Connect CDC (formerly SQData)
MonCon commands are timing out even though kernel is running
How to view/copy Change Selector logs from IBM i
ERROR: Request timed out after 120 seconds
Double-Take Share v5.2 Installation Guide
Double-Take Share 5.2 SP01 IBM i Installation Guide
What are the most common logs to analyze for Replicate1/DTShare, specifically when working with support on an Incident?
Double-Take Share v5.0 - System Reference Guide
Encountered a log count mismatch error / Internal error, log row count does not match tran group
Journaling on AS/400 replication tables and the source AS/400 metabase tables must be set to journaling *BOTH:
What causes the error message "Memory allocation failure in rp_db_info_init_cursors"?
Data not deleting from the queue and request failing: ERROR:[OM:02923] Too many errors in too short a time.
Double-Take Share v5.3 IBM i Installation Guide
Working with DataStage - Replicate1 v4.0.8. SP01
How are tables journaled using the director?
Double-Take Share 5.2 Release Notes
Kerberos: Fail to create credential. (63) - No service creds
Creating joblog for IBM i Change Selector
How are uniqueidentifier columns mapped with the product?
What are the characteristics of a distribution key (DKEY) column?
Double-Take Share / Replicate1 v4.0.8.2 - Advanced User Guide
Steps to commit/model update and then issue selective start.
How do I install the DB2/400 change selector into the installation library?
About Hive HA - ZooKeeper service discovery and high availability
Double-Take Share / Replicate1 v4.0.8.2 - Getting Started Guide
HIVEWERR, Permission denied when writing to Hive
Technical Alert: TA_DTSH51_102 Double-Take Share may not correctly handle data replication during the Daylight Savings Time Change
[Error:18488] [State:S0001] Message: Login failed for user 'rpuser'.
Is the listener service supported and what authorization is needed, on Windows 7, 8, or 10 Operating Systems ?
If both MIMIX replicate1 and another application use the same OS/400-i5/OS journal, will the Journal Manager delete its receivers?
Manually create a AS/400 Change Selector: For message 1048-S3-Incomplete
MSG: Unable to execute Java command.
Error executing statement alter table: Drop constraint
Add a new userid to the server. This new userid will allow replication for the request Select that new userid on the request.
How to modify kernel memory settings manually
THREADCREATIONERROR / JNOTHRD error cannot create a thread
How to add tables to a Double-Take Share/Replicate1 data movement model
Replicate1 Getting Started Guide
Can the SQL Server Database parameter 'Recovery mode' be changed for Database load utility?
Double-Take Share v5.3 Documentation List
Receiving duplicate error message in Sync request after the copy phase is complete and replication phase has started.
Double-Take Share / Replicate1 v4.0.8.2 - Documentation List
(KILLED) the process has been terminated with the kill command
MonCon commands are timing out even though kernel is running
How to view/copy Change Selector logs from IBM i
Double-Take Share v5.1 Advanced User Guide
How can I ensure that the Listener starts in the OMNIREP subsystem?
Accessing Data in Excel Spreadsheets
Can a GMT timestamp be converted to a local timestamp?
Sync request started in copy: By-pass copy and start in replication
Is it possible to output the MIMIX Share Model configuration to print?
ERROR: Request timed out after 120 seconds
Double-Take Share v5.2 Installation Guide
Double-Take Share 5.2 SP01 IBM i Installation Guide
What are the most common logs to analyze for Replicate1/DTShare, specifically when working with support on an Incident?
Double-Take Share v5.0 - System Reference Guide
Encountered a log count mismatch error / Internal error, log row count does not match tran group
Journaling on AS/400 replication tables and the source AS/400 metabase tables must be set to journaling *BOTH:
What causes the error message "Memory allocation failure in rp_db_info_init_cursors"?
Data not deleting from the queue and request failing: ERROR:[OM:02923] Too many errors in too short a time.
Double-Take Share v5.3 IBM i Installation Guide
Working with DataStage - Replicate1 v4.0.8. SP01
How are tables journaled using the director?
Troubleshooting the Delete Receiver Exit Program (DRE)
What authorization is needed for replication on OS 400?
