CODE-1 Plus Canadian
Unit Return Code is blank when secondary data is not matched to the US Postal database in CODE-1 Plus
Does the CODE-1 Plus callable, C1BMCBD, produce a valid CASS 3553 report?
Does CODE-1 Plus support VSAM KSDS and/or RRDS datasets?
Is CODE-1 Plus able to return output address in stacked format?
CODE-1 Plus 5.0 Maintenance Update 3 Release Announcement
CASS™ Cycle O Product Upgrade Information
'PROGRAM ERROR, RETRUN CODE =MT02' message in Code-1 Plus
Are there any planned Canadian CODE-1 Plus releases after 3.4?
Data returned in Dropped C/O field using CODE-1 Plus
Is [email protected] a valid email address?
Contacting Software Support for CODE-1 Plus, Verimove, Finalist, etc.
Removing "G1" timestamp libraries on the IBMi using CODE-1 Plus
How to locate jcl used to install Code-1 Plus databases on the mainframe
Contacting the USPS if an address is not validated/coded using CODE-1 Plus, Finalist or the lookup tool
Posting PO Box, Military, or Unique ZIP Code flag in CODE-1 Plus
Generating a CASS 3553 report with the CODE-1 Plus provided installation verification job (sample, IVPFILE, @IVP@)
Impact of running in CASS mode versus non-CASS mode using Finalist or CODE-1 Plus
The difference between Address Probable Correctness scores and Overall Probable Correctness scores in CODE-1 Plus
How to determine under what circumstances CODE-1 Plus or Finalist would change a house number
Explanation as to why CODE-1 Plus may not make a match when input ZIP is incorrect
How to find out the supported version of Red Hat Linux and Code-1 Plus
Does Code-1 Plus include the USPS DSF2 files
How are Finalist, CODE-1 Plus and VeriMove affected by USPS postal rate changes
Should the CODE-1 Plus US Postal Database version 4.3 show an internal database version 4.0 in the PRNTRPT report
Supported platforms for Coding products (CODE-1 Plus, Finalist, Verimove)
How to tell if it is possible to use Coding Products to create a "Do Not Mail" suppression list
Does CODE-1 Plus use certificates for authority/security on the z/OS platform?
How to safely send large files to Technical Support
Code-1 Plus P9OOCR returns an S even if there is no spelling error
Generating a report that will print information for selected ZIP Codes in CODE-1 Plus on the z/OS platform
CODE-1 Plus performance recommendations
How to correctly use a proc inside a proc that calls C1MATCH in Code-1 Plus Version 4.0
Can you directly upgrade to Canadian CODE-1 Plus version 3.3.9?
Is the CODE-1 Plus/Finalist CASS Cycle End Date printed on the CASS 3553 Report?
Determining the database vintage when executing the CODE-1 Plus International program ICPM00
Field in P9OUT that returns the ZIP+4 when calling C1MATCHx in CODE-1 Plus
Do MailStream Plus, CODE-1 Plus, and the List Product Suite Support Oracle, SQL and Other Databases?
Explanation of CODE-1 Plus and Finalist Region Size (region=0) parameter in JCL
Canadian Code-1 Plus Returned Address from English to French
Does software support provide code to link/compile programs calling CODE-1 Plus in C programming language
Obtaining a specific data file format using the Software and Data Marketplace API get_products_info call
Is patch level included in the "Software Version" field that is on the report?
Purpose of the CODE-1 Plus G1MI CICS transaction
Code-1 Plus MailStream Plus List Conversion Plus & zCloud Compatibility
MailStream Plus and CODE-1 Plus - Are they supported on IBMi v7r3
What is the purpose of the G1MAIL environment variable in the CODE-1 Plus for Unix setup script
Returning the seasonal indicators in CODE-1 Plus
How to find out what recommended DPV/LACS/Suitelink processing options and buffers for best performance in Finalist
How to resolve a memory access violation in DPV010 when executing the CODE-1 Plus batch driver C1BM00.
How to determine if the C1PBLDV program is used for CICS and/or batch processing in CODE-1 Plus
Are there any planned Canadian CODE-1 Plus releases after 3.4?
Data returned in Dropped C/O field using CODE-1 Plus
Is [email protected] a valid email address?
Contacting Software Support for CODE-1 Plus, Verimove, Finalist, etc.
How to find out what recommended DPV/LACS/Suitelink processing options and buffers for best performance in Finalist
How to resolve a memory access violation in DPV010 when executing the CODE-1 Plus batch driver C1BM00.
