Connect for Big Data
'No suitable driver found' message for Databricks jdbc connection in Connect ETL
Amazon RDS support in Connect ETL/for Big Data
Management service dmxmgr fails to start: Unable to insert row for version '1.6' in Schema History table "PUBLIC"."schema_version"
Kerberos: Cannot find KDC for requested realm
DMX Release Notes 9.9.10
ODBC Data Source Name Not Found on Linux/UNIX
DMXODBCDRIVERMANAGER setting in the odbcinst.ini file
Resolving the ODBC DSN Architecture Mismatch Error
QEWSD in odbc.ini file
New parcel not showing up in parcel list on Cloudera Manager
HIVEWERR, Permission denied when writing to Hive
JAVA_HOME is not set
SFTP connection error: SSH: Unable to exchange encryption keys
Numbers in ODBC error messages in DMExpress logs
Resolving the DMExpress Library Not Found Error
Unknown error 255 with Hadoop files
Cannot set registry values / Unable to launch vcredist
CREAT or HIVEWERR on HDP clusters with HDFS/Hive targets in MapReduce
SRVAUTHFAIL to PAM enabled DMX service on Linux / Unix
How to download old releases of DMExpress
Unable to connect to the local DMX server
(HIVETGOS) Hive/Impala target table is not supported on the current operating system
Server not found in Kerberos database
(INVPLATFORM) the license key type is not valid for the current platform
App Mod Syntax Errors and Unsupported Features
Installing multiple DMX-h versions side-by-side on CDH/CDP
(KEYTYPE) the license key file contains invalid key information
What is the DMX repository?
DMX-h License Package Migration Guide
You are not licensed to use this ODBC driver with the DataDirect ODBC Driver Manager under the license you have purchased
Connect: The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect.
THREADCREATIONERROR / JNOTHRD error cannot create a thread
Considerations for upgrading or downgrading DMX
'KEYINST: (READERR) Unable to install License Key' message in Connect ETL
'No suitable driver found' message for Databricks jdbc connection in Connect ETL
Amazon RDS support in Connect ETL/for Big Data
Connect ETL (DMX) - Log4J - CVE-2021-44228, CVE-2021-45046, CVE-2021-45105
DBIOCDFM performance warning with Oracle NUMBER columns
Extracting fractional seconds
HDFSCNNF/HDFSNNNF errors: unable to retrieve the host name of your Hadoop namenode
Management service dmxmgr fails to start in RPM, Cloudera parcel, or Ambari package-based install: Unable to open nested entry
How to check that the bit level of Java and DMExpress match
Management service dmxmgr fails to start: Unable to insert row for version '1.6' in Schema History table "PUBLIC"."schema_version"
Kerberos: Cannot find KDC for requested realm
DMX Release Notes 9.9.10
Connect: Configuring SQL Server or ODBC Connectivity on 64-bit Windows
Where are Connect Portal (Management Server) logs located?