What should I do with MIMIX replicate1 when I upgrade Oracle from 9.1 to 9.2?
Double-Take Share v5.0 - User Guide Migrator
Rows skipped by Gate Condition: Kernel log messages show rows sent and rows received will not be equal
MSG: 'Attempt to put the duplicate entry REQUEST-1 in the active requests persistent list.'
Double-Take Share 5.2 Release Notes
Kerberos: Fail to create credential. (63) - No service creds
Creating joblog for IBM i Change Selector
Validation message returned: <Database><version>) is not a supported version.
How does the product support Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption and/or authentication?
Text/grid display issues with display scaling on high-resolution monitors
Double-Take Share v5.0 - Advanced User Guide
Slow BCP Bulk Copy to SQL Server
(OM:05428) change selector did not start in 40 seconds
How are uniqueidentifier columns mapped with the product?
What are the characteristics of a distribution key (DKEY) column?
Double-Take Share / Replicate1 v4.0.8.2 - Advanced User Guide
Why doesn't my request stop at the scheduled time?
IFS Entries and Wild Card/generic values
Double-Take Share 5.2 SP01 Getting Started
What is the recommended kernel memory size for Double-Take Share/Replicate1 installation?
MonCon will not open. How is this fixed?
MSG: '[Error:-204] [State:42704] Message: [SQL0204] OEQADBIFLD in InstallLib type *FILE not found.
Steps to commit/model update and then issue selective start.
How do I install the DB2/400 change selector into the installation library?
About Hive HA - ZooKeeper service discovery and high availability
Double-Take Share / Replicate1 v4.0.8.2 - System Reference Guide
How the Oracle source archive log path/destination is processed
Kerberos: Cannot find KDC for requested realm
Installation Guide - Replicate1 v4.0.8 SP01
MIMIX Share 5.4 System Reference Guide
Save-while-active ; Change Selector hung in CMTW (commit/wait) status
Double-Take Share / Replicate1 v4.0.8.2 - Getting Started Guide
HIVEWERR, Permission denied when writing to Hive
Technical Alert: TA_DTSH51_102 Double-Take Share may not correctly handle data replication during the Daylight Savings Time Change
[Error:18488] [State:S0001] Message: Login failed for user 'rpuser'.
Is the listener service supported and what authorization is needed, on Windows 7, 8, or 10 Operating Systems ?
If both MIMIX replicate1 and another application use the same OS/400-i5/OS journal, will the Journal Manager delete its receivers?
How is an existing model loaded into MonCon?
Is there any impact on product when down grading SQL Server from SQL Enterprise Edition back to Standard Edition?
GSS initiate failed
Manually create a AS/400 Change Selector: For message 1048-S3-Incomplete
MSG: Unable to execute Java command.
Error executing statement alter table: Drop constraint
Request failed: Error initializing the sync meter
Unable to Establish Connection to Oracle Server
RSL import fails: 0421:Create Table Mapping (Line:23) referenced node name (node name) which is not defined.
How do I install patch.jar? file not found in current directory path
What does this message mean? KernelListener is not setup correctly
Add a new userid to the server. This new userid will allow replication for the request Select that new userid on the request.
How to modify kernel memory settings manually
THREADCREATIONERROR / JNOTHRD error cannot create a thread
SRVAUTHFAIL Connecting to Local DMExpress Server on Windows
What is Vision's recommendation for Double-Take Share/Replicate1 when applying PTF's, OS patch levels, DBMS patch levels?
Change selector failed: sqlcode = -'206 'Column &1 \ not in specified tables',
How to cold start (change capture point) for Oracle log-based sources
Message queues are full, what can cause this condition?
ERROR:DBMS error: Caught BatchUpdateException for 1 batched statementsr: What does this error mean?
How to add tables to a Double-Take Share/Replicate1 data movement model
Replicate1 Getting Started Guide
Can the SQL Server Database parameter 'Recovery mode' be changed for Database load utility?
How to: cold start the IBM i Change Selector in Connect CDC (formerly MIMIX Share)
How do I add/change 1 table in the model and start the copy of just those tables?
