Enabling Debug Logging for a specific Class
Accessing Global Help
Jasper license file extension (Internal)
Comparing History (Control Data) to File Data using a Multi-Capture Control Point in Infogix Assure
How to view configuration and log Files from Admin Console
How to check for duplicate Field ID Records in Infogix Assure
How to Customize Your WildFly Server Logging
Set Default Landing Page
Checking Patches Within Assure/Insight/Perceive/ER
Create a Diagnostic Package
Using Parameters with scripts executed from Infogix Assure Control Points
Using reconprocesscontrol to manually update a recon's status
Retrieving History Data (Control Data) in Infogix Assure
Managing Remote Event Subscriptions
Adding sun.jdk module to Wildfly to resolve "Invalid secret key format" and "Vault Reader Exception"
Updating Information Source, Source System
Capturing data from repeating sublayouts
Importing And Exporting Controls via UI
Importing & Exporting Controls in Infogix Assure
Specifying TLS 1.2 within Assure Client on z/OS
Using the Assure Health Checker
Controls stuck in -1 status stay in -1 status after a restart
Encrypting passwords within property files
Google Chrome and Adobe Flash
Generating Heap Dumps via Infogix Admin Console
Process and Memory Viewer Screen In Admin Console
Best Practices For Generating Alerts in Assure
Using the Networked Character/Byte Stream I/O Data Access Method in Assure
Infogix Insight 9.3.x - Preview
Infogix Assure / ER / Insight / Perceive 9.3 is Now Available
Apply Keystore to WildFly
Setting Retention in Assure
Best practice for scheduling Perceive's Report Events
Collect CPU and Memory Data
Checking Jaspersoft License expiration within Perceive
Clearing scheduled Report Events
External Datasources Configuration for Wildfly Deployments
How to resolve the error in Perceive while viewing reports: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class
Verify Name of Control's Historical Table
Sending Assure Alerts as Text Messages
"Data Entity's Historical Data is out of sync!" Error Message in Perceive IGX Logs
How to Import Controls with the same name in Assure
How does the Product Expiration Warning email work?
Accessing the SQL Console
Configuring the ER rich client to connect to multiple ER instances
How to Deploy Assure/ER/Insight/Perceive
Unable to access views after the upgrade to Insight 9.3
Adding the ER URL to your Java Security Exception Site List
How to view control execution time in Assure UI and in Assure Database
Insight System Options, Export
Exporting an SSL certificate via your web browser
Installing a Data Source on WebSphere Application Server
How to build a control view in Infogix Insight
Definition Loader for Infogix ACR Controls in Insight
How To Edit Default Result Templates in Assure
How to view Assure control executions by month/quarter
Enable Quartz Scheduler DEBUG Logging
Resolving incorrectly rendered login screen or product UI
Configuring Wildfly undertow AJP listener with Secret Key
Finding database tables used by Control Entities
Creating additional log files
Insight Active User Base Determination
Infogix Assure / ER / Insight / Perceive 9.4 is Now Available
Configure IBM MQ using WildFly
How to compare row counts between two input sources in Infogix Assure
How to increase logging on Assure reports
Assure Client Installation ( z/OS )
How to Increase the Open Items in ER Search Screen
Capturing data from repeating fields
Generating thread dumps via the Infogix Admin Console
How to send individual alerts from Assure
ER 9.3 Release Notes
Manual Log Retrieval
Reverting Changes using Version Control in Assure.
License Expiration for Distributed Products
How to change the retention period of audit history in Assure ?
