EngageOne™ Inform
Mail Piece files containing binary characters in the Address fields using EngageOne Inform
Resolving error "The client and server cannot communicate, because they do not possess a common algorithm" using EngageOne Inform
How often does the EngageOne Inform Hub server send updates for Confirm or ACS data from the USPS
Are there layouts provided for the files sent by EngageOne Inform OnDemand
Confirm scans have a slow processing time frame using EngageOne Inform
Message: "Error occurred during Receive! and Exception of type 'CI.Platform.Bus.ContentNotFoundException' was thrown found in the Bus.log"
Why am I receiving duplicate ACS scans for an IMB from EngageOne Inform
How is the Delivery Scan Date determined on the Outbound Delivered Mailpiece Report using EngageOne Inform
How to query the volume of mail pieces for a single year using the EngageOne Inform database
Learn about the EngageOne Inform status page
How to designate a new Mailer ID to the EngageOne Inform Hub
Does EngageOne Delivery Audit or EngageOne Inform use 'Adobe Flash' player?
Mail360 Manager, Mail360 Server, and Mail360 Data Manager. When are the supported 'end-of-life' for the various versions?
Certificate request for EngageOne Inform
Why are no scans being returned for REMITS using STID 703 within EngageOne Inform
Does Mail360 Data Manager provide the Estimated Delivery date for mailpieces?
Where to find information on how to write a client for the REST Web service resources API for EngageOne Inform (or Mail360 Data Manager Version 3.0.0 or later)
Can you generate reports by Mail Piece type using Mail360 Data Manager/EngageOne Delivery Audit
How to locate database connection string in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Increasing the logging level using EngageOne Inform/Engage One Delivery Audit/Mail360 Data Manager
Using the service type id 321 for Secure Destruction with MAIL360 Data Manager™/EngageOne™ Delivery Audit/EngageOne™ Inform
Learn the recommendations to rematch events in EngageOne Inform
How to find out if new Certificates are required while configuring Mail360 Data Manager in new Windows 2012 Server
Mail360 Data Manager 3.1.0, what version of .NET framework does it require?
System Prerequisites for installing EngageOne Inform
Knowing the need of rebuilding/reorganizing indexes and updation of statistics in EngageOne Inform Databases
Can Mail360 Data Manager (EngageOne Delivery Audit, EngageOne Inform) use the Mail.dat files for Start-the-Clock?
How to delete a mailing job from the EngageOne Inform after the Mail Piece File was ingested?
issue- MAIL360 Data Manager reports do not show any scans received for a mailing. (Due to late ingestion of the Mail Piece Job file.)
Compatibility between SQL Server and EngageOne Delivery Audit 4.0
Can you have the same scan data go to 2 different machines in EngageOne Inform (Previously EngageOne Delivery Audit/MAIL360 Data Manager)
Obtaining documentation of latest release of Software Products
Can the S02 update can be applied without first installing the S01 update in MAIL360 Data Manager 3.1
How to delete a user from EngageOne Inform
Is SQL Server 2012 Standard Edition supported with Mail360 Data Manager 2.5 ?
New features in EngageOne Delivery Audit v3.0 and later releases
Information on the email from the USPS Informed Visibility Customer HelpDesk about data delegation when using EngageOne Delivery Audit/EngageOne Inform
How to find the 'Actual Delivery Date' and whether it is stored in the Data Manager database in Mail360 Data Manager
Purging 'job_shipments' table in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Configuring Diagnostic capability in EngageOne Inform
How to find out if MAIL360 Data Manager 2.6.0 a required release
Checking if scans are getting downloaded in EngageOne Inform
Does Mail360 Data Manager offer intermittent scans of activity to know that the USPS is processing the mail or just delivered only?
How to remove message type with status 'F' and 'I' in Large Message Queue (LMQ) in Engage One Inform
Version of dot net (.Net) framework certified with EngageOne Delivery Audit 4.0
Question on deleted EngageOne Inform Data Manager Files and extract files
How often are Address Change Service(ACS) scans normally sent from the USPS to the EngageOne Delivery Audit/EngageOne Inform/Mail360 Data Manager hub
Effect of migrating from USPS IMb Tracing and PostalOne! to Informed visibility on EngageOne Delivery Audit
Upgrading clustered database in EngageOne Inform
Learn possible reason of (Mailpiece file) ingestion failure in EngageOne Inform
Various states of a Mailpiece in EngageOne Inform
How to ensure Remit scans are sent to customer's Data Manager from the Precisely Hub using EngageOne Inform (Previously EngageOne Delivery Audit/MAIL360 Data Manager)
What are the minimum database permissions required by the MAIL360 Data Manager(now called EngageOne Inform) service account on the SQL databases
Support of R-IMb's in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Where to obtain a license file for MailStream Plus, Mail360 Manager, Mail360 Server, and Mail360 Data Manager/EngageOne Delivery Audit, EngageOne Inform
Learn about EngageOne Inform and the USPS Secure Destruction program
Information about EngageOne Inform, and what accounts can be used for the needed processes
How to check integrity of a Input job file or Mail-Piece file in Mail360 Data Manager
What are the entries in the "acs_address_changes" table using EngageOne Inform
User Interface report shows that the delivery date for a mail piece has changed using EngageOne Inform's(Previously EngageOne Delivery Audit and MAIL360 Data Manager)
What does delivered mean in the Outbound Delivered Mailpieces Report using EngageOne Inform
How to perform offline scan ingestion in EngageOne Inform, formerly EngageOne Delivery Audit and Mail360 Data Manager
Why are some ACS scans not returned back from the USPS using EngageOne Inform?