Kerberos: no supported default etypes for default_tkt_enctypes
Running I/O Benchmark Tests
Unable to obtain Principal Name for authentication
Kerberos error: Unable to obtain password from user
ODBC Data Source Name Not Found on Linux/UNIX
DMXODBCDRIVERMANAGER setting in the odbcinst.ini file
Resolving the ODBC DSN Architecture Mismatch Error
Using custom SSL/TLS certificates with Connect - Resolving HTTPSCVF
SRVAUTHFAIL Connecting to Local DMExpress Server on Windows
SFTP error: password authentication is not supported by the server (SSHDNAPS)
LIBHDFSE error - Cannot allocate memory
Resolving the DBCNNTES/FLLDALIB Errors
ODBC Data Source Name Not Found on Windows
QEWSD in odbc.ini file
New parcel not showing up in parcel list on Cloudera Manager
HIVEWERR, Permission denied when writing to Hive
Hive error: Unable to create staging table, User does not have privileges for CREATETABLE
Kerberos: Fail to create credential. (63) - No service creds
Resolving the SRVAUTHFAIL Error
`GLIBCXX_N.N.NN' not found after fresh Connect install on Linux
Unknown authentication error when connecting to DMX service
Unable to connect to a remote DMX server
JAVA_HOME is not set
SFTP connection error: SSH: Unable to exchange encryption keys
Numbers in ODBC error messages in DMExpress logs
Failed to construct kafka consumer - No resolvable bootstrap urls
Connect (DMX) Implementation Best Practices
DMX Install Guide 9.8
(CLOSE) unable to close error with FTP source file
About Hive HA - ZooKeeper service discovery and high availability
Unable to start the manager
Resolving the DMExpress Library Not Found Error
Unknown error 255 with Hadoop files
Cannot set registry values / Unable to launch vcredist
HDPRXYSE/HDPRXYTO errors: attempt to initialize Hadoop proxy timed out
INVNODE license error
GSS initiate failed
(USERIMPERSONATEERROR) cannot impersonate a user / (SVCAUTHF)
Peer indicated failure: Unsupported mechanism type PLAIN
File jdbc-config.ini was not found
CREAT or HIVEWERR on HDP clusters with HDFS/Hive targets in MapReduce
SRVAUTHFAIL to PAM enabled DMX service on Linux / Unix
How to download old releases of DMExpress
(KILLED) the process has been terminated with the kill command
ODBC Error - You are not licensed to use this product with any application other than DMExpress
Applying a new license key to an existing installation
Kerberos: No valid credentials provided (Mechanism level: Failed to find any Kerberos tgt)
Unexpected LargeObject in PostgreSQL, Redshift, and compatible databases
Data sources list must not be null
Unable to connect to the local DMX server
(HIVETGOS) Hive/Impala target table is not supported on the current operating system
Server not found in Kerberos database or jvm.dll not found
Accessing Data in Excel Spreadsheets
Text/grid display issues with display scaling on high-resolution monitors
Transferring Connect (DMX) job and task files across servers
Debugging a hang on Linux/UNIX
Handling LargeObject (LOB) data
(INVPLATFORM) the license key type is not valid for the current platform
App Mod Syntax Errors and Unsupported Features
Installing multiple DMX-h versions side-by-side on CDH/CDP
(KEYTYPE) the license key file contains invalid key information
What is the DMX repository?
DMX-h License Package Migration Guide
You are not licensed to use this ODBC driver with the DataDirect ODBC Driver Manager under the license you have purchased
Connect: The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect.
THREADCREATIONERROR / JNOTHRD error cannot create a thread
Considerations for upgrading or downgrading DMX
'No suitable driver found' message for Databricks jdbc connection in Connect ETL
Using custom SSL/TLS certificates with Connect - Resolving HTTPSCVF
'KEYINST: (READERR) Unable to install License Key' message in Connect ETL
Resolving the DMExpress Library Not Found Error
Unable to obtain Principal Name for authentication
Amazon RDS support in Connect ETL/for Big Data
(KILLED) the process has been terminated with the kill command
`GLIBCXX_N.N.NN' not found after fresh Connect install on Linux or jvm.dll not found
About Hive HA - ZooKeeper service discovery and high availability
File jdbc-config.ini was not found
Unknown error 255 with Hadoop files
Server not found in Kerberos database
(HIVETGOS) Hive/Impala target table is not supported on the current operating system
QEWSD in odbc.ini file
Data sources list must not be null
HIVEWERR, Permission denied when writing to Hive
Considerations for upgrading or downgrading DMX
Handling LargeObject (LOB) data
Debugging a hang on Linux/UNIX
Failed to construct kafka consumer - No resolvable bootstrap urls
DMX Install Guide 9.8
ODBC Error - You are not licensed to use this product with any application other than DMExpress
App Mod Syntax Errors and Unsupported Features
Hive error: Unable to create staging table, User does not have privileges for CREATETABLE
ODBC Data Source Name Not Found on Windows
New parcel not showing up in parcel list on Cloudera Manager
Connect ETL (DMX) - Log4J - CVE-2021-44228, CVE-2021-45046, CVE-2021-45105
'No suitable driver found' message for Databricks jdbc connection in Connect ETL
Using custom SSL/TLS certificates with Connect - Resolving HTTPSCVF
'KEYINST: (READERR) Unable to install License Key' message in Connect ETL
Connect: The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect.
