Assure iOptimize
Is there a limit to how many objects you can archive in IoPtimize ?
Applying an iTERA license key with UPDLICKEY fails CPF9E41 - Product 7VSI001 V6R0 feature 5084 not found
Issue starting resident jobs after upgrading from 9.0 to 10.0
Assure IOptimize: When scheduling a metric to be emailed receiving 'unexpected error' on AUI
Assure iOptimize: Can the System Health Report be emailed directly from that AUI Portal?
AUI License Summary: Remove license gives error 'No appropriate MIMIX installation was found to run the remove license key task'
MCH3601 from APYACCCDE when attempting to upgrade using the installation wizard
Minimum hardware requirements for AUI running on Windows server
License Manager DSPSYSINF shown wrong LPAR Number when greater than 256
How could we prevent the IDDYNPRC job from creating these entries: T AF
Upgrade of License Manager fails during Assure MIMIX upgrade due to Assure Security EXASYN job having lock on LM2000P
STRVSISVR fails VSE1002 - Cannot start VSP Server after upgrade to MIMIX
MIMIX Director Installation and Migration Guide v8.1
Did You Know... Checking for recommended IBM i PTFs is easy with CHKIBMPTF?
Release Notes Director V7.1 Rev A
iOptimize User Guide - 8.0
User Guide MIMIX Director v8.1
User Guide Data Manager v7.1 Rev A
How do I obtain or renew license keys for MIMIX Director?
Reorganize while active completed however, disk space remains the same.
Recommended IBM i PTFs and CHKIBMPTF utility
STRVSISVR fails CPFA0A9 Object /QOpenSys/QIBM/ProdData/JavaVM not found
Install and Upgrade Guide ORION Director and Data Manager v6.4 SR-2
How to uninstall (OS) Director v6.4, or lower, installation from the system.
Wizard connection issue - Host Server(s) not found
User Guide Data Manager v7.2
Reference Guide Data Manager FAM Ledger Archive v7.2
Downloading and Applying Data Manager v7.2 PTFs
User Guide Data Manager v6.4 SR-2
iWizard upgrade of iOptimize fails - QSQSRVR jobs locking files in iOpt library
What are the required Director jobs?
Data Manager OS Compatibility Matrix
After installing iOptimize get 'not authorized' errors
Reference Guide Data Manager MITTRA v7.2
How do I uninstall Director v7.0, or higher, from the system?
Getting Started with VSP 1.0
Director V8.1 GUI not available
User Guide Director Web Interface v7.0
'Unable to connect' error from browser when trying to access AUI/VSP
Is there a limit to how many objects you can archive in IoPtimize ?
Applying an iTERA license key with UPDLICKEY fails CPF9E41 - Product 7VSI001 V6R0 feature 5084 not found
Issue starting resident jobs after upgrading from 9.0 to 10.0
Assure IOptimize: When scheduling a metric to be emailed receiving 'unexpected error' on AUI
Assure iOptimize: Can the System Health Report be emailed directly from that AUI Portal?
AUI License Summary: Remove license gives error 'No appropriate MIMIX installation was found to run the remove license key task'
MCH3601 from APYACCCDE when attempting to upgrade using the installation wizard
Minimum hardware requirements for AUI running on Windows server
License Manager DSPSYSINF shown wrong LPAR Number when greater than 256
How could we prevent the IDDYNPRC job from creating these entries: T AF
Upgrade of License Manager fails during Assure MIMIX upgrade due to Assure Security EXASYN job having lock on LM2000P
CHKLIBREF utility to locate uses of Precisely libraries that will be affected by Public *EXCLUDE.
Cannot Login to AUI after upgrading iOptimize to 10.0.08
How to get installed Assure product software version programmatically
Installation Wizard for Precisely IBM i products fail due to missing freetype.dll
Error creating instance in VSP - Values missing invalid or incorrect
User Guide Director v7.1 Rev B
STRVSISVR fails VSE1002 - Cannot start VSP Server after upgrade to MIMIX
MIMIX Director Installation and Migration Guide v8.1
Did You Know... Checking for recommended IBM i PTFs is easy with CHKIBMPTF?