Unable to extend table [table name] by 32 in tablespace [table name space].
CDC capturing same records repeatedly with "No data was cleared from the repository" message
You are not licensed to use this ODBC driver with the DataDirect ODBC Driver Manager under the license you have purchased
MIMIX Share 5.4 Installation Guide IBM i
Double-Take Share v5.3 Documentation List
Receiving duplicate error message in Sync request after the copy phase is complete and replication phase has started.
Double-Take Share / Replicate1 v4.0.8.2 - Documentation List
ERROR:I/O error reading request from client: null. ERROR:[OM:05012] Failed I/O : socket closed
Unable to obtain Principal Name for authentication
How does the Dataflow and Network XML get copied to the "kernel" folder on each host?
Replicate1 4.0.7 Release Notes
(TRANSFER_ERROR) Network error while transferring data
How does the product replicate AS400 multi-member files?
Encountered a log count mismatch error / Internal error, log row count does not match tran group
How to load a new model into MonCon
How to find the journal sequence number from the transaction ID to cold start the Change Selector
Java to charge for non-personal use
How does the iSeries change selector work and where are the logs?
How to configure and start email alert notification?
How the Delete Receiver Exit (DRE) Program Works
What version of License Manager is needed for the Installation of AS/400 Double-Take SHARE?
Error: "1903-S4-Warning-The sending table name does not have a unique index defined, so target dist keys might not be uniquely mapped"
Target Correct, Ignore Parameter for Unprotected Collision Resolution on the Synchronization Tab of the Synchronization Request
Workaround for Large Batch Update (SQL) Causing Performance Concerns with QZDASOINIT
ERROR: Disable Capture for Table Failed, "OM:08535 Error switching to user database"
How to Execute Catalog Synchronization Report, Checking Difference Between System and Model Table Definitions
Error: [OM:02924] SyncApplier8-R4 Encountered Fatal Error loading IA 32-bit .dll on 64-bit Platform
Error: "1205 [State:40001]" Deadlocked on Lock Resources with Another Process and has Been Chosen as the Deadlock Victim
Connect CDC - How to remove tables from the model?
Slow BCP Bulk Copy to SQL Server
How to force BCP load jobs to execute serially rather than in parallel
Resolving the DMExpress Library Not Found Error
How do you perform a copy for a table that is configured as a bi-directional table?
I/O error and data channel broken message shuts down replication.
How to add/change table structure of tables used for Replicate1/DT Share/Mimix Share
Java install to AS/400 requires you specify the absolute path to java
Timeout during Model Update: Unable to complete model update within time limit
How can I ensure that the Listener starts in the OMNIREP subsystem?
TA_DTSH520100 _104 Committing a model can write incorrect characters in the dataflow.xml
Did You Know... Checking for recommended IBM i PTFs is easy with CHKIBMPTF?
ERROR:I/O error reading request from client: null. ERROR:[OM:05012] Failed I/O : socket closed
What is the recommended kernel memory size for Double-Take Share/Replicate1 installation?
(KEYTYPE) the license key file contains invalid key information
How to add tables to a Double-Take Share/Replicate1 data movement model
Unable to connect to a remote DMX server
(USERIMPERSONATEERROR) cannot impersonate a user / (SVCAUTHF)
`GLIBCXX_N.N.NN' not found after fresh Connect install on Linux
MonCon will not open. How is this fixed?
Unable to see the levels below the Enterprise Data Movement Model
1831-S2-ERROR-The Director could not determine the metabase level of server name. Either the connection failed, or the metabase is not installed.
Error inserting into table TABLENAME, SQLCODE = -7008 '&1 in &2 not valid for operation.'. Change selectors will not start.
Documentation List - Replicate1 v4.0.8 SP01
RSL import fails: 0421:Create Table Mapping (Line:23) referenced node name (node name) which is not defined.
The driver could not establish a secure connection to SQL Server by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption [State:08S01]
How to view/copy Change Selector logs from IBM i
Trying to start multiple models that access the same HOST resources.
[Error:3] [State:08S01] Connect failed to host <HOST1> on port 1701; error code = 10047.
How does the product replicate AS400 multi-member files?