Unable to connect to the local DMX server
GSS initiate failed
Numbers in ODBC error messages in DMExpress logs
Accessing Data in Excel Spreadsheets
JAVA_HOME is not set
Resolving the DMExpress Library Not Found Error
Unable to obtain Principal Name for authentication
Amazon RDS support in Connect ETL/for Big Data
(KEYTYPE) the license key file contains invalid key information
Resolving the DBCNNTES/FLLDALIB Errors
Unable to connect to a remote DMX server
DMX Release Notes 9.9.10
(USERIMPERSONATEERROR) cannot impersonate a user / (SVCAUTHF)
DMXODBCDRIVERMANAGER setting in the odbcinst.ini file
(KILLED) the process has been terminated with the kill command
`GLIBCXX_N.N.NN' not found after fresh Connect install on Linux or jvm.dll not found
How to check that the bit level of Java and DMExpress match
What is the DMX repository?
(CLOSE) unable to close error with FTP source file
THREADCREATIONERROR / JNOTHRD error cannot create a thread
Kerberos: Fail to create credential. (63) - No service creds
SRVAUTHFAIL to PAM enabled DMX service on Linux / Unix
About Hive HA - ZooKeeper service discovery and high availability
File jdbc-config.ini was not found
Unknown error 255 with Hadoop files
Where are Connect Portal (Management Server) logs located?
Installing multiple DMX-h versions side-by-side on CDH/CDP
Connect (DMX) Implementation Best Practices
Management service dmxmgr fails to start in RPM, Cloudera parcel, or Ambari package-based install: Unable to open nested entry
(INVPLATFORM) the license key type is not valid for the current platform
Running I/O Benchmark Tests
Server not found in Kerberos database
(HIVETGOS) Hive/Impala target table is not supported on the current operating system
QEWSD in odbc.ini file
Unable to start the manager
Text/grid display issues with display scaling on high-resolution monitors
Resolving the SRVAUTHFAIL Error
Kerberos error: Unable to obtain password from user
HDPRXYSE/HDPRXYTO errors: attempt to initialize Hadoop proxy timed out
Management service dmxmgr fails to start: Unable to insert row for version '1.6' in Schema History table "PUBLIC"."schema_version"
Data sources list must not be null
HIVEWERR, Permission denied when writing to Hive
Considerations for upgrading or downgrading DMX
Cannot set registry values / Unable to launch vcredist
INVNODE license error
DBIOCDFM performance warning with Oracle NUMBER columns
Transferring Connect (DMX) job and task files across servers
Unexpected LargeObject in PostgreSQL, Redshift, and compatible databases
Extracting fractional seconds
Handling LargeObject (LOB) data
Debugging a hang on Linux/UNIX
Failed to construct kafka consumer - No resolvable bootstrap urls
How to download old releases of DMExpress
SRVAUTHFAIL Connecting to Local DMExpress Server on Windows
SFTP error: password authentication is not supported by the server (SSHDNAPS)
SFTP connection error: SSH: Unable to exchange encryption keys
Unknown authentication error when connecting to DMX service
Kerberos: Cannot find KDC for requested realm
DMX Install Guide 9.8
ODBC Error - You are not licensed to use this product with any application other than DMExpress
App Mod Syntax Errors and Unsupported Features
Applying a new license key to an existing installation
HDFSCNNF/HDFSNNNF errors: unable to retrieve the host name of your Hadoop namenode
LIBHDFSE error - Cannot allocate memory
Peer indicated failure: Unsupported mechanism type PLAIN
DMX-h License Package Migration Guide
You are not licensed to use this ODBC driver with the DataDirect ODBC Driver Manager under the license you have purchased
Hive error: Unable to create staging table, User does not have privileges for CREATETABLE
ODBC Data Source Name Not Found on Windows
New parcel not showing up in parcel list on Cloudera Manager