MIMIX Director Portal Application User Guide v8.1
Automating the Library Change Collections (XREF)
IDI9200 - Audit Monitor is unable to start in QSYSOPR and IDDYNMON job in MSGW
Upload and download lrp and lkp files (MIMIX V6 and below)
How do I obtain and apply iOptimize license keys?
DOC: iOptimize Readme
Release Notes Director V7.1 Rev A
iOptimize User Guide - 8.0
User Guide MIMIX Director v8.1
Downloading and Applying Data Manager v7.1 PTFs
Install and Migration Guide Director v7.1 Rev D
When adding a Director/iOptimize instance to VSP getting message "Unable to establish a connection for database access"
Technical Alert TA-DIR81-002 PTF Apply Issue
Housekeeping of historic Accounting information files IDACGMP and IDACGTP cleanup.
Null error on getting service pack info in iWiz
User Guide Data Manager v7.1 Rev A
How do I obtain or renew license keys for MIMIX Director?
Reorganize while active completed however, disk space remains the same.
VSP - Red ? for the instance, Portlets report "The nodes for this instance no longer match the nodes (SYSDFNs) configured in the MIMIX installation."
License key error CPI9E76 for Director
User Guide MIMIX Director Job Accounting v8.1
Install and Migration Guide Data Manager v7.1 Rev A
Downloading and Applying Director v7.1 PTFs Rev A
Error ID H0AS8CZC when trying to access VSP - Error Message "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE"
Recommended IBM i PTFs and CHKIBMPTF utility
STRVSISVR fails CPFA0A9 Object /QOpenSys/QIBM/ProdData/JavaVM not found
Install and Upgrade Guide ORION Director and Data Manager v6.4 SR-2
Reference Guide Data Manager MITTRA Roadmap v7.1
Did You Know... Getting started with the VSP/AUI Portal is as easy as 1, 2, 3?
IDETSCTL job constantly failing and restarting
IDE0029 in QSYSOPR - One or more iOptimize processes failed.
User Guide Data Manager Web Interface v7.2
Reference Guide Data Manager FAM Ledger Archive Roadmap v7.1
How to uninstall (OS) Director v6.4, or lower, installation from the system.
Wizard connection issue - Host Server(s) not found
User Guide Data Manager v7.2
How to recover from a failed iOptimize upgrade?
Why does the ACTPF command lock production files?
Technical Alert TA_IOPT71-001 Archiving spool files or objects when upgrading from Vision Director 7.1 to iOptimize 7.1
Release Notes Data Manager v7.2
Assure iOptimize OS Compatibility Matrix
User Guide Director v6.4 SR-2
Reference Guide Data Manager FAM Ledger Archive v7.2
Downloading and Applying Data Manager v7.2 PTFs
User Guide Data Manager v6.4 SR-2
SI????? as result of CHKIBMPTF, what does this mean?
Director IFSXREF job creating printed report
IDDYNACG job on MSGW - IDI9200
Release Notes ORION Director and Data Manager v6.4 SR-2
Cannot get a signon to VSP - IllegalStateException
VSP - Portlet Application UI-PA Not Available
iWizard upgrade of iOptimize fails - QSQSRVR jobs locking files in iOpt library
What are the required Director jobs?
Data Manager OS Compatibility Matrix
How do I configure VSP email?
TA_DIR81_003 End subsystem before applying Service Pack 4
Technical Alert TA-DIR81-004_Director portal application when upgrading to VSP
Director OS Compatibility Matrix - June 10, 2014
Adding iOptimize to AUI/VSP but iOptimize is not showing as a product to be added
Director Job Analysis is not current or shows only jobs for ITIDOWNER
After installing iOptimize get 'not authorized' errors
Reference Guide Data Manager MITTRA v7.2
How do I uninstall Director v7.0, or higher, from the system?