Can I delete the .gz files from the EngageOne Inform (EngageOne Delivery Audit, MAIL360 Data Manager) bus-repository directory
Is the HH of the MMDDYYYYHHMMSS component in the JOB Mail Piece File Header record in 24 hour time format using EngageOne Inform
Matching ACS/CONFIRM to a mailpiece using EngageOne Inform
Support for SQL Server Database Clustering and Failover in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Identity Server Login screen does not respond after login attempt in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Management of United States Holidays in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Explaining what the Perpetual flag on the license does using MailStream Plus, MAIL360 Server, and EngageOne Inform
Learn to configure the Data Manager and Identity Manager web services in Mail360 Data Manager
Learn to invoke the EngageOne Delivery Audit web services for mail tracking
Does Mail360 Data Manager version 2.4.0 support Internet Explorer version 11.0
How to reset user password in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Support of Mail XML version 12-B in EngageOne Delivery Audit
How to request electronic return receipt for Certified Mailings using Mail360 Data Manager/EngageOne Delivery Audit
How to test new installation of EngageOne Inform with dummy scans
EngageOne™ Delivery Audit (formerly called 'Mail360 Data Manager')- what is the new 'Production' button seen on the 'User Interface' for?
Availability of old and new address information in EngageOne Inform/EngageOne Delivery Audit Database
Delivery count being larger than Expected count in Remittance Summary report in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Learn to Increase Auto log off duration for Data Manager user interface in Engage One Delivery Audit
Significance of Production Facility and CRID in EngageOne Delivery Audit
How to address security vulnerabilities in EngageOne Delivery Audit 4.0 and Mail360 Data Manager version 3.1
How to access historical scan data that is older than the user keeps in their local DataBase in EngageOne Inform
Ingest a Job file corresponding to Mail-piece(s) to be shipped at later date in EngageOne Delivery Audit
How do I get a login to use the MAIL360 Identity Server User Interface using Mail360 Data Manager/EngageOne Delivery Audit
Can you setup Multithreading using EngageOne Inform?
Mail Piece files containing binary characters in the Address fields using EngageOne Inform
Resolving error "The client and server cannot communicate, because they do not possess a common algorithm" using EngageOne Inform
How often does the EngageOne Inform Hub server send updates for Confirm or ACS data from the USPS
Are there layouts provided for the files sent by EngageOne Inform OnDemand
Confirm scans have a slow processing time frame using EngageOne Inform
Message: "Error occurred during Receive! and Exception of type 'CI.Platform.Bus.ContentNotFoundException' was thrown found in the Bus.log"
Why am I receiving duplicate ACS scans for an IMB from EngageOne Inform
How is the Delivery Scan Date determined on the Outbound Delivered Mailpiece Report using EngageOne Inform
How to query the volume of mail pieces for a single year using the EngageOne Inform database
Learn about the EngageOne Inform status page
How to designate a new Mailer ID to the EngageOne Inform Hub
Does EngageOne Delivery Audit or EngageOne Inform use 'Adobe Flash' player?
Mail360 Manager, Mail360 Server, and Mail360 Data Manager. When are the supported 'end-of-life' for the various versions?
Certificate request for EngageOne Inform
Why are no scans being returned for REMITS using STID 703 within EngageOne Inform
Does Mail360 Data Manager provide the Estimated Delivery date for mailpieces?
Where to find information on how to write a client for the REST Web service resources API for EngageOne Inform (or Mail360 Data Manager Version 3.0.0 or later)
Can you generate reports by Mail Piece type using Mail360 Data Manager/EngageOne Delivery Audit
How to locate database connection string in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Increasing the logging level using EngageOne Inform/Engage One Delivery Audit/Mail360 Data Manager
Removing the 0 record partition in EngageOne Inform
How to see if a Mailpiece has been delivered in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Does EngageOne Delivery Audit application require Java
Why does a new contact never receive an email notification after their name was added to Mail360 Data Manager/EngageOne Inform
Hardware requirement of EngageOne Delivery Audit
Questions on the USPS Scan Date offset value for EngageOne Inform
Using the service type id 321 for Secure Destruction with MAIL360 Data Manager™/EngageOne™ Delivery Audit/EngageOne™ Inform
Learn the recommendations to rematch events in EngageOne Inform
How to find out if new Certificates are required while configuring Mail360 Data Manager in new Windows 2012 Server
Mail360 Data Manager 3.1.0, what version of .NET framework does it require?
System Prerequisites for installing EngageOne Inform
Knowing the need of rebuilding/reorganizing indexes and updation of statistics in EngageOne Inform Databases
Can Mail360 Data Manager (EngageOne Delivery Audit, EngageOne Inform) use the Mail.dat files for Start-the-Clock?