Encountered a log count mismatch error / Internal error, log row count does not match tran group
How to load a new model into MonCon
How to find the journal sequence number from the transaction ID to cold start the Change Selector
How are mappings configured to use the Relative Record Number (RRN) for table uniqueness
Using custom SSL/TLS certificates with Connect - Resolving HTTPSCVF
SQL Server BCP Copy Connection Errors
What is the difference between a warm start and cold start of the AS/400 change selector?
Can't stop IBM i Change Selector from MonCon
MimixShare QTEMP/INSPRD fails CPD0160 - Program INSMMX not found in library *LIBL.
Java to charge for non-personal use
How does the iSeries change selector work and where are the logs?
How to configure and start email alert notification?
How the Delete Receiver Exit (DRE) Program Works
What version of License Manager is needed for the Installation of AS/400 Double-Take SHARE?
Error: "1903-S4-Warning-The sending table name does not have a unique index defined, so target dist keys might not be uniquely mapped"
Target Correct, Ignore Parameter for Unprotected Collision Resolution on the Synchronization Tab of the Synchronization Request
Workaround for Large Batch Update (SQL) Causing Performance Concerns with QZDASOINIT
ERROR: Disable Capture for Table Failed, "OM:08535 Error switching to user database"
How to Execute Catalog Synchronization Report, Checking Difference Between System and Model Table Definitions
Error: [OM:02924] SyncApplier8-R4 Encountered Fatal Error loading IA 32-bit .dll on 64-bit Platform
Error: "1205 [State:40001]" Deadlocked on Lock Resources with Another Process and has Been Chosen as the Deadlock Victim
What is the best approach to drain queue tables?
Unable to connect to the local DMX server
(TRANSFER_ERROR) Network error while transferring data
GSS initiate failed
MonCon commands are timing out even though kernel is running
Numbers in ODBC error messages in DMExpress logs
Connect CDC - How to remove tables from the model?
Slow BCP Bulk Copy to SQL Server
How to force BCP load jobs to execute serially rather than in parallel
Accessing Data in Excel Spreadsheets
JAVA_HOME is not set
Can AS/400 metabase queue tables be reorganized, specifically RP_TRANS, RP_CRQ, RP_DT2?
Double-Take Share v5.0 - Documentation List
Unable to start change selector, Function STRRPCS400 failed,
Double-Take Share/Replicate1 install fails with message: User profile MIMIXOWN already exists.
Resolving the DMExpress Library Not Found Error
How do you perform a copy for a table that is configured as a bi-directional table?
I/O error and data channel broken message shuts down replication.
Unable to start Kernel after Model Update
Unable to obtain Principal Name for authentication
Incremental commit process failed with rule violations
What is the asterisk (*) to the left of the process name? Modified objects in the model:
How to modify kernel memory setting using the installer
Double-Take Share 5.2 SP01 Release Notes
How to add/change table structure of tables used for Replicate1/DT Share/Mimix Share
Java install to AS/400 requires you specify the absolute path to java
Timeout during Model Update: Unable to complete model update within time limit
Advanced User Guide - Replicate1 v4.0.8. SP01
Release Notes - Replicate1 v4.0.8 SP01
Platform and Driver Support - Replicate1 v4.0.8.1
ERROR:I/O error reading request from client
Journal Receivers Not Eligible for Deletion
Replicate1 Getting Started Guide
How can I ensure that the Listener starts in the OMNIREP subsystem?
TA_DTSH520100 _104 Committing a model can write incorrect characters in the dataflow.xml
Did You Know... Checking for recommended IBM i PTFs is easy with CHKIBMPTF?
Will the change selector start from or read a partial journal receiver?
Double-Take Share v5.2 Documentation List
Record stuck in the queue with message: No row was updated by:
Is it possible to output the MIMIX Share Model configuration to print?
How do you make tables available for mapping within the model?
How do you use the CLRPFM command in replication?
ERROR:I/O error reading request from client: null. ERROR:[OM:05012] Failed I/O : socket closed
What is the recommended kernel memory size for Double-Take Share/Replicate1 installation?