How do I obtain iOptimize (Director) with MIMIX?
Using License Manager - 7.1
TA-DIR-001 Superseded PTFs Ignored by ITINSTPTF
IDDYNPRC MSGW RNQ0202 CPF4161 - Records in SYSMBR have duplicate keys.
How do I track the growth of a Library in iOptimize?
IFSXREF/IDXRF_xxxx getting RNX0112 - Date, Time or Timestamp value is not valid.
Getting Started with VSP 1.0
Director V8.1 GUI not available
User Guide Director Web Interface v7.0
Can iOptimize files be reorganized?
Using MIMIX from the Assure Unified Interface - 9.0 (formerly Using MIMIX from VSP)
CPF9E58 in QSYSOPR during/after VSP install
Error message CPF5123/RNQ1299 after v8.1 SP 04 applied
iOptimize Job Accounting User Guide - v7.1 (Service Pack 15 and later)
How do I automatically start VSP at IPL time?
Did You Know... Getting started with the VSP/AUI Portal is as easy as 1, 2, 3?
Changing the port that the VSP/AUI server is listening on
Minimum hardware requirements for AUI running on Windows server
How could we prevent the IDDYNPRC job from creating these entries: T AF
Adding iOptimize to AUI/VSP but iOptimize is not showing as a product to be added
Using License Manager - 8.1
'Unable to connect' error from browser when trying to access AUI/VSP
VSP 3.1 User Guide (MIMIX and higher)
How to get installed Assure product software version programmatically
Java to charge for non-personal use
Installation Wizard for Precisely IBM i products fail due to missing freetype.dll
iWizard upgrade of iOptimize fails - QSQSRVR jobs locking files in iOpt library
CPF9E18, CPF9E71 or CPF9E72 in QSYSOPR
VSP - Red ? for the instance, Portlets report "The nodes for this instance no longer match the nodes (SYSDFNs) configured in the MIMIX installation."
Assure MIMIX: Can the SAVFs ##M** in MIMIX, ##IOPT** in IOPT, and #LICMGR** in LAKEVIEW be deleted?
Can iOptimize files be reorganized?
IDDYNPRC object lock
Issue starting resident jobs after upgrading from 9.0 to 10.0
Assure iOptimize: Can the System Health Report be emailed directly from that AUI Portal?
Downloading and Applying Director v8.0 PTFs
Release Notes Data Manager v7.1
Install and Migration Guide Data Manager v7.1 Rev A
User Guide Data Manager v6.4 SR-2
iOptimize Job Accounting User Guide - v7.1 (Service Packs 01 - 05)
Installation wizard failed - application failed to initialize
Reference Guide Data Manager FAM Ledger Archive Roadmap v7.0
What is the SAT Lite utility and what does it do?
File IDIFSTP in the Optimize product library is large in size
Technical Alert TA_IOPT71-001 Archiving spool files or objects when upgrading from Vision Director 7.1 to iOptimize 7.1
Downloading and Applying Data Manager v7.2 PTFs
How to upgrade MIMIX Director 8.1 to latest fix/PTF level via ISO?
Upgrade Notice: Vision Director V8.0, V7.1 and all earlier releases
Technical Alert TA-DIR81-002 PTF Apply Issue
User Guide MIMIX Director v8.1
Cannot get to the VSP login screen
iOptimize Portal Application User Guide - 8.1
VSP - Portlet Application UI-PA Not Available
Cannot get a signon to VSP - IllegalStateException
User Guide Data Manager v7.1 Rev A
How to uninstall (OS) Director v6.4, or lower, installation from the system.
Did You Know... Getting started with the VSP/AUI Portal is as easy as 1, 2, 3?
Changing the port that the VSP/AUI server is listening on
Minimum hardware requirements for AUI running on Windows server
AUI License Summary: Remove license gives error 'No appropriate MIMIX installation was found to run the remove license key task'
License Manager DSPSYSINF shown wrong LPAR Number when greater than 256
Is there a limit to how many objects you can archive in IoPtimize ?