User Permissions, Security Overview
How to increase heap for a Wildfly installation
Creating Users and Groups in Insight
How to check your JVM configuration name
How to access a control's runtime field from a layout
Insight - Application URL loads a blank page in Google Chrome Browser
Accessing the admin console
Using Infogix Assure to Execute a Script from a Control Point
How to change the WebSphere WebContainer thread pool sizes
Steps for New Infogix ER Rich Client Package
Bringing Up the Java Console with the ER Rich Client
Retrieving ACR/Summary Historical Data in Assure
Rules-Based Performance Considerations in Assure
Troubleshooting an Insight Dashboard not Displaying Assure DQ Control Results
Troubleshooting Assure DQ Performance Concern(s)
Troubleshooting Common Assure DQ and Insight Communication Problem(s)
Troubleshooting an Assure DQ and Insight Authentication Failure
Infogix Perceive License Error Message "(License activation thread) Exception in thread "License activation thread" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/axis/AxisFault
Assure DQ, Insight, Perceive and ER Product Support Lifecycle
Exporting an SSL certificate via your web browser
ORA-01502: index 'INDEX_NAME' or partition of such index is in unusable state.
Using Windows Authentication to connect to SQL Server from Linux
How to increase heap for a Wildfly installation
Jgroups join error: "...sent to <GROUP> timed out (after 3000ms), on try..."
Adding sun.jdk module to Wildfly to resolve "Invalid secret key format" and "Vault Reader Exception"
AMQ224037: cluster connection Failed to handle message: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot find binding for jms.queue
Assure DQ Documentation
How to migrate or upgrade a server installation into a new server
Controls Products: Log4j Vulnerabilities CVE-2021-44228, CVE-2021-45046, CVE-2021-4104 and CVE-2021-45105
Assure NullPointerException upon generation of PDF, text file or CSV
Wildfly deployments throwing error no port available in range [7800 .. 7800]
Recommended java heap values for Assure, Insight, Perceive and ER
Infogix Assure Basic Training
Clearing JMS Store Errors
SQL query to list Perceive Reports and Ad-hoc Views
Enabling Debug Logging for a specific Class
Assure DQ 9.5 Release Notes
Assure Error UCMF026 : The system failed to open the source channel: (cause_error_message).
Infogix Insight FAQ
Assure, Insight, Perceive and ER Downloads
Infogix Assure / ER / Insight / Perceive 9.2 is Now Available
Infogix Assure / ER / Insight / Perceive 9.4 is Now Available
Insight returning with a 0100 Return Code
Assure 9.1 Release Notes
Create a Diagnostic Package
Steps to determine the JVM's default character set
ER 9.5 Release Notes
How to increase the heap size for the Assure Client
Diagnosing Assure Email Notifications Not Received
Using Infogix Assure to Execute a Script from a Control Point
Using Assure Client to connect to Hive with Kerberos
Accessing the admin console
Exporting an SSL certificate via your web browser
ORA-01502: index 'INDEX_NAME' or partition of such index is in unusable state.
Using Windows Authentication to connect to SQL Server from Linux
How to Customize Your WildFly Server Logging
WFLYCTL0348: Timeout after [600] seconds waiting for service container stability
Enabling http-only and secure cookies within Wildfly
Enable Quartz Scheduler DEBUG Logging
How to resolve the error in Perceive while viewing reports: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class
Importing a cert into a truststore
How to increase heap for a Wildfly installation
Jgroups join error: "...sent to <GROUP> timed out (after 3000ms), on try..."
Adding sun.jdk module to Wildfly to resolve "Invalid secret key format" and "Vault Reader Exception"
Adding Generic JVM Arguments in WebSphere Application Server
Configure IBM MQ using WildFly
How to view Assure control executions by month/quarter
Restricting HTTP methods within Wildfly
How to change the WebSphere WebContainer thread pool sizes
Strict OOXML vs XLSX in Excel Layout
AMQ224037: cluster connection Failed to handle message: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot find binding for jms.queue
Assure DQ Documentation
How to migrate or upgrade a server installation into a new server
Wildfly Not Starting "WFLYCTL0419: <HOST> is an invalid value for parameter node-identifier. Values must have a maximum length of 23 bytes"
Layout Error: Strict OOXML isn't currently supported
Apply Keystore to WildFly
Assure DQ, Insight, Perceive and ER Product Support Lifecycle
Disabling Wildfly's welcome screen
Checking and updating your TLS version
Controls Products: Log4j Vulnerabilities CVE-2021-44228, CVE-2021-45046, CVE-2021-4104 and CVE-2021-45105
Assure NullPointerException upon generation of PDF, text file or CSV
Wildfly deployments throwing error no port available in range [7800 .. 7800]
v9.5 System Requirements
Configuring Wildfly undertow AJP listener with Secret Key
Configure Control Products with OKTA & AUTHO/SAML
What is j_security_check when you login to Assure?