How to determine if the C1PBLDV program is used for CICS and/or batch processing in CODE-1 Plus
CODE-1 Plus 5.0 Maintenance Update 6 Release Announcement
Unit Return Code is blank when secondary data is not matched to the US Postal database in CODE-1 Plus
Does the CODE-1 Plus callable, C1BMCBD, produce a valid CASS 3553 report?
State of Connecticut County Code Changing to Planning Regions
CODE-1 Plus 5.0 compatibility with z/OS 3.1
CASS™ Cycle O Coding Products Expiration Date
Does Geotax 7.7 Premium work with CODE-1 Plus?
Should CODE-1 Plus and Finalist return an RDI flag for CMRA addresses?
Unable to find Code1plus v4.3 Datasets
Does CODE-1 Plus support VSAM KSDS and/or RRDS datasets?
Is CODE-1 Plus able to return output address in stacked format?
CODE-1 Plus 5.0 Maintenance Update 3 Release Announcement
Code1 Plus Error: This Database has expired
Are Finalist 10.0 and CODE-1 Plus 5.0 compatible with z/OS 2.5?
CODE-1 Plus error "the G1M0AI Defaults file not available"
CODE-1 Plus custom script returns an error, "The code execution can not proceed because wrun32.dll was not found."
Is CODE-1 Plus supported on CICS TS 6.1?
Determining the maintenance version of CODE-1 Plus
CASS™ Cycle O Product Upgrade Information
'PROGRAM ERROR, RETRUN CODE =MT02' message in Code-1 Plus
Are there any planned Canadian CODE-1 Plus releases after 3.4?
Data returned in Dropped C/O field using CODE-1 Plus
Is [email protected] a valid email address?
Contacting Software Support for CODE-1 Plus, Verimove, Finalist, etc.
How to understand the JESConnect EOL support policy
Retirement of Group1 Website
How to resolve DPV unavailable no License found error
Removing "G1" timestamp libraries on the IBMi using CODE-1 Plus
How to locate jcl used to install Code-1 Plus databases on the mainframe
Contacting the USPS if an address is not validated/coded using CODE-1 Plus, Finalist or the lookup tool
How to move a CODE-1 Plus installation from one IBMi machine to another IBMi machine
How to resolve a file status 24 on G1ICSDD when installing the Canadian Code-1 Plus database
How to use data tables in Code-1 Plus CICS Region
Resolving 3.x verses 4.0 Database Compatibility
Does Code-1 Plus validate addresses in Guam
Does CODE-1 Plus support IAM file structure?
Posting PO Box, Military, or Unique ZIP Code flag in CODE-1 Plus
Generating a CASS 3553 report with the CODE-1 Plus provided installation verification job (sample, IVPFILE, @IVP@)
Impact of running in CASS mode versus non-CASS mode using Finalist or CODE-1 Plus
The difference between Address Probable Correctness scores and Overall Probable Correctness scores in CODE-1 Plus
How to determine under what circumstances CODE-1 Plus or Finalist would change a house number
Explanation as to why CODE-1 Plus may not make a match when input ZIP is incorrect
Is it possible to run a CODE-1 Plus job using expired DPV and LACS databases
Location of the CODE-1 Plus P9IN, P9OUT, P9AUDIT copybooks on the z/OS platform
Code-1 Plus Support for Intelligent Mail Barcode (IMB) functionality
How to find out the supported version of Red Hat Linux and Code-1 Plus
Does Code-1 Plus include the USPS DSF2 files
How are Finalist, CODE-1 Plus and VeriMove affected by USPS postal rate changes
Should the CODE-1 Plus US Postal Database version 4.3 show an internal database version 4.0 in the PRNTRPT report
Supported platforms for Coding products (CODE-1 Plus, Finalist, Verimove)
How to tell if it is possible to use Coding Products to create a "Do Not Mail" suppression list
Resolve CODE-1 Plus Unix setup script contain a setup for Geographic Coding Plus?
How to use CODE-1 Plus to validate government addresses
Does CODE-1 Plus process apostrophes as part of an input address
Does CODE-1 Plus use certificates for authority/security on the z/OS platform?
How to safely send large files to Technical Support
Code-1 Plus P9OOCR returns an S even if there is no spelling error
Learn whether The US Postal Database version 4.2 is compatible with Software version 4.0, 4.1, 4.2 in Code-1 Plus
CODE-1 Plus P9OUT copybook missing P9OPI1 and P9OPI2 in Release 4.0
CODE-1 Plus support for IBMi V7R3
Can CODE-1 Plus output fields be greater than 9999 bytes?