(KEYTYPE) the license key file contains invalid key information
Support for CCSID 935 and 937
JRNLIST returning error: error reading global journal list
MIMIX Share 5.4 Release Notes
System Reference Guide - Replicate1 v4.0.8 SP01
How do I add/change 1 table in the model and start the copy of just those tables?
Resolving the DBCNNTES/FLLDALIB Errors
How to add tables to a Double-Take Share/Replicate1 data movement model
Unable to connect to a remote DMX server
(USERIMPERSONATEERROR) cannot impersonate a user / (SVCAUTHF)
DMXODBCDRIVERMANAGER setting in the odbcinst.ini file
ERROR: Scanned past the end of the current journal entry; more columns than expected.
How do you query the DB2/400 metabase queue tables to check for data in the queue using SQL statements?
(KILLED) the process has been terminated with the kill command
[SQL0227] FETCH not valid, cursor CRSR0002 in unknown position
How do I prevent the installation error "User profile OMNIENT already exists"?
`GLIBCXX_N.N.NN' not found after fresh Connect install on Linux
MonCon will not open. How is this fixed?
Unable to see the levels below the Enterprise Data Movement Model
1831-S2-ERROR-The Director could not determine the metabase level of server name. Either the connection failed, or the metabase is not installed.
Error inserting into table TABLENAME, SQLCODE = -7008 '&1 in &2 not valid for operation.'. Change selectors will not start.
Documentation List - Replicate1 v4.0.8 SP01
RSL import fails: 0421:Create Table Mapping (Line:23) referenced node name (node name) which is not defined.
The driver could not establish a secure connection to SQL Server by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption [State:08S01]
How to view/copy Change Selector logs from IBM i
Trying to start multiple models that access the same HOST resources.
[Error:3] [State:08S01] Connect failed to host <HOST1> on port 1701; error code = 10047.
How does the product replicate AS400 multi-member files?
ERROR:DBMS error: Caught BatchUpdateException for 1 batched statementsr: What does this error mean?
Replicate1 IBM i Installation Guide
Double-Take Share / Replicate1 v4.0.8.2 - Installation Guide
CDC capturing same records repeatedly with "No data was cleared from the repository" message
Unable to complete copy process due to not found message or jvm.dll not found
Server not found in Kerberos database
SFTP connection error: SSH: Unable to exchange encryption keys
Kerberos: Fail to create credential. (63) - No service creds
How to: cold start the IBM i Change Selector in Connect CDC (formerly MIMIX Share)
How to cold start (change capture point) for Oracle log-based sources
Failed to construct kafka consumer - No resolvable bootstrap urls
Did You Know... Checking for recommended IBM i PTFs is easy with CHKIBMPTF?
How to: Change Hostname/Password in a Connect CDC model
Kerberos: No valid credentials provided (Mechanism level: Failed to find any Kerberos tgt)
GSS initiate failed
Troubleshooting the Delete Receiver Exit Program (DRE)
How to modify kernel memory settings manually
Understanding the Oracle rp_restart table and the current capture point
Damage on Physical Files (DB2 tables): [Error:-904] [State:57011] Message: [SQL0904] Resource limit exceeded.
How to find the journal sequence number from the transaction ID to cold start the Change Selector
SQL Server BCP Copy Connection Errors
Data sources list must not be null
Firewall port information for iSeries or AS/400
[OM:05438] Log name is null / [OM:05429] Unable to read log file / [OM:05417] Could not find redo log
How the Delete Receiver Exit (DRE) Program Works
How do I manually delete data in SQL Server source metabase queues?
Encountered a log count mismatch error / Internal error, log row count does not match tran group
Considerations for upgrading or downgrading DMX
Unable to connect to a remote DMX server
What is the best approach to drain queue tables?
Error submitting load job #3: Cannot run program "BCP": CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified
How to add/change table structure of tables used for Replicate1/DT Share/Mimix Share
Starting the Connect CDC (Share) Console in Developer Mode
[Error:-99999] [State:08S01] Message: Communication link failure. (Connection was dropped unexpectedly)
Replication problems and data stuck in queue: Too many rows (2) updated for
How to force BCP load jobs to execute serially rather than in parallel
Bulk Copy to SQL Azure target fails due to hitting database resource limits
Error: "1205 [State:40001]" Deadlocked on Lock Resources with Another Process and has Been Chosen as the Deadlock Victim
CDC job has failed/stopped and when trying to start will continuously fail
How do you query the DB2/400 metabase queue tables to check for data in the queue using SQL statements?