How to delete a mailing job from the EngageOne Inform after the Mail Piece File was ingested?
issue- MAIL360 Data Manager reports do not show any scans received for a mailing. (Due to late ingestion of the Mail Piece Job file.)
Compatibility between SQL Server and EngageOne Delivery Audit 4.0
Can you have the same scan data go to 2 different machines in EngageOne Inform (Previously EngageOne Delivery Audit/MAIL360 Data Manager)
Obtaining documentation of latest release of Software Products
Can the S02 update can be applied without first installing the S01 update in MAIL360 Data Manager 3.1
How to delete a user from EngageOne Inform
Is SQL Server 2012 Standard Edition supported with Mail360 Data Manager 2.5 ?
New features in EngageOne Delivery Audit v3.0 and later releases
Information on the email from the USPS Informed Visibility Customer HelpDesk about data delegation when using EngageOne Delivery Audit/EngageOne Inform
How to find the 'Actual Delivery Date' and whether it is stored in the Data Manager database in Mail360 Data Manager
Purging 'job_shipments' table in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Configuring Diagnostic capability in EngageOne Inform
How to find out if MAIL360 Data Manager 2.6.0 a required release
Checking if scans are getting downloaded in EngageOne Inform
Does Mail360 Data Manager offer intermittent scans of activity to know that the USPS is processing the mail or just delivered only?
How to remove message type with status 'F' and 'I' in Large Message Queue (LMQ) in Engage One Inform
How to input Spoilage into EngageOne™ Delivery Audit (previously called Mail360 Data Manager)
Complete Job or Mailpiece file flow in EngageOne Inform
How to find if Mail360 DataManager 2.5 is supported with SQL Server 2014
Version of dot net (.Net) framework certified with EngageOne Delivery Audit 4.0
Question on deleted EngageOne Inform Data Manager Files and extract files
How often are Address Change Service(ACS) scans normally sent from the USPS to the EngageOne Delivery Audit/EngageOne Inform/Mail360 Data Manager hub
Effect of migrating from USPS IMb Tracing and PostalOne! to Informed visibility on EngageOne Delivery Audit
Upgrading clustered database in EngageOne Inform
Learn possible reason of (Mailpiece file) ingestion failure in EngageOne Inform
Various states of a Mailpiece in EngageOne Inform
How to ensure Remit scans are sent to customer's Data Manager from the Precisely Hub using EngageOne Inform (Previously EngageOne Delivery Audit/MAIL360 Data Manager)
What are the minimum database permissions required by the MAIL360 Data Manager(now called EngageOne Inform) service account on the SQL databases
Support of R-IMb's in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Where to obtain a license file for MailStream Plus, Mail360 Manager, Mail360 Server, and Mail360 Data Manager/EngageOne Delivery Audit, EngageOne Inform
Learn about EngageOne Inform and the USPS Secure Destruction program
Information about EngageOne Inform, and what accounts can be used for the needed processes
How to check integrity of a Input job file or Mail-Piece file in Mail360 Data Manager
What are the entries in the "acs_address_changes" table using EngageOne Inform
User Interface report shows that the delivery date for a mail piece has changed using EngageOne Inform's(Previously EngageOne Delivery Audit and MAIL360 Data Manager)
What does delivered mean in the Outbound Delivered Mailpieces Report using EngageOne Inform
How to perform offline scan ingestion in EngageOne Inform, formerly EngageOne Delivery Audit and Mail360 Data Manager
Why are some ACS scans not returned back from the USPS using EngageOne Inform?
Can I delete the .gz files from the EngageOne Inform (EngageOne Delivery Audit, MAIL360 Data Manager) bus-repository directory
Is the HH of the MMDDYYYYHHMMSS component in the JOB Mail Piece File Header record in 24 hour time format using EngageOne Inform
Matching ACS/CONFIRM to a mailpiece using EngageOne Inform
Support for SQL Server Database Clustering and Failover in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Identity Server Login screen does not respond after login attempt in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Management of United States Holidays in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Explaining what the Perpetual flag on the license does using MailStream Plus, MAIL360 Server, and EngageOne Inform
Learn to configure the Data Manager and Identity Manager web services in Mail360 Data Manager
Learn to invoke the EngageOne Delivery Audit web services for mail tracking
Does Mail360 Data Manager version 2.4.0 support Internet Explorer version 11.0
How to reset user password in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Support of Mail XML version 12-B in EngageOne Delivery Audit
How to request electronic return receipt for Certified Mailings using Mail360 Data Manager/EngageOne Delivery Audit
How to test new installation of EngageOne Inform with dummy scans
EngageOne™ Delivery Audit (formerly called 'Mail360 Data Manager')- what is the new 'Production' button seen on the 'User Interface' for?