Is it possible to install one copy of CODE-1 Plus on two different operating systems?
CODE-1 Plus 4.3 S01 patch requirement
Generating a report that will print information for selected ZIP Codes in CODE-1 Plus on the z/OS platform
CODE-1 Plus performance recommendations
How to correctly use a proc inside a proc that calls C1MATCH in Code-1 Plus Version 4.0
Can the CODE-1 Plus 4.0 S02 patch be installed even if RDI is not being used?
Greenbar mismatch on the record counts for Finalist and CODE-1 Plus databases
Is the format of the CODE-1 Plus US Postal database accessible?
CODE-1 Plus 4.3 support for Solaris 5.11
Notes on the replacement of ADDRPRM copybook with EXTADDR2 in CODE-1 Plus 4.0
Recommended CISZ value when processing the Finalist Full DPV database (DPVHDB)
Can you directly upgrade to Canadian CODE-1 Plus version 3.3.9?
Is the CODE-1 Plus/Finalist CASS Cycle End Date printed on the CASS 3553 Report?
Determining the database vintage when executing the CODE-1 Plus International program ICPM00
Example of an address that returns a multiple match using CODE 1 Plus
How should a Large Volume Receiver (LVR) address be handled by Canadian CODE-1 Plus according to SERP rules
Activating DPV processing using the CODE-1 Plus C1MATCHx callable
How to use Delivery point alternate logic in CODE-1 Plus
Canadian CODE-1 Plus monthly database availability schedule
Is it possible to upgrade CODE-1 Plus from Release 4.1 directly to Release 4.3
Field in P9OUT that returns the ZIP+4 when calling C1MATCHx in CODE-1 Plus
Do MailStream Plus, CODE-1 Plus, and the List Product Suite Support Oracle, SQL and Other Databases?
Explanation of CODE-1 Plus and Finalist Region Size (region=0) parameter in JCL
Canadian Code-1 Plus Returned Address from English to French
Does software support provide code to link/compile programs calling CODE-1 Plus in C programming language
Obtaining a specific data file format using the Software and Data Marketplace API get_products_info call
Requesting a software key or license through Precisely Product Fulfillment
How to run the CODE-1 Plus sample job on the UNIX platform
Does CODE-1 Plus process Canadian addresses
Is patch level included in the "Software Version" field that is on the report?
Purpose of the CODE-1 Plus G1MI CICS transaction
Code-1 Plus MailStream Plus List Conversion Plus & zCloud Compatibility
MailStream Plus and CODE-1 Plus - Are they supported on IBMi v7r3
What is the purpose of the G1MAIL environment variable in the CODE-1 Plus for Unix setup script
Returning the seasonal indicators in CODE-1 Plus
How to find out what recommended DPV/LACS/Suitelink processing options and buffers for best performance in Finalist
How to resolve a memory access violation in DPV010 when executing the CODE-1 Plus batch driver C1BM00.
How to determine if the C1PBLDV program is used for CICS and/or batch processing in CODE-1 Plus
Activating the CODE-1 Plus Statistical File (G1STAT)
Does CODE-1 Plus handle delimited input?
Return code "P9OLIA-RC = GI — Generic I/O Failed" when calling C1MATCHx in CODE-1 Plus
Defining the "yourRTlib" dataset in the IVPFILE JCL distributed with CODE-1 Plus on the z/OS platform
Are CODE-1 Plus load libraries required to be defined in Authorized Program Facility (APF)?
Determining why the number of output records do not match the number of input records when executing a CODE-1 Plus job
Canadian CODE-1 Plus monthly database availability schedule
Can CODE-1 Plus output fields be greater than 9999 bytes?
What type of address would result in a P9OOCR code of N and a P9OCZP code of O when calling CODE-1 Plus C1MATCHx
Obtaining a CODE-1 Plus Access Key/Authorization Key
Resolving a 4088 abend executing the CODE-1 Plus IVPFILE JCL member
Data returned in Dropped C/O field using CODE-1 Plus
How to obtain Intelligent Mail Barcode (IMB) since CODE-1 Plus has dropped support
How CODE-1 Plus processes apartment information when presented as a single alpha character
How to tell if it is possible to use Coding Products to create a "Do Not Mail" suppression list
How to use data tables in Code-1 Plus CICS Region
Can release 4.0 of Code-1 Plus be installed without installing previous releases?