Slow BCP Bulk Copy to SQL Server
[SQL0227] FETCH not valid, cursor CRSR0002 in unknown position
How to modify kernel memory setting using the installer
(OM:05428) change selector did not start in 40 seconds
How to Execute Catalog Synchronization Report, Checking Difference Between System and Model Table Definitions
[Error:3701] [State:S0007] Message: Cannot drop the index because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
Steps to commit/model update and then issue selective start.
Pipe is full. Waiting for rows to drain.
How to avoid changes hitting the queue tables during the model update process for
Sync request started in copy: By-pass copy and start in replication
Rows skipped by Gate Condition: Kernel log messages show rows sent and rows received will not be equal
MIMIX Share 5.4 System Reference Guide
Resolving the DBCNNTES/FLLDALIB Errors
Change selector won't start: ERROR: Receiver could not be read or receiver and/or sequence number are invalid
Unable to load model into moncon either newly or from cache. Process appears to hang and no errors are generated
How to add tables to a Double-Take Share/Replicate1 data movement model
Hwm meter & in-memory cache out of sync errors. How are rows from a prior point reprocessed
How to use Gate Conditions in Connect CDC to filter out unwanted operations
How to refresh tables in the model
Server not found in Kerberos database
SFTP connection error: SSH: Unable to exchange encryption keys
Kerberos: Fail to create credential. (63) - No service creds
Kerberos error: Unable to obtain password from user
How to view/copy Change Selector logs from IBM i
Kerberos: no supported default etypes for default_tkt_enctypes
Kerberos: Cannot find KDC for requested realm
ODBC Data Source Name Not Found on Linux/UNIX
Unable to obtain Principal Name for authentication
How to: cold start the IBM i Change Selector in Connect CDC (formerly MIMIX Share)
How to cold start (change capture point) for Oracle log-based sources
Failed to construct kafka consumer - No resolvable bootstrap urls
Peer indicated failure: Unsupported mechanism type PLAIN
How the Oracle source archive log path/destination is processed
Connect (DMX) Implementation Best Practices
Manually clear AS/400 source metabase queue tables and the order of deleting
Applying a new license key to an existing installation
ERROR: [SQL0913] Row or object XXXX in P1FILES type *FILE in use.
Did You Know... Checking for recommended IBM i PTFs is easy with CHKIBMPTF?
How to: Change Hostname/Password in a Connect CDC model
Kerberos: No valid credentials provided (Mechanism level: Failed to find any Kerberos tgt)
GSS initiate failed
Troubleshooting the Delete Receiver Exit Program (DRE)
How to modify kernel memory settings manually
Understanding the Oracle rp_restart table and the current capture point
Damage on Physical Files (DB2 tables): [Error:-904] [State:57011] Message: [SQL0904] Resource limit exceeded.
How to find the journal sequence number from the transaction ID to cold start the Change Selector
SQL Server BCP Copy Connection Errors
Data sources list must not be null
Firewall port information for iSeries or AS/400
Unknown error 255 with Hadoop files or jvm.dll not found
Journal Receivers Not Eligible for Deletion
What can cause error SQL0204 (-204)?
Debugging a hang on Linux/UNIX
Component has run out of memory and will shut down
[OM:05438] Log name is null / [OM:05429] Unable to read log file / [OM:05417] Could not find redo log
How the Delete Receiver Exit (DRE) Program Works
How do I manually delete data in SQL Server source metabase queues?
Encountered a log count mismatch error / Internal error, log row count does not match tran group
Considerations for upgrading or downgrading DMX
Unable to connect to a remote DMX server
What is the best approach to drain queue tables?