Availability of old and new address information in EngageOne Inform/EngageOne Delivery Audit Database
Delivery count being larger than Expected count in Remittance Summary report in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Learn to Increase Auto log off duration for Data Manager user interface in Engage One Delivery Audit
Significance of Production Facility and CRID in EngageOne Delivery Audit
How to address security vulnerabilities in EngageOne Delivery Audit 4.0 and Mail360 Data Manager version 3.1
How to access historical scan data that is older than the user keeps in their local DataBase in EngageOne Inform
Ingest a Job file corresponding to Mail-piece(s) to be shipped at later date in EngageOne Delivery Audit
How do I get a login to use the MAIL360 Identity Server User Interface using Mail360 Data Manager/EngageOne Delivery Audit
How to add port number when upgrading Mail360 Data Manager database from version 3.0 to 3.1
How to change the Job summary report to keep track of 45 days instead of 15 (default) in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Significance of Facility Zip in EngageOne Inform
How to designate a new Mailer ID to the EngageOne Inform Hub
Certificate request for EngageOne Inform
Adding a new Mailer ID into EngageOne Inform, and preparing the Hub for it.
Can you setup Multithreading using EngageOne Inform?
Resolve error 'The underlying connection was closed' in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Various states of a Mailpiece in EngageOne Inform
Significance of Production Facility and CRID in EngageOne Delivery Audit
'Set the clientidentifier key value in the config file.' message in EngageOne Inform
Resolve 'unable to connect to remote server' while logging in Data Manager or Identity Server Web in EngageOne Delivery Audit
How to see if a Mailpiece has been delivered in EngageOne Delivery Audit
How to search Job / Input file(s) in EngageOne Delivery Audit Data Manager Web
How to reset user password in EngageOne Delivery Audit
How to test new installation of EngageOne Inform with dummy scans
Resolving error "The client and server cannot communicate, because they do not possess a common algorithm" using EngageOne Inform
Can I delete the .gz files from the EngageOne Inform (EngageOne Delivery Audit, MAIL360 Data Manager) bus-repository directory
How to delete a user from EngageOne Inform
How to add port number when upgrading Mail360 Data Manager database from version 3.0 to 3.1
How to find out if new Certificates are required while configuring Mail360 Data Manager in new Windows 2012 Server
Why does a new contact never receive an email notification after their name was added to Mail360 Data Manager/EngageOne Inform
Purging 'job_shipments' table in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Information on the email from the USPS Informed Visibility Customer HelpDesk about data delegation when using EngageOne Delivery Audit/EngageOne Inform
How do I get a login to use the MAIL360 Identity Server User Interface using Mail360 Data Manager/EngageOne Delivery Audit
Questions on the USPS Scan Date offset value for EngageOne Inform
How to rematch Confirm and ACS Scans using EngageOne Inform
Will a scan be returned for a mail piece mailed at the Single piece rate using Mail360 Data Manager/EngageOne Delivery Audit
Explaining what the Perpetual flag on the license does using MailStream Plus, MAIL360 Server, and EngageOne Inform
Learn possible reason of (Mailpiece file) ingestion failure in EngageOne Inform
How to allow a user to search for a mailpiece, but not have access to run/view other reports using EngageOne Inform
Can Mail360 Data Manager (EngageOne Delivery Audit, EngageOne Inform) use the Mail.dat files for Start-the-Clock?
Checking if scans are getting downloaded in EngageOne Inform
Will running Mail360 Data Manager 3.1 Database on a Virtual Machine cause any performance or functionality issues versus a physical server
How to ingest STC scan
Selection criterion if more than one IMB's are found in EngageOne Inform Database matching with the scan downloaded from USPS
What are the entries in the "acs_address_changes" table using EngageOne Inform
Effect of migrating from USPS IMb Tracing and PostalOne! to Informed visibility on EngageOne Delivery Audit
EngageOne™ Delivery Audit (formerly called 'Mail360 Data Manager')- what is the new 'Production' button seen on the 'User Interface' for?
Support of R-IMb's in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Mail360 Data Manager 3.0.1S01 Patch Release
How to manually delete a job in EngageOne Delivery Audit
How to upgrade Mail360 Data Manager (now called EngageOne Inform)
Can the S02 update can be applied without first installing the S01 update in MAIL360 Data Manager 3.1
How to check for scans for a specific Mailer ID using Mail360 Data Manager/EngageOne Delivery Audit database
Configuring Diagnostic capability in EngageOne Inform
Why does the Outmail piece scans table contain entries for a period longer than 45 days from when Outbound scans are loaded, using EngageOne Inform
issue- MAIL360 Data Manager reports do not show any scans received for a mailing. (Due to late ingestion of the Mail Piece Job file.)
Ingest a Job file corresponding to Mail-piece(s) to be shipped at later date in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Delivery count being larger than Expected count in Remittance Summary report in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Using the service type id 321 for Secure Destruction with MAIL360 Data Manager™/EngageOne™ Delivery Audit/EngageOne™ Inform
Availability of old and new address information in EngageOne Inform/EngageOne Delivery Audit Database
Is SQL Server 2012 Standard Edition supported with Mail360 Data Manager 2.5 ?
Can you have the same scan data go to 2 different machines in EngageOne Inform (Previously EngageOne Delivery Audit/MAIL360 Data Manager)
Where to find information on how to write a client for the REST Web service resources API for EngageOne Inform (or Mail360 Data Manager Version 3.0.0 or later)
Support of version 2.X and 3.X in EngageOne Delivery Audit
IMB matching criteria in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Learn about EngageOne Inform and the USPS Secure Destruction program
Removing the 0 record partition in EngageOne Inform
Does Mail360 Data Manager offer intermittent scans of activity to know that the USPS is processing the mail or just delivered only?