List of valid secondary unit designators accepted by the USPS for use with CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
Confirming successful installation of the CODE-1 Plus 4.3 S02 and 4.2 S02 CASS extension patches
How to ensure that CODE-1 Plus Interactive returns the matched address when there is a General Return Code of blank (matched address) on the RC screen
Use of the "libhcl" library and Code-1 Plus software on the HP-UX/Linux platform
Code-1 Plus MailStream Plus List Conversion Plus & zCloud Compatibility
CASS Summary Report does not include DIRECTDPV value
Confirming LACS-converted addresses in CODE-1 Plus
Removing "G1" timestamp libraries on the IBMi using CODE-1 Plus
How to determine if CODE-1 Plus provides a 64-bit version of software
Running a license report for CODE-1 Plus on the z/OS platform
Are the Canadian CODE-1 Plus Managed Rural Postal Code records included in the "Total Invalid/NonCorrectable Records" count?
How to quantify the number of changes to the postal data from month to month
How to resolve a file status 24 on G1ICSDD when installing the Canadian Code-1 Plus database
Does CODE-1 Plus support virtual machines on Windows?
Explanation of an Enhanced High Rise alternate match in CODE-1 Plus
How to install a CODE-1 Plus license in a CICS region
Can the Canadian CODE-1 Plus 3.3.6 database be used with versions 3.3.9 and 3.4 of the software?
How to confirm successful installation of the CODE-1 Plus 4.1 S02 patch on the z/OS platform
How to change default LSRPOOL and STRING settings for Finalist or CODE-1 Plus in CICS
How to obtain a list of addresses which caused a multiple match condition calling C1MATCHI in CODE-1 Plus
How to determine if 20-bytes are required for the DPV Footnote codes in CODE-1 Plus
When is CASS Cycle O scheduled to begin?
Files needing to be FTP'd as Binary vs. ASCII for CODE-1 Plus software installation on a z/OS platform
Contacting the USPS if an address is not validated/coded using CODE-1 Plus, Finalist or the lookup tool
Is the Census Bureau the source of the US Postal database for CODE-1 Plus and Finalist?
Code-1 Plus Version 4.1 Certified/Supported Platform Inquiry
How long will the Canadian CODE-1 Plus 3.3.6 databases be provided?
Possible causes of an S0C7 abend in CODE-1 Plus
How to determine the system id for a CODE-1 Plus license on Sun Solaris
Compatibility of Finalist, CODE-1 Plus, and Verimove with z13, z14, and z15 processors
How to determine if Geographic Coding Plus and CODE-1 Plus are two different products
Perpetual licenses and maintenance contract
Does the C1BMCBD callable program update the CODE-1 Plus license file
MailStream Plus and CODE-1 Plus - Are they supported on IBMi v7r3
Activating the CODE-1 Plus Statistical File (G1STAT)
Does CODE-1 Plus handle delimited input?
Return code "P9OLIA-RC = GI — Generic I/O Failed" when calling C1MATCHx in CODE-1 Plus
Defining the "yourRTlib" dataset in the IVPFILE JCL distributed with CODE-1 Plus on the z/OS platform
Are CODE-1 Plus load libraries required to be defined in Authorized Program Facility (APF)?
Determining why the number of output records do not match the number of input records when executing a CODE-1 Plus job
Installing a license file on the IBMi platform for CODE-1 Plus and MailStream Plus
Installing a CODE-1 Plus license on the IBMi platform
Generating a CASS 3553 report with the CODE-1 Plus provided installation verification job (sample, IVPFILE, @IVP@)
Canadian CODE-1 Plus monthly database availability schedule
Can CODE-1 Plus output fields be greater than 9999 bytes?