Encrypting passwords within property files
External Datasources Configuration for Wildfly Deployments
Recommended java heap values for Assure, Insight, Perceive and ER
Infogix Assure Basic Training
Clearing JMS Store Errors
Error null sending INFO command configuration will be reset: null MODCLUSTER000042
Where to import certificates into Assure, Insight, Perceive and ER
v9.6 System Requirements
How to use Assure's runcp script to trigger controls
Checking Jaspersoft License expiration within Perceive
Infogix Assure / ER / Insight / Perceive 9.3 is Now Available
SQL query to list Perceive Reports and Ad-hoc Views
Enabling Debug Logging for a specific Class
Assure DQ 9.5 Release Notes
How to update your license
Infogix Assure Intermediate Training
Installing a Data Source on WebSphere Application Server
How to check for duplicate Field ID Records in Infogix Assure
How to use the validate-config-values script
v9.3 System Requirements
Assure Error UCMF026 : The system failed to open the source channel: (cause_error_message).
Infogix Insight FAQ
Assure, Insight, Perceive and ER Downloads
SQL Queries to sum control execution time
Control View Columns
Adding the ER URL to your Java Security Exception Site List
Configuring Redshift Amazon as an External Data Source in Wildfly
Assure 9.3 Release Notes
Updating Wildfly's LDAP read user timeout
Infogix Assure / ER / Insight / Perceive 9.2 is Now Available
Infogix Assure / ER / Insight / Perceive 9.4 is Now Available
Insight returning with a 0100 Return Code
User Permissions, Security Overview
Using Parameters with scripts executed from Infogix Assure Control Points
Plans for IBM Liberty Support
Compatibility between ACR, Assure DQ, Insight, Perceive and ER
Steps for New Infogix ER Rich Client Package
Infogix Insight Documentation
Assure 9.1 Release Notes
Create a Diagnostic Package
Steps to determine the JVM's default character set
Using Infogix Assure's exportControlData script
Managing Remote Event Subscriptions
Assure Client Installation ( z/OS )
How to start and stop the Assure, Insight, Perceive and ER JVM
Generating thread dumps via the Infogix Admin Console
Adding JDBC drivers in Assure
ER 9.5 Release Notes
How to increase the heap size for the Assure Client
Diagnosing Assure Email Notifications Not Received
How to use the update-config script
Specifying TLS 1.2 within Assure Client on z/OS
v9.4 System Requirements
Triggering Assure controls via REST API
Switching ActiveMQ from AIO to NIO
Assure 9.4 Release Notes
Using Infogix Assure to Execute a Script from a Control Point
Using Assure Client to connect to Hive with Kerberos
Accessing the admin console
How to Deploy Assure/ER/Insight/Perceive
How to change the retention period of audit history in Assure ?
Insight - Application URL loads a blank page in Google Chrome Browser
How to increase the heap size of server-util script executions
Increasing the default Match Set limit
Export Server Utility Module
Assure DQ contains self-service downloads within Precisely Data Experience for user accounts with active entitlements:
For more details, please see the Precisely Data Experience user guide.
- Go to Precisely Data Experience.
- Select My Software Products. You may be prompted for a login if not already authenticated.
- Select on the product to download. Product naming conventions may slightly differ and other products may also display.
- Once within a product, the latest version will be displayed by default and older versions can be selected via the Release dropdown.
- Select any product file to download.
For more details, please see the Precisely Data Experience user guide.
Assure DQ does not currently offer self-service license keys. Please raise a case via the Customer portal or Partner portal for Assure DQ license requests.