Mail360 Manager, Mail360 Server, and Mail360 Data Manager. When are the supported 'end-of-life' for the various versions?
During USPS Scheduled Maintenance Outage (or other outtage) EngageOne Inform Users Will Notice a Delay in Receiving Scans
User Interface report shows that the delivery date for a mail piece has changed using EngageOne Inform's(Previously EngageOne Delivery Audit and MAIL360 Data Manager)
System Prerequisites for installing EngageOne Inform
How often are Address Change Service(ACS) scans normally sent from the USPS to the EngageOne Delivery Audit/EngageOne Inform/Mail360 Data Manager hub
Information about EngageOne Inform, and what accounts can be used for the needed processes
Information about MailStream Plus's and EngageOne Delivery Audit's Job Description, Job Name, and Mail360 Owner Code field lengths.
Increasing the logging level using EngageOne Inform/Engage One Delivery Audit/Mail360 Data Manager
Where to obtain a license file for MailStream Plus, Mail360 Manager, Mail360 Server, and Mail360 Data Manager/EngageOne Delivery Audit, EngageOne Inform
Why does the Outmail piece scans table contain entries for a period longer than 45 days from when Outbound scans are loaded, using EngageOne Inform
issue- MAIL360 Data Manager reports do not show any scans received for a mailing. (Due to late ingestion of the Mail Piece Job file.)
During USPS Scheduled Maintenance Outage (or other outtage) EngageOne Inform Users Will Notice a Delay in Receiving Scans
User Interface report shows that the delivery date for a mail piece has changed using EngageOne Inform's(Previously EngageOne Delivery Audit and MAIL360 Data Manager)
How to designate a new Mailer ID to the EngageOne Inform Hub
Certificate request for EngageOne Inform
Adding a new Mailer ID into EngageOne Inform, and preparing the Hub for it.
Can you setup Multithreading using EngageOne Inform?
Resolve error 'The underlying connection was closed' in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Various states of a Mailpiece in EngageOne Inform
Significance of Production Facility and CRID in EngageOne Delivery Audit
'Set the clientidentifier key value in the config file.' message in EngageOne Inform
Resolve 'unable to connect to remote server' while logging in Data Manager or Identity Server Web in EngageOne Delivery Audit
How to see if a Mailpiece has been delivered in EngageOne Delivery Audit
How to search Job / Input file(s) in EngageOne Delivery Audit Data Manager Web
How to reset user password in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Ingesting Mail.dat file from EngageOne Delivery Audit Data Manager User Interface
How to perform offline scan ingestion in EngageOne Inform, formerly EngageOne Delivery Audit and Mail360 Data Manager
Learn whether to edit a Stored Procedure in EngageOne Inform
How to change the Job summary report to keep track of 45 days instead of 15 (default) in EngageOne Delivery Audit
'Temporary access key is expired' message in EngageOne Inform
How to locate database connection string in EngageOne Delivery Audit
How to test new installation of EngageOne Inform with dummy scans
Resolving error "The client and server cannot communicate, because they do not possess a common algorithm" using EngageOne Inform
Can I delete the .gz files from the EngageOne Inform (EngageOne Delivery Audit, MAIL360 Data Manager) bus-repository directory
Is Tomcat v9 supported in EngageOne Delivery Audit version 4.1.0 or EngageOne Inform 4.2.0
Learn the recommendations to rematch events in EngageOne Inform
How to access historical scan data that is older than the user keeps in their local DataBase in EngageOne Inform
Ingesting Mail.dat files with multiple Mailer Ids using EngageOne Delivery Audit
Complete Job or Mailpiece file flow in EngageOne Inform
Learn to invoke the EngageOne Delivery Audit web services for mail tracking
How to delete a user from EngageOne Inform
How to add port number when upgrading Mail360 Data Manager database from version 3.0 to 3.1
How to find out if new Certificates are required while configuring Mail360 Data Manager in new Windows 2012 Server
Why does a new contact never receive an email notification after their name was added to Mail360 Data Manager/EngageOne Inform
Purging 'job_shipments' table in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Information on the email from the USPS Informed Visibility Customer HelpDesk about data delegation when using EngageOne Delivery Audit/EngageOne Inform
Upgrading clustered database in EngageOne Inform
How to input Spoilage into EngageOne™ Delivery Audit (previously called Mail360 Data Manager)
Does EngageOne Delivery Audit application require Java
How do I get a login to use the MAIL360 Identity Server User Interface using Mail360 Data Manager/EngageOne Delivery Audit
Questions on the USPS Scan Date offset value for EngageOne Inform
How to rematch Confirm and ACS Scans using EngageOne Inform
Will a scan be returned for a mail piece mailed at the Single piece rate using Mail360 Data Manager/EngageOne Delivery Audit
Explaining what the Perpetual flag on the license does using MailStream Plus, MAIL360 Server, and EngageOne Inform
Learn possible reason of (Mailpiece file) ingestion failure in EngageOne Inform
Hardware requirement of EngageOne Delivery Audit
Does Mail360 Data Manager provide the Estimated Delivery date for mailpieces?