What type of address would result in a P9OOCR code of N and a P9OCZP code of O when calling CODE-1 Plus C1MATCHx
Using the AP OUT parameter to output a normalized address in CODE-1 Plus
Purpose of the CODE-1 Plus G1MI CICS transaction
Setting up and running a CODE-1 Plus job from a command prompt on Windows OS
Support for two secondary elements (APT, BLDG, etc.) in CODE-1 Plus
Explanation of an R777 Carrier Route Code returned in CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
CODE-1 Plus and Finalist compatibility with CICS Transaction Server (TS) 5.5 and 5.6
Obtaining a CODE-1 Plus Access Key/Authorization Key
Resolving a 4088 abend executing the CODE-1 Plus IVPFILE JCL member
Data returned in Dropped C/O field using CODE-1 Plus
CODE-1 Plus 5.0 Maintenance Update 3 Release Announcement
How to safely send large files to Technical Support
CASS™ Cycle O Product Upgrade Information
LMIOBAT Error Opening Indexed G1LICEN, File Status = 93 using MailStream Plus on Windows
Code-1 Plus 4.0 - CICS Storage Failure
Error when downloading CODE-1 Plus data via eStore links
How to obtain Intelligent Mail Barcode (IMB) since CODE-1 Plus has dropped support
How CODE-1 Plus processes apartment information when presented as a single alpha character
How to tell if it is possible to use Coding Products to create a "Do Not Mail" suppression list
How to use data tables in Code-1 Plus CICS Region
Can release 4.0 of Code-1 Plus be installed without installing previous releases?
List of valid secondary unit designators accepted by the USPS for use with CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
Confirming successful installation of the CODE-1 Plus 4.3 S02 and 4.2 S02 CASS extension patches
How to ensure that CODE-1 Plus Interactive returns the matched address when there is a General Return Code of blank (matched address) on the RC screen
Use of the "libhcl" library and Code-1 Plus software on the HP-UX/Linux platform
Code-1 Plus MailStream Plus List Conversion Plus & zCloud Compatibility
CASS Summary Report does not include DIRECTDPV value
Confirming LACS-converted addresses in CODE-1 Plus
Explanation as to why CODE-1 Plus may not make a match when input ZIP is incorrect
How to navigate the eStore Site for Software databases
CODE-1 Plus performance recommendations
Getting started with a batch job using CODE-1 Plus
How to install a CODE-1 Plus permanent or temporary license on the Unix platform
The difference between Address Probable Correctness scores and Overall Probable Correctness scores in CODE-1 Plus
Removing "G1" timestamp libraries on the IBMi using CODE-1 Plus
How to determine if CODE-1 Plus provides a 64-bit version of software
Running a license report for CODE-1 Plus on the z/OS platform
Are the Canadian CODE-1 Plus Managed Rural Postal Code records included in the "Total Invalid/NonCorrectable Records" count?
How to quantify the number of changes to the postal data from month to month
How to resolve a file status 24 on G1ICSDD when installing the Canadian Code-1 Plus database
Difference between the DPV Full, Split and Flat databases in CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
Is the CODE-1 Plus/Finalist CASS Cycle End Date printed on the CASS 3553 Report?
Can Code-1 Plus use a 4 digit position in parameter definitions?
Does CODE-1 Plus support virtual machines on Windows?
Explanation of an Enhanced High Rise alternate match in CODE-1 Plus
How to install a CODE-1 Plus license in a CICS region
Can the Canadian CODE-1 Plus 3.3.6 database be used with versions 3.3.9 and 3.4 of the software?
How to confirm successful installation of the CODE-1 Plus 4.1 S02 patch on the z/OS platform
How to change default LSRPOOL and STRING settings for Finalist or CODE-1 Plus in CICS
DPV Flags differ between the CODE-1 Plus G1CP transaction and the C1BM00 batch driver.
Example of an address that returns a multiple match using CODE 1 Plus
CODE-1 Plus 4.3 Support on RedHat Linux 7.7
How to obtain a list of addresses which caused a multiple match condition calling C1MATCHI in CODE-1 Plus
How to determine if 20-bytes are required for the DPV Footnote codes in CODE-1 Plus
When is CASS Cycle O scheduled to begin?
Files needing to be FTP'd as Binary vs. ASCII for CODE-1 Plus software installation on a z/OS platform
Contacting the USPS if an address is not validated/coded using CODE-1 Plus, Finalist or the lookup tool
Is the Census Bureau the source of the US Postal database for CODE-1 Plus and Finalist?
Link to the Software and Data Marketplace
Bypassing the processing of specific addresses in CODE-1-Plus
CODE-1 Plus P9OUT copybook missing P9OPI1 and P9OPI2 in Release 4.0
Code-1 Plus Version 4.1 Certified/Supported Platform Inquiry
How long will the Canadian CODE-1 Plus 3.3.6 databases be provided?
Possible causes of an S0C7 abend in CODE-1 Plus
How to find the Canadian Code-1 Plus Statement of Address Accuracy output file?
Do the databases used in conjunction with Finalist and CODE-1 Plus contain personal names?