MXIWIZ**** libraries - can these be deleted?
IDDYNPRC MSGW RNQ0202 CPF4161 - Records in SYSMBR have duplicate keys.
STRVSISVR fails VSE1002 - Cannot start VSP Server after upgrade to MIMIX
How could we prevent the IDDYNPRC job from creating these entries: T AF
Adding iOptimize to AUI/VSP but iOptimize is not showing as a product to be added
Using License Manager - 8.1
Applying an iTERA license key with UPDLICKEY fails CPF9E41 - Product 7VSI001 V6R0 feature 5084 not found
Using License Manager - 9.0
Using License Manager - 7.1
LVE100C rc 1 Product-level security error for a command in MIMIX or License Manager (LAKEVIEW)
Removing iOptimize 7.1.15 or higher from an IBM i system
Upgrade of License Manager fails during Assure MIMIX upgrade due to Assure Security EXASYN job having lock on LM2000P
'Unable to connect' error from browser when trying to access AUI/VSP
VSP 3.1 User Guide (MIMIX and higher)
How to get installed Assure product software version programmatically
Java to charge for non-personal use
Installation Wizard for Precisely IBM i products fail due to missing freetype.dll
iWizard upgrade of iOptimize fails - QSQSRVR jobs locking files in iOpt library
CPF9E18, CPF9E71 or CPF9E72 in QSYSOPR
VSP - Red ? for the instance, Portlets report "The nodes for this instance no longer match the nodes (SYSDFNs) configured in the MIMIX installation."
Assure MIMIX: Can the SAVFs ##M** in MIMIX, ##IOPT** in IOPT, and #LICMGR** in LAKEVIEW be deleted?
Can iOptimize files be reorganized?
IDDYNPRC object lock
Issue starting resident jobs after upgrading from 9.0 to 10.0
MCH3601 from APYACCCDE when attempting to upgrade using the installation wizard
Assure iOptimize OS Compatibility Matrix
Recommended IBM i PTFs and CHKIBMPTF utility
After installing iOptimize get 'not authorized' errors
IDI9200 - Audit Monitor is unable to start in QSYSOPR and IDDYNMON job in MSGW
Assure IOptimize: When scheduling a metric to be emailed receiving 'unexpected error' on AUI
Assure iOptimize: Can the System Health Report be emailed directly from that AUI Portal?
Downloading and Applying Director v8.0 PTFs
Release Notes Data Manager v7.1
iOptimize User Guide - 8.0
User Guide Director Web Interface v7.0
CHKLIBREF utility to locate uses of Precisely libraries that will be affected by Public *EXCLUDE.
How do I obtain iOptimize (Director) with MIMIX?
iOptimize Job Accounting User Guide - 8.1
SI????? as result of CHKIBMPTF, what does this mean?
Install and Migration Guide Data Manager v7.1 Rev A
User Guide Data Manager v6.4 SR-2
iOptimize Job Accounting User Guide - v7.1 (Service Packs 01 - 05)
Downloading and Applying Director v7.1 PTFs Rev A
Did You Know... Checking for recommended IBM i PTFs is easy with CHKIBMPTF?
MIMIX Director v8 1 End of Service Pack Delivery Notice
VSP - Installation Wizard Readme
When adding a Director/iOptimize instance to VSP getting message "Unable to establish a connection for database access"
Assure Unified Interface 3.2 User Guide (formerly VSP 3.2 User Guide)
Installation wizard failed - application failed to initialize
Reference Guide Data Manager FAM Ledger Archive Roadmap v7.0
What is the SAT Lite utility and what does it do?
How do I obtain or renew license keys for MIMIX Director?