Learn to Increase Auto log off duration for Data Manager user interface in Engage One Delivery Audit
How to allow a user to search for a mailpiece, but not have access to run/view other reports using EngageOne Inform
Can Mail360 Data Manager (EngageOne Delivery Audit, EngageOne Inform) use the Mail.dat files for Start-the-Clock?
Checking if scans are getting downloaded in EngageOne Inform
Will running Mail360 Data Manager 3.1 Database on a Virtual Machine cause any performance or functionality issues versus a physical server
How to ingest STC scan
Selection criterion if more than one IMB's are found in EngageOne Inform Database matching with the scan downloaded from USPS
What are the entries in the "acs_address_changes" table using EngageOne Inform
Effect of migrating from USPS IMb Tracing and PostalOne! to Informed visibility on EngageOne Delivery Audit
EngageOne™ Delivery Audit (formerly called 'Mail360 Data Manager')- what is the new 'Production' button seen on the 'User Interface' for?
Support of R-IMb's in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Mail360 Data Manager 3.0.1S01 Patch Release
How to manually delete a job in EngageOne Delivery Audit
How to upgrade Mail360 Data Manager (now called EngageOne Inform)
Can the S02 update can be applied without first installing the S01 update in MAIL360 Data Manager 3.1
How to check for scans for a specific Mailer ID using Mail360 Data Manager/EngageOne Delivery Audit database
Version of dot net (.Net) framework certified with EngageOne Delivery Audit 4.0
How to delete a mailing job from the EngageOne Inform after the Mail Piece File was ingested?
How to find out if MAIL360 Data Manager 2.6.0 a required release
Configuring Diagnostic capability in EngageOne Inform
Why does the Outmail piece scans table contain entries for a period longer than 45 days from when Outbound scans are loaded, using EngageOne Inform
issue- MAIL360 Data Manager reports do not show any scans received for a mailing. (Due to late ingestion of the Mail Piece Job file.)
Learn to configure the Data Manager and Identity Manager web services in Mail360 Data Manager
Compatibility between SQL Server and EngageOne Delivery Audit 4.0
Communication between EngageOne Inform Web UI, EngageOne Inform Services and Mail360 HUB
Support of Mail XML version 12-B in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Support for SQL Server Database Clustering and Failover in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Why are no scans being returned for REMITS using STID 703 within EngageOne Inform
Ingest a Job file corresponding to Mail-piece(s) to be shipped at later date in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Delivery count being larger than Expected count in Remittance Summary report in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Using the service type id 321 for Secure Destruction with MAIL360 Data Manager™/EngageOne™ Delivery Audit/EngageOne™ Inform
Availability of old and new address information in EngageOne Inform/EngageOne Delivery Audit Database
Is SQL Server 2012 Standard Edition supported with Mail360 Data Manager 2.5 ?
Can you have the same scan data go to 2 different machines in EngageOne Inform (Previously EngageOne Delivery Audit/MAIL360 Data Manager)
List of database tables that can be purged in EngageOne Inform
How to remove message type with status 'F' and 'I' in Large Message Queue (LMQ) in Engage One Inform
How to find if Mail360 DataManager 2.5 is supported with SQL Server 2014
Where to find information on how to write a client for the REST Web service resources API for EngageOne Inform (or Mail360 Data Manager Version 3.0.0 or later)
Support of version 2.X and 3.X in EngageOne Delivery Audit
IMB matching criteria in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Learn about EngageOne Inform and the USPS Secure Destruction program
Removing the 0 record partition in EngageOne Inform
Does Mail360 Data Manager offer intermittent scans of activity to know that the USPS is processing the mail or just delivered only?
Mail360 Manager, Mail360 Server, and Mail360 Data Manager. When are the supported 'end-of-life' for the various versions?
During USPS Scheduled Maintenance Outage (or other outtage) EngageOne Inform Users Will Notice a Delay in Receiving Scans
User Interface report shows that the delivery date for a mail piece has changed using EngageOne Inform's(Previously EngageOne Delivery Audit and MAIL360 Data Manager)
System Prerequisites for installing EngageOne Inform
How often are Address Change Service(ACS) scans normally sent from the USPS to the EngageOne Delivery Audit/EngageOne Inform/Mail360 Data Manager hub
Information about EngageOne Inform, and what accounts can be used for the needed processes
Information about MailStream Plus's and EngageOne Delivery Audit's Job Description, Job Name, and Mail360 Owner Code field lengths.