CREAT or HIVEWERR on HDP clusters with HDFS/Hive targets in MapReduce
Kerberos: no supported default etypes for default_tkt_enctypes
Resolving the ODBC DSN Architecture Mismatch Error
ODBC Data Source Name Not Found on Linux/UNIX
Kerberos: No valid credentials provided (Mechanism level: Failed to find any Kerberos tgt)
Connect: Configuring SQL Server or ODBC Connectivity on 64-bit Windows
Connect ETL (DMX) - Log4J - CVE-2021-44228, CVE-2021-45046, CVE-2021-45105
Server not found in Kerberos database
SFTP connection error: SSH: Unable to exchange encryption keys
Kerberos: Fail to create credential. (63) - No service creds
Peer indicated failure: Unsupported mechanism type PLAIN
Failed to construct kafka consumer - No resolvable bootstrap urls
Connect (DMX) Implementation Best Practices
Debugging a hang on Linux/UNIX
Considerations for upgrading or downgrading DMX
Unable to connect to a remote DMX server
Resolving the DMExpress Library Not Found Error
Unable to connect to the local DMX server
Using custom SSL/TLS certificates with Connect - Resolving HTTPSCVF
New parcel not showing up in parcel list on Cloudera Manager
SRVAUTHFAIL to PAM enabled DMX service on Linux / Unix
Numbers in ODBC error messages in DMExpress logs
You are not licensed to use this ODBC driver with the DataDirect ODBC Driver Manager under the license you have purchased
Unable to start the manager
Accessing Data in Excel Spreadsheets
INVNODE license error
Unexpected LargeObject in PostgreSQL, Redshift, and compatible databases
How to check that the bit level of Java and DMExpress match
(CLOSE) unable to close error with FTP source file
Where are Connect Portal (Management Server) logs located?
DBIOCDFM performance warning with Oracle NUMBER columns
Management service dmxmgr fails to start: Unable to insert row for version '1.6' in Schema History table "PUBLIC"."schema_version"
Management service dmxmgr fails to start in RPM, Cloudera parcel, or Ambari package-based install: Unable to open nested entry
Resolving the SRVAUTHFAIL Error
How to download old releases of DMExpress
Server not found in Kerberos database
SFTP connection error: SSH: Unable to exchange encryption keys
Kerberos: Fail to create credential. (63) - No service creds
Kerberos error: Unable to obtain password from user
Kerberos: no supported default etypes for default_tkt_enctypes
Kerberos: Cannot find KDC for requested realm
ODBC Data Source Name Not Found on Linux/UNIX
Unable to obtain Principal Name for authentication
Connect ETL (DMX) - Log4J - CVE-2021-44228, CVE-2021-45046, CVE-2021-45105
Peer indicated failure: Unsupported mechanism type PLAIN
Failed to construct kafka consumer - No resolvable bootstrap urls
Connect (DMX) Implementation Best Practices
Applying a new license key to an existing installation
Kerberos: No valid credentials provided (Mechanism level: Failed to find any Kerberos tgt)
GSS initiate failed
Data sources list must not be null
Unknown error 255 with Hadoop files or jvm.dll not found
Debugging a hang on Linux/UNIX
Considerations for upgrading or downgrading DMX
Unable to connect to a remote DMX server
DMX Release Notes 9.9.10
SFTP error: password authentication is not supported by the server (SSHDNAPS)
Resolving the ODBC DSN Architecture Mismatch Error
LIBHDFSE error - Cannot allocate memory
`GLIBCXX_N.N.NN' not found after fresh Connect install on Linux
JAVA_HOME is not set
Resolving the DMExpress Library Not Found Error
Unable to connect to the local DMX server
Using custom SSL/TLS certificates with Connect - Resolving HTTPSCVF
Transferring Connect (DMX) job and task files across servers
Resolving the DBCNNTES/FLLDALIB Errors
Hive error: Unable to create staging table, User does not have privileges for CREATETABLE
DMX Install Guide 9.8
Connect: The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect.