Explanation of CODE-1 Plus return code "N" in position 8 of Z4 OUT" parameter
Explanation of the Residential Delivery File feature used in CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
Is it possible to install one copy of CODE-1 Plus on two different operating systems?
Contacting 'Renewal and Maintenance' by phone for MailStream Plus, CODE-1 Plus, Finalist, etc.
How to determine the system id for a CODE-1 Plus license on Sun Solaris
Compatibility of Finalist, CODE-1 Plus, and Verimove with z13, z14, and z15 processors
How to determine if Geographic Coding Plus and CODE-1 Plus are two different products
How to - Can the CODE-1 Plus programs be combined into one load library on the z/OS platform
Are new DPVSEED, LACSSUD and LACSKEY files are needed for each release of CODE-1 Plus?
Is it a CODE-1 Plus requirement to post extra data using the AP OUT parameter
Code-1 Plus Version 4.0 and ZOS 2.1
Requesting a software key or license through Precisely Product Fulfillment
Installing a CODE-1 Plus license on the Windows platform
Perpetual licenses and maintenance contract
Does the C1BMCBD callable program update the CODE-1 Plus license file
MailStream Plus and CODE-1 Plus - Are they supported on IBMi v7r3
Difference between a “standardized” address and a “normalized” address in CODE-1 Plus
Location of the CODE-1 Plus P9IN, P9OUT, P9AUDIT copybooks on the z/OS platform
Format of the CODE-1 Plus US Postal, Suitelink and LACSLink databases for the IBMi platform
Can CODE-1 Plus and Geographic Coding Plus product codes be included in the same license?
Does CODE-1 Plus 4.3 require a new license file?
How to exclude invalid secondary data using Suitelink in CODE-1 Plus
Interpreting the Delivery Point Validation (DPV) Return Codes (blank, Y, N, D, S) in CODE-1 Plus processing
Contacting the USPS if an address is not validated/coded using CODE-1 Plus, Finalist or the lookup tool
Maximum length of a City name according to the USPS for use with CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
Error "ICAP" Error (icap_error)" when attempting to download the DPV database for CODE-1 Plus, Finalist, Verimove or Spectrum
Determining IBMI machine serial number/system id/CPU id for a CODE-1 Plus license.
How to understand what a CODE-1 Plus Return Code=99 indicates when running the license management report
CODE-1 Plus User Abend 4093 when running a job on the mainframe
List of valid secondary unit designators accepted by the USPS for use with CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
Resolve an MCH1202 data decimal error running a CODE-1 Plus job after installing a new US Postal database
Confirming USPS acceptable city names returned by Finalist and CODE-1 Plus
Resolve error "File Status 41" on the CODE-1 Plus license file
Impact of running in CASS mode versus non-CASS mode using Finalist or CODE-1 Plus
Is the 2-digit Delivery Point Barcode (DPBC) unique to each address in CODE-1 Plus and Finalist?
Error "B37" when FTP'ing a CODE-1 Plus or Finalist database file to the mainframe (z/OS platform)
Code-1 Plus DFHAC2001 Transaction '' is not recognized / AFDK abend
Resolve xxRUNJOB command and error RNX0233 in MailStream Plus, CODE-1 Plus, List Conversion Plus, and more on IBMi
Verifying the database expiration in CODE-1 Plus
How to verify the CASS expiration date in CODE-1 Plus
Example of an address that returns a multiple match using CODE 1 Plus
Are temporary licenses necessary for disaster/recovery for CODE-1 Plus, Finalist, and MailStream Plus
How should a Large Volume Receiver (LVR) address be handled by Canadian CODE-1 Plus according to SERP rules
Resolve RECORD X'0144505600' NOT WRITTEN. LENGTH INVALID error in CODE1 Plus
Creating a Case for Product Distribution Services-PDS (Fulfillment)
Is a new FINALIST software key or new CODE-1 Plus license required for a model number/MIPS change on z/OS platform?
Information on technical support assistance with custom user applications calling CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
Software Temporary License Request
Are there any planned Canadian CODE-1 Plus releases after 3.4?
Determining the expiration date for temporary licenses/keys in CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
How to bypass the US Postal database expiration in CODE-1 Plus
Confirming successful installation of the CODE-1 Plus 4.3 S02 and 4.2 S02 CASS extension patches
Contacting the USPS regarding addressing questions and issues using CODE-1 Plus, Finalist and Verimove
What is the difference between Enhanced Street Name Matching (ESM) and All Street Matching (ASM) in CODE-1 Plus
How to determine if an address/ZIP Code is military when executing CODE-1 Plus
Canadian CODE-1 Plus™ 3.3.9 and 3.4 supported platforms
How to change default LSRPOOL and STRING settings for Finalist or CODE-1 Plus in CICS
Does International CODE-1 Plus support Ireland's EIRCODE delivery postal codes?