Increasing the logging level using EngageOne Inform/Engage One Delivery Audit/Mail360 Data Manager
Where to obtain a license file for MailStream Plus, Mail360 Manager, Mail360 Server, and Mail360 Data Manager/EngageOne Delivery Audit, EngageOne Inform
What are the minimum database permissions required by the MAIL360 Data Manager(now called EngageOne Inform) service account on the SQL databases
Significance of Facility Zip in EngageOne Inform
Why are ACS scans being returned in duplicates using EngageOne Inform
'The partner transaction manager has disabled its support for remote/network transactions' message in EngageOne Inform
'Cannot Open Backup Device 'c:*.dbk' Operating system error 5(Access is Denied)' message on SQL Server with EngageOne® Designer
'SSL Certificate add failed, Error: 183' message observed in EngageOne Inform
Resolve error operation cannot be performed on database "mail360dm" because it is involved in a database mirroring session when upgrading Mail360 Data Manager/EngageOne Delivery Audit/EngageOne Inform
Resolve '403 - Forbidden: Access is denied' while accessing Num Server Web
Resolve "[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver] Attempt to read unknown version of BCP format file" encountered while running create-database scripts in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Error: "The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding using EngageOne Delivery Audit"
Web client Parser Error Message: Unrecognized attribute 'targetFramework'. Note that attribute names are case-sensitive.Framework using Mail360 Data Manager
Resolving error "The client and server cannot communicate, because they do not possess a common algorithm" using EngageOne Inform
Resolve error "An item with the same key has already been added" in the Message Receiver log for Mail360 DataManager
Resolve job file ingestion problems in EngageOne Inform
Resolve error 'Your Report request has failed to communicate with Server' in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Resolve "Either the username or password you entered is incorrect or the user account is inactive" error occur on login to Mail360 Data Manager web UI
During USPS Scheduled Maintenance Outage (or other outtage) EngageOne Inform Users Will Notice a Delay in Receiving Scans
Obtaining documentation of latest release of Software Products
Using the service type id 321 for Secure Destruction with MAIL360 Data Manager™/EngageOne™ Delivery Audit/EngageOne™ Inform
Resolve error 'FTP Error received - The file filename.zip has failed a file transfer and it has not been processed' while uploading a Job file over FTP in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Why are some ACS scans not returned back from the USPS using EngageOne Inform?
Where to obtain a license file for MailStream Plus, Mail360 Manager, Mail360 Server, and Mail360 Data Manager/EngageOne Delivery Audit, EngageOne Inform
System Prerequisites for installing EngageOne Inform
Resolving the Client Bus service not starting in EngageOne Inform
Message: "Error occurred during Receive! and Exception of type 'CI.Platform.Bus.ContentNotFoundException' was thrown found in the Bus.log"
Why does a new contact never receive an email notification after their name was added to Mail360 Data Manager/EngageOne Inform
Resolve Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) are not created after install or upgrade of EngageOne Delivery Audit
How to delete a mailing job from the EngageOne Inform after the Mail Piece File was ingested?
Information about EngageOne Inform, and what accounts can be used for the needed processes
Learn whether to edit a Stored Procedure in EngageOne Inform
Question on deleted EngageOne Inform Data Manager Files and extract files
How to query the volume of mail pieces for a single year using the EngageOne Inform database
Resolving this error in the message receiver log '@i_facility_zip cannot be spaces' using EngageOne Delivery Audit/EngageOne inform
How to ensure Remit scans are sent to customer's Data Manager from the Precisely Hub using EngageOne Inform (Previously EngageOne Delivery Audit/MAIL360 Data Manager)
Significance of 'Mailed' status in Postal Tracking in EngageOne Inform
ERROR CI.IdentityServerUI.Model.PoxConnectorIdentityServer - The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error in EngageOne Delivery Audit/EngageOne Inform
How to check for scans for a specific Mailer ID using Mail360 Data Manager/EngageOne Delivery Audit database
Purging in EngageOne Inform
How to test new installation of EngageOne Inform with dummy scans
Resolve Identity Server Web UI Login screen does not respond after entering user name and password in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Knowing the need of rebuilding/reorganizing indexes and updation of statistics in EngageOne Inform Databases
'You are not authorized to access the application error' message in EngageOne Inform
Hardware requirement of EngageOne Delivery Audit
Resolve 'unable to connect to remote server' while logging in Data Manager or Identity Server Web in EngageOne Delivery Audit
How often are Address Change Service(ACS) scans normally sent from the USPS to the EngageOne Delivery Audit/EngageOne Inform/Mail360 Data Manager hub
IMB matching criteria in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Increasing the logging level using EngageOne Inform/Engage One Delivery Audit/Mail360 Data Manager
Mail360 Manager, Mail360 Server, and Mail360 Data Manager. When are the supported 'end-of-life' for the various versions?
Resolve scans events for a specific mailer are not coming in EngageOne Delivery Audit
How do I get a login to use the MAIL360 Identity Server User Interface using Mail360 Data Manager/EngageOne Delivery Audit
Can you generate reports by Mail Piece type using Mail360 Data Manager/EngageOne Delivery Audit
How to request electronic return receipt for Certified Mailings using Mail360 Data Manager/EngageOne Delivery Audit
Resolve "An item with the same key has already been added" occurred during Job Ingestion in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Checking if scans are getting downloaded in EngageOne Inform
Mail360 Data Manager, (EngageOne Delivery Audit, EngageOne Inform) customer not getting scans for a Remit code
How to find out if new Certificates are required while configuring Mail360 Data Manager in new Windows 2012 Server
Support for SQL Server Database Clustering and Failover in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Information on the email from the USPS Informed Visibility Customer HelpDesk about data delegation when using EngageOne Delivery Audit/EngageOne Inform
Delivery count being larger than Expected count in Remittance Summary report in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Learn the recommendations to rematch events in EngageOne Inform
Ingest a Job file corresponding to Mail-piece(s) to be shipped at later date in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Does Mail360 Data Manager version 2.4.0 support Internet Explorer version 11.0
Resolving issue with the USPS reporting the change of address records with PO BOX are in the wrong format
Resolve EngageOne Delivery Audit services not visible in Service console
Identity Server Login screen does not respond after login attempt in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Support of version 2.X and 3.X in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Learn possible reason of (Mailpiece file) ingestion failure in EngageOne Inform
Can Mail360 Data Manager (EngageOne Delivery Audit, EngageOne Inform) use the Mail.dat files for Start-the-Clock?