Connect: Configuring SQL Server or ODBC Connectivity on 64-bit Windows
New parcel not showing up in parcel list on Cloudera Manager
SRVAUTHFAIL to PAM enabled DMX service on Linux / Unix
Numbers in ODBC error messages in DMExpress logs
About Hive HA - ZooKeeper service discovery and high availability
App Mod Syntax Errors and Unsupported Features
(KILLED) the process has been terminated with the kill command
ODBC Error - You are not licensed to use this product with any application other than DMExpress
What is the DMX repository?
Running I/O Benchmark Tests
You are not licensed to use this ODBC driver with the DataDirect ODBC Driver Manager under the license you have purchased
Unable to start the manager
Accessing Data in Excel Spreadsheets
DMX-h License Package Migration Guide
THREADCREATIONERROR / JNOTHRD error cannot create a thread
Cannot set registry values / Unable to launch vcredist
CREAT or HIVEWERR on HDP clusters with HDFS/Hive targets in MapReduce
Installing multiple DMX-h versions side-by-side on CDH/CDP
SRVAUTHFAIL Connecting to Local DMExpress Server on Windows
INVNODE license error
Unexpected LargeObject in PostgreSQL, Redshift, and compatible databases
How to check that the bit level of Java and DMExpress match
Handling LargeObject (LOB) data
Amazon RDS support in Connect ETL/for Big Data
File jdbc-config.ini was not found
Unknown authentication error when connecting to DMX service
HIVEWERR, Permission denied when writing to Hive
DMXODBCDRIVERMANAGER setting in the odbcinst.ini file
(CLOSE) unable to close error with FTP source file
Where are Connect Portal (Management Server) logs located?
DBIOCDFM performance warning with Oracle NUMBER columns
(INVPLATFORM) the license key type is not valid for the current platform
HDPRXYSE/HDPRXYTO errors: attempt to initialize Hadoop proxy timed out
QEWSD in odbc.ini file
ODBC Data Source Name Not Found on Windows
HDFSCNNF/HDFSNNNF errors: unable to retrieve the host name of your Hadoop namenode
(KEYTYPE) the license key file contains invalid key information
Management service dmxmgr fails to start: Unable to insert row for version '1.6' in Schema History table "PUBLIC"."schema_version"
Management service dmxmgr fails to start in RPM, Cloudera parcel, or Ambari package-based install: Unable to open nested entry
Resolving the SRVAUTHFAIL Error
(USERIMPERSONATEERROR) cannot impersonate a user / (SVCAUTHF)
Extracting fractional seconds
'KEYINST: (READERR) Unable to install License Key' message in Connect ETL
'No suitable driver found' message for Databricks jdbc connection in Connect ETL
(HIVETGOS) Hive/Impala target table is not supported on the current operating system
Text/grid display issues with display scaling on high-resolution monitors
How to download old releases of DMExpress
Connect for Big Data contains self-service downloads within Precisely Data Experience for user accounts with active entitlements:
For more details, please see the Precisely Data Experience user guide.
- Go to Precisely Data Experience.
- Select My Software Products. You may be prompted for a login if not already authenticated.
- Select on the product to download. Product naming conventions may slightly differ and other products may also display.
- Once within a product, the latest version will be displayed by default and older versions can be selected via the Release dropdown.
- Select any product file to download.
For more details, please see the Precisely Data Experience user guide.
Connect for Big Data offers self-service Emergency keys within License Keys for user accounts with active entitlements:
- Go to License Keys.
- Click on the "Emergency Key" link next to your product. Product naming conventions may slightly differ and other products may also display. Note that you may need to switch the Support Site dropdown above the table if you have multiple contracts.
- Follow the instructions on the "Emergency Key" page to create and download your key.