Is it required to install the CODE-1 Plus 4.3 S04 and CODE-1 Plus 4.2 S04 CASS extension patches?
Is it possible to FTP the Finalist, CODE-1 Plus and Verimove databases directly to a mainframe
How to resolve the CODE-1 Plus message "DATABASE CASS CYCLE IS EXPIRED"
DPV Flags differ between the CODE-1 Plus G1CP transaction and the C1BM00 batch driver.
CODE-1 Plus support for IBMi V7R4
Interpreting the Delivery Point Validation (DPV) Return Codes (blank, Y, N, D, S) in CODE-1 Plus processing
Contacting the USPS if an address is not validated/coded using CODE-1 Plus, Finalist or the lookup tool
Maximum length of a City name according to the USPS for use with CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
Explanation of an R777 Carrier Route Code returned in CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
How to find the CPU ID on a z/OS machine for use with Finalist and CODE-1 Plus licensing
Address not identified as commercial mail receiving agency (CMRA) in Spectrum
CASS™ Cycle O Product Upgrade Information
Calculating the check digit for street type addresses in CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
Explanation of CODE-1 Plus and Finalist Region Size (region=0) parameter in JCL
Error "ICAP" Error (icap_error)" when attempting to download the DPV database for CODE-1 Plus, Finalist, Verimove or Spectrum
Determining IBMI machine serial number/system id/CPU id for a CODE-1 Plus license.
How to understand what a CODE-1 Plus Return Code=99 indicates when running the license management report
How to use CODE-1 Plus to validate government addresses
Perpetual licenses and maintenance contract
Command used to find the glib for Linux systems
How to contact the USPS - Products Contact Information
How to build the EWS (early warning system) database file using CODE-1 Plus
End of Support Policy for Coding Product Releases
CODE-1 Plus User Abend 4093 when running a job on the mainframe
List of valid secondary unit designators accepted by the USPS for use with CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
Resolve an MCH1202 data decimal error running a CODE-1 Plus job after installing a new US Postal database
Installing a license on the z/OS platform for Code1 Plus or MailStream Plus
How to get the system id on Linux Version 7+ for use with CODE-1 Plus, Finalist, and Spectrum licensing
Requesting a software key or license through Precisely Product Fulfillment
Resolving a 4088 abend executing the CODE-1 Plus IVPFILE JCL member
Learn the meaning of the DPV No-Stat table for use with CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
CODE-1 Plus MCH3601 error "Pointer not set for location referenced" unmonitored by LACSLINK
Confirming USPS acceptable city names returned by Finalist and CODE-1 Plus
Resolve error "File Status 41" on the CODE-1 Plus license file
Impact of running in CASS mode versus non-CASS mode using Finalist or CODE-1 Plus
Confirming a proper address format for any country
Optimum address line length according to the USPS for CODE-1 Plus, Finalist and Verimove
CODE-1 Plus and Finalist compatibility with CICS Transaction Server (TS) 5.5 and 5.6
Error "bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory" when executing Canadian CODE-1 Plus database install
Installing a CODE-1 Plus license on the IBMi platform
US Postal, Suitelink, DPV and LACS database expiration schedule for CODE-1 Plus, Finalist and Verimove
Is the 2-digit Delivery Point Barcode (DPBC) unique to each address in CODE-1 Plus and Finalist?
Error "B37" when FTP'ing a CODE-1 Plus or Finalist database file to the mainframe (z/OS platform)
Code-1 Plus DFHAC2001 Transaction '' is not recognized / AFDK abend
Address does not match in Finalist or CODE-1 Plus but exists on
Abend "S001" installing a CODE-1 Plus license on z/OS
Possible causes of an S0C7 abend in CODE-1 Plus
Resolve DPV seed record error (artificially created address) processing a CODE-1 Plus job
How to resolve an S0C4 abend when calling C1MATCHx in CODE-1 Plus Version 4.1
When is CASS Cycle O scheduled to begin?