Error submitting load job #3: Cannot run program "BCP": CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified
How to add/change table structure of tables used for Replicate1/DT Share/Mimix Share
Starting the Connect CDC (Share) Console in Developer Mode
[Error:-99999] [State:08S01] Message: Communication link failure. (Connection was dropped unexpectedly)
Replication problems and data stuck in queue: Too many rows (2) updated for
MIMIX Share 5.4 Getting Started Guide
Can't stop IBM i Change Selector from MonCon
Duplicates/conflicts in RRN_FIELD_DATA and Change Selector shutdown due to REORG (RGZPFM)
Resolving the ODBC DSN Architecture Mismatch Error
MonCon commands are timing out even though kernel is running
What does the Change Selector status of DRAINED indicate?
How to force BCP load jobs to execute serially rather than in parallel
Bulk Copy to SQL Azure target fails due to hitting database resource limits
Error: "1205 [State:40001]" Deadlocked on Lock Resources with Another Process and has Been Chosen as the Deadlock Victim
LIBHDFSE error - Cannot allocate memory
Resolving the DMExpress Library Not Found Error
`GLIBCXX_N.N.NN' not found after fresh Connect install on Linux
JAVA_HOME is not set
Unable to connect to the local DMX server
How many database connections are used for replication?
CDC job has failed/stopped and when trying to start will continuously fail
How do you query the DB2/400 metabase queue tables to check for data in the queue using SQL statements?
Slow BCP Bulk Copy to SQL Server
How do I determine capture status of tables?
What causes message: The Receiver encountered an I/O error initializing the object input stream (reason=invalid stream header)
ERROR:I/O error reading request from client: null. ERROR:[OM:05012] Failed I/O : socket closed
Double-Take Share v5.3 Getting Started
What is the difference between a warm start and cold start of the AS/400 change selector?
Using custom SSL/TLS certificates with Connect - Resolving HTTPSCVF
[SQL0227] FETCH not valid, cursor CRSR0002 in unknown position
How to modify kernel memory setting using the installer
(OM:05428) change selector did not start in 40 seconds
How to Execute Catalog Synchronization Report, Checking Difference Between System and Model Table Definitions
[Error:3701] [State:S0007] Message: Cannot drop the index because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
Steps to commit/model update and then issue selective start.
Connect CDC and Connect Portal: Install DMX and Share components separately
How do I install the MIMIX Share license file?
How to check replication performance and latency
Pipe is full. Waiting for rows to drain.
How to avoid changes hitting the queue tables during the model update process for
Sync request started in copy: By-pass copy and start in replication
Rows skipped by Gate Condition: Kernel log messages show rows sent and rows received will not be equal
MIMIX Share 5.4 System Reference Guide
Resolving the DBCNNTES/FLLDALIB Errors
Change selector won't start: ERROR: Receiver could not be read or receiver and/or sequence number are invalid
Unable to load model into moncon either newly or from cache. Process appears to hang and no errors are generated
How to add tables to a Double-Take Share/Replicate1 data movement model
Hwm meter & in-memory cache out of sync errors. How are rows from a prior point reprocessed
How to use Gate Conditions in Connect CDC to filter out unwanted operations
How to refresh tables in the model
Hive error: Unable to create staging table, User does not have privileges for CREATETABLE
Connect: Configuring SQL Server or ODBC Connectivity on 64-bit Windows
New parcel not showing up in parcel list on Cloudera Manager
How to configure and start email alert notification?
SRVAUTHFAIL to PAM enabled DMX service on Linux / Unix
Timeout during Model Update: Unable to complete model update within time limit
Connect CDC (formerly SQData) contains self-service downloads within Precisely Data Experience for user accounts with active entitlements:
For more details, please see the Precisely Data Experience user guide.
- Go to Precisely Data Experience.
- Select My Software Products. You may be prompted for a login if not already authenticated.
- Select on the product to download. Product naming conventions may slightly differ and other products may also display.
- Once within a product, the latest version will be displayed by default and older versions can be selected via the Release dropdown.
- Select any product file to download.
For more details, please see the Precisely Data Experience user guide.
Connect CDC (formerly SQData) does not currently offer self-service license keys. Please raise a case via the Customer portal or Partner portal for Connect CDC (formerly SQData) license requests.