Release Notes Data Manager v7.2
User Guide Data Manager v7.0 Rev A
User Guide Director Web Interface v8.0
Release Notes Director V7.1 Rev A
ACTOUTQ not deleting records since last Director/iOptimize upgrade
File IDIFSTP in the Optimize product library is large in size
Technical Alert TA_IOPT71-001 Archiving spool files or objects when upgrading from Vision Director 7.1 to iOptimize 7.1
Downloading and Applying Data Manager v7.2 PTFs
How do I uninstall Director v7.0, or higher, from the system?
MIMIX Director Installation and Migration Guide v8.1
Users are no longer able to login to VSP after making changes to the Daylight Savings Time setting.
Getting Started with VSP 1.0
iOptimize 8.0 End of Service Pack Delivery Advanced Notice_January 2017
How do I automatically start VSP at IPL time?
How to upgrade MIMIX Director 8.1 to latest fix/PTF level via ISO?
Upgrade Notice: Vision Director V8.0, V7.1 and all earlier releases
Technical Alert TA-DIR81-002 PTF Apply Issue
CPF9E58 in QSYSOPR during/after VSP install
Director OS Compatibility Matrix - June 10, 2014
Housekeeping of historic Accounting information files IDACGMP and IDACGTP cleanup.
Assure iOptimize User Guide - 9.0
Release Notes Director V8.0
Browser 'hanging' connecting to VSP
User Guide MIMIX Director v8.1
Cannot get to the VSP login screen
iOptimize Portal Application User Guide - 8.1
iOptimize User Guide - 8.1
Null error on getting service pack info in iWiz
How do I track the growth of a Library in iOptimize?
iOptimize Installation and Migration Guide - v7.1 (Service Packs 01 - 05)
Downloading and Applying Data Manager v7.1 PTFs
Using MIMIX from the Assure Unified Interface - 9.0 (formerly Using MIMIX from VSP)
VSP - Portlet Application UI-PA Not Available
Cannot get a signon to VSP - IllegalStateException
User Guide Data Manager v7.1 Rev A
User Guide Director v7.0
Did You Know... You can now monitor MIMIX and iOptimize from a Windows Server?
iOptimize User Guide - v7.1 (Service Packs 01 - 05)
User Guide Data Manager v7.2
TA-DIR-001 Superseded PTFs Ignored by ITINSTPTF
How to uninstall (OS) Director v6.4, or lower, installation from the system.
Recommended IBM i PTFs and CHKIBMPTF utility
CHKLIBREF utility to locate uses of Precisely libraries that will be affected by Public *EXCLUDE.
Using MIMIX from the Assure Unified Interface - 9.0 (formerly Using MIMIX from VSP)
Using License Manager - 8.1
VSP 3.1 User Guide (MIMIX and higher)
VSP - Red ? for the instance, Portlets report "The nodes for this instance no longer match the nodes (SYSDFNs) configured in the MIMIX installation."
How do I obtain and apply iOptimize license keys?
How to get installed Assure product software version programmatically
Installation Wizard for Precisely IBM i products fail due to missing freetype.dll
After installing iOptimize get 'not authorized' errors
Wizard installer gets Install Anywhere error Unable to execute the desired program.
IDI9200 - Audit Monitor is unable to start in QSYSOPR and IDDYNMON job in MSGW
Error ID H0AS8CZC when trying to access VSP - Error Message "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE"
VSP not starting after upgrading to MIMIX / iOptimize and VSP 3.1
Assure iOptimize Portal Application User Guide - 9.0
MIMIX Director Installation and Migration Guide v8.1
Removing iOptimize 7.1.15 or higher from an IBM i system
IDDYNPRC MSGW RNQ0202 CPF4161 - Records in SYSMBR have duplicate keys.
IFSXREF/IDXRF_xxxx getting RNX0112 - Date, Time or Timestamp value is not valid.
SI????? as result of CHKIBMPTF, what does this mean?