Resolve xxRUNJOB command and error RNX0233 in MailStream Plus, CODE-1 Plus, List Conversion Plus, and more on IBMi
Verifying the database expiration in CODE-1 Plus
How to verify the CASS expiration date in CODE-1 Plus
Example of an address that returns a multiple match using CODE 1 Plus
Are temporary licenses necessary for disaster/recovery for CODE-1 Plus, Finalist, and MailStream Plus
How should a Large Volume Receiver (LVR) address be handled by Canadian CODE-1 Plus according to SERP rules
Generating a CASS 3553 report with the CODE-1 Plus provided installation verification job (sample, IVPFILE, @IVP@)
Running a license report for CODE-1 Plus on the z/OS platform
Determining if Finalist and CODE-1 Plus process International addresses
Resolve RECORD X'0144505600' NOT WRITTEN. LENGTH INVALID error in CODE1 Plus
Creating a Case for Product Distribution Services-PDS (Fulfillment)
Is a new FINALIST software key or new CODE-1 Plus license required for a model number/MIPS change on z/OS platform?
How to install CODE-1 Plus on CICS
How to resolve a "File Status 35 on ZIPIDX" error when running a CODE-1 Plus job on Windows or Unix
Installing a license file on the IBMi platform for CODE-1 Plus and MailStream Plus
Viewing the total number of CODE-1 Plus transactions for all batch jobs
Difference between the DPV Full, Split and Flat databases in CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
Contacting 'Renewal and Maintenance' by phone for MailStream Plus, CODE-1 Plus, Finalist, etc.
Information on technical support assistance with custom user applications calling CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
Software Temporary License Request
Are there any planned Canadian CODE-1 Plus releases after 3.4?
Obtaining a CODE-1 Plus Access Key/Authorization Key
Returning the postal code using Canadian Code-1 Plus callables
List of CODE-1 Plus Return Codes
Compatibility of Finalist, CODE-1 Plus, and Verimove with z13, z14, and z15 processors
CODE-1 Plus processing of Post Office Box Street Addresses (PBSA)
Error "File Status = 39" on G1FILE when installing the CODE-1 Plus US Postal database on the z/OS platform
Determining the expiration date for temporary licenses/keys in CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
How to bypass the US Postal database expiration in CODE-1 Plus
Confirming successful installation of the CODE-1 Plus 4.3 S02 and 4.2 S02 CASS extension patches
Contacting the USPS regarding addressing questions and issues using CODE-1 Plus, Finalist and Verimove
What is the difference between Enhanced Street Name Matching (ESM) and All Street Matching (ASM) in CODE-1 Plus
How to determine if an address/ZIP Code is military when executing CODE-1 Plus
Error "MTSE" error using the CODE-1 Plus Interactive
CODE-1 Plus error "SPLIT DPV ERROR# xxxxx"
Understanding the difference in the ZIP+4 returned for the same address in CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
Canadian CODE-1 Plus™ 3.3.9 and 3.4 supported platforms
How to change default LSRPOOL and STRING settings for Finalist or CODE-1 Plus in CICS
Does International CODE-1 Plus support Ireland's EIRCODE delivery postal codes?
Is it required to install the CODE-1 Plus 4.3 S04 and CODE-1 Plus 4.2 S04 CASS extension patches?
Is it possible to FTP the Finalist, CODE-1 Plus and Verimove databases directly to a mainframe
Error "FNGETCPU: Program missing or inaccessible" using CODE-1 Plus
Resolve "ASRB" or "806" abend calling EXTADDR2 in a CICS Environment with CODE-1 Plus
How to install a CODE-1 Plus permanent or temporary license on the Unix platform
How to resolve the CODE-1 Plus message "DATABASE CASS CYCLE IS EXPIRED"
DPV Flags differ between the CODE-1 Plus G1CP transaction and the C1BM00 batch driver.
CODE-1 Plus support for IBMi V7R4
Explanation of the PERPET parameter in CODE-1 Plus
Resolve S0CA abend calling C1MATCHx in CODE-1 Plus
ASRA abend in C6DBMAT when executing Canadian CODE1-Plus
Installing CODE-1 Plus databases on the z/OS platform
Determining if the CODE-1 Plus license is tied to maintenance renewal or CASS expiration
Installing a CODE-1 Plus license on the Windows platform
CODE-1 Plus Canadian does not currently offer self-service downloads. Please raise a case via the Customer portal or Partner portal for CODE-1 Plus Canadian downloads.
CODE-1 Plus Canadian does not currently offer self-service license keys. Please raise a case via the Customer portal or Partner portal for CODE-1 Plus Canadian license requests.