Upgrade of License Manager fails during Assure MIMIX upgrade due to Assure Security EXASYN job having lock on LM2000P
iOptimize Portal Application User Guide - 8.1
Cannot get a signon to VSP - IllegalStateException
iOptimize User Guide - 8.0
Portal error logging in to VSP after MIMIX upgrade
User Guide Data Manager Web Interface v7.2
GUI just displays "Loading"
How to upgrade MIMIX Director 8.1 to latest fix/PTF level via ISO?
VSP - Installation Wizard Readme
Install and Migration Guide Data Manager v7.2
How to recover from a failed iOptimize upgrade?
Downloading and Applying Director v8.0 PTFs
Browser 'hanging' connecting to VSP
Recommended IBM i PTFs and CHKIBMPTF utility
CHKLIBREF utility to locate uses of Precisely libraries that will be affected by Public *EXCLUDE.
Using MIMIX from the Assure Unified Interface - 9.0 (formerly Using MIMIX from VSP)
CPF9E18, CPF9E71 or CPF9E72 in QSYSOPR
LVE100C rc 1 Product-level security error for a command in MIMIX or License Manager (LAKEVIEW)
Did You Know... Getting started with the VSP/AUI Portal is as easy as 1, 2, 3?
Did You Know... Checking for recommended IBM i PTFs is easy with CHKIBMPTF?
Assure Unified Interface 3.2 User Guide (formerly VSP 3.2 User Guide)
Using License Manager - 9.0
Using License Manager - 8.1
VSP 3.1 User Guide (MIMIX and higher)
VSP - Red ? for the instance, Portlets report "The nodes for this instance no longer match the nodes (SYSDFNs) configured in the MIMIX installation."
Assure iOptimize OS Compatibility Matrix
Upload and download lrp and lkp files (MIMIX V6 and below)
Using License Manager v8.0
STRVSISVR fails VSE1002 - Cannot start VSP Server after upgrade to MIMIX
Assure MIMIX: Can the SAVFs ##M** in MIMIX, ##IOPT** in IOPT, and #LICMGR** in LAKEVIEW be deleted?
Changing the port that the VSP/AUI server is listening on
How do I obtain and apply iOptimize license keys?
How to get installed Assure product software version programmatically
Installation Wizard for Precisely IBM i products fail due to missing freetype.dll
Applying an iTERA license key with UPDLICKEY fails CPF9E41 - Product 7VSI001 V6R0 feature 5084 not found
What is the SAT Lite utility and what does it do?
Wizard connection issue - Host Server(s) not found
Audit Monitor is in MSGW with RNQ0105 - A character representation of a numeric value is in error (C G D F).
How do I configure VSP email?
How do I automatically start VSP at IPL time?
After installing iOptimize get 'not authorized' errors
Wizard installer gets Install Anywhere error Unable to execute the desired program.
IDI9200 - Audit Monitor is unable to start in QSYSOPR and IDDYNMON job in MSGW
User Guide MIMIX Director v8.1
Cannot get to the VSP login screen
Using License Manager - 7.1
Assure iOptimize User Guide - 9.0
How do I obtain iOptimize (Director) with MIMIX?
Cannot Login to AUI after upgrading iOptimize to 10.0.08
Error ID H0AS8CZC when trying to access VSP - Error Message "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE"
VSP not starting after upgrading to MIMIX / iOptimize and VSP 3.1
Assure iOptimize Portal Application User Guide - 9.0
IDE0029 in QSYSOPR - One or more iOptimize processes failed.
iWizard upgrade of iOptimize fails - QSQSRVR jobs locking files in iOpt library
VSP - Portlet Application UI-PA Not Available
STRVSISVR fails CPFA0A9 Object /QOpenSys/QIBM/ProdData/JavaVM not found
Unable to login to VSP after upgrading to MIMIX (or above)
Did You Know... You can now monitor MIMIX and iOptimize from a Windows Server?
MIMIX Director Installation and Migration Guide v8.1
Removing iOptimize 7.1.15 or higher from an IBM i system
IDDYNPRC MSGW RNQ0202 CPF4161 - Records in SYSMBR have duplicate keys.
CPF9E58 in QSYSOPR during/after VSP install
Error message CPF5123/RNQ1299 after v8.1 SP 04 applied
License key error CPI9E76 for Director
MCH3601 from APYACCCDE when attempting to upgrade using the installation wizard
MXIWIZ**** libraries - can these be deleted?
iOptimize Portal Application User Guide - 8.0
IFSXREF/IDXRF_xxxx getting RNX0112 - Date, Time or Timestamp value is not valid.
SI????? as result of CHKIBMPTF, what does this mean?
Upgrade of License Manager fails during Assure MIMIX upgrade due to Assure Security EXASYN job having lock on LM2000P
IDETSCTL job constantly failing and restarting
MCH1210 on SAT Lite build job - Receiver to small to hold result
Getting Started with VSP 1.0
Java to charge for non-personal use
MIMIX Director - Emails not being sent by monitor
MIMIX Director Portal Application User Guide v8.1
iOptimize Portal Application User Guide - 8.1
Cannot get a signon to VSP - IllegalStateException
iOptimize User Guide - 8.0
AUI License Summary: Remove license gives error 'No appropriate MIMIX installation was found to run the remove license key task'
How do I prevent the IDETSJVM & IDETSCTL jobs from running?
iOptimize Installation and Migration Guide - v7.1 (Service Packs 01 - 05)
iOptimize User Guide - v7.1 (Service Packs 01 - 05)
Assure IOptimize: When scheduling a metric to be emailed receiving 'unexpected error' on AUI
User Guide Director v8.0
Portal error logging in to VSP after MIMIX upgrade
User Guide Data Manager Web Interface v7.2
GUI just displays "Loading"
How do I uninstall Director v7.0, or higher, from the system?
MIMIX Director v8 1 End of Service Pack Delivery Notice
How do I obtain or renew license keys for MIMIX Director?
iOptimize User Guide - v7.1 (Service Pack 15 and later)
OS Upgrade - Do I need new Director license keys?
iOptimize User Guide - 8.1
How to upgrade MIMIX Director 8.1 to latest fix/PTF level via ISO?
VSP - Installation Wizard Readme
Install and Migration Guide Data Manager v7.2
iOptimize Job Accounting User Guide - 8.1
Install and Migration Guide Director v7.1 Rev D
What are the required Director jobs?
User Guide MIMIX Director Job Accounting v8.1
Install and Upgrade Guide ORION Director and Data Manager v6.4 SR-2
Technical Alert TA-DIR81-004_Director portal application when upgrading to VSP
How to recover from a failed iOptimize upgrade?
Downloading and Applying Director v8.0 PTFs
Browser 'hanging' connecting to VSP
iOptimize Portal Application User Guide - v7.1 (Service Pack 15 and later)
Assure iOptimize: Can the System Health Report be emailed directly from that AUI Portal?
Error creating instance in VSP - Values missing invalid or incorrect
DOC: iOptimize Readme
IDINSTPTF APY(*YES) error: CPF3638 - Exit program failed, but made no permanent changes
Reorganize while active completed however, disk space remains the same.
Assure iOptimize contains self-service downloads within Precisely Data Experience for user accounts with active entitlements:
For more details, please see the Precisely Data Experience user guide.
- Go to Precisely Data Experience.
- Select My Software Products. You may be prompted for a login if not already authenticated.
- Select on the product to download. Product naming conventions may slightly differ and other products may also display.
- Once within a product, the latest version will be displayed by default and older versions can be selected via the Release dropdown.
- Select any product file to download.
For more details, please see the Precisely Data Experience user guide.
Assure iOptimize offers self-service keys within License Keys for user accounts with active entitlements:
- Go to License Keys.
- Click on the Emergency Key, LRP Upload or LKP Decryptor links next to your product. Product naming conventions may slightly differ and other products may also display. Note that you may need to switch the Support Site dropdown above the table if you have multiple contracts.
- Follow the instructions on the respective pages to create and download your key.