issue- MAIL360 Data Manager reports do not show any scans received for a mailing. (Due to late ingestion of the Mail Piece Job file.)
Resolve '403 - Forbidden: Access is denied' while accessing Num Server Web
Resolve "[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver] Attempt to read unknown version of BCP format file" encountered while running create-database scripts in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Error: "The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding using EngageOne Delivery Audit"
Web client Parser Error Message: Unrecognized attribute 'targetFramework'. Note that attribute names are case-sensitive.Framework using Mail360 Data Manager
Mail360 Manager, Mail360 Server, and Mail360 Data Manager. When are the supported 'end-of-life' for the various versions?
User Interface report shows that the delivery date for a mail piece has changed using EngageOne Inform's(Previously EngageOne Delivery Audit and MAIL360 Data Manager)
Learn possible reason of (Mailpiece file) ingestion failure in EngageOne Inform
Can Mail360 Data Manager (EngageOne Delivery Audit, EngageOne Inform) use the Mail.dat files for Start-the-Clock?
issue- MAIL360 Data Manager reports do not show any scans received for a mailing. (Due to late ingestion of the Mail Piece Job file.)
'The partner transaction manager has disabled its support for remote/network transactions' message in EngageOne Inform
'Cannot Open Backup Device 'c:*.dbk' Operating system error 5(Access is Denied)' message on SQL Server with EngageOne® Designer
'SSL Certificate add failed, Error: 183' message observed in EngageOne Inform
Resolve error operation cannot be performed on database "mail360dm" because it is involved in a database mirroring session when upgrading Mail360 Data Manager/EngageOne Delivery Audit/EngageOne Inform
Resolve '403 - Forbidden: Access is denied' while accessing Num Server Web
Resolve "[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver] Attempt to read unknown version of BCP format file" encountered while running create-database scripts in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Error: "The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding using EngageOne Delivery Audit"
Web client Parser Error Message: Unrecognized attribute 'targetFramework'. Note that attribute names are case-sensitive.Framework using Mail360 Data Manager
Resolving error "The client and server cannot communicate, because they do not possess a common algorithm" using EngageOne Inform
Resolve error "An item with the same key has already been added" in the Message Receiver log for Mail360 DataManager
Resolve job file ingestion problems in EngageOne Inform
Resolve error 'Your Report request has failed to communicate with Server' in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Resolve "Either the username or password you entered is incorrect or the user account is inactive" error occur on login to Mail360 Data Manager web UI
During USPS Scheduled Maintenance Outage (or other outtage) EngageOne Inform Users Will Notice a Delay in Receiving Scans
Obtaining documentation of latest release of Software Products
Using the service type id 321 for Secure Destruction with MAIL360 Data Manager™/EngageOne™ Delivery Audit/EngageOne™ Inform
Resolve error 'FTP Error received - The file filename.zip has failed a file transfer and it has not been processed' while uploading a Job file over FTP in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Why are some ACS scans not returned back from the USPS using EngageOne Inform?
Where to obtain a license file for MailStream Plus, Mail360 Manager, Mail360 Server, and Mail360 Data Manager/EngageOne Delivery Audit, EngageOne Inform
System Prerequisites for installing EngageOne Inform
Resolving the Client Bus service not starting in EngageOne Inform
Not able to log in to the EngageOne Delivery Audit/Data Manager or Identity Server Web UI
Resolve error "UI: 403 – Forbidden: Access is denied" in Mail360 Data Manager
Does EngageOne Delivery Audit or EngageOne Inform use 'Adobe Flash' player?
Certificate request for EngageOne Inform
Runtime error while trying to login in to the EngageOne Inform Data Manager Web UI with error "Access is Denied" in event logs
How to designate a new Mailer ID to the EngageOne Inform Hub
Message: "Error occurred during Receive! and Exception of type 'CI.Platform.Bus.ContentNotFoundException' was thrown found in the Bus.log"
Why does a new contact never receive an email notification after their name was added to Mail360 Data Manager/EngageOne Inform
Resolve Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) are not created after install or upgrade of EngageOne Delivery Audit
Why am I receiving duplicate ACS scans for an IMB from EngageOne Inform
Resolve error 'The underlying connection was closed' in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Complete Job or Mailpiece file flow in EngageOne Inform
Learn about EngageOne Inform and the USPS Secure Destruction program
Learn about the EngageOne Inform status page
'Temporary access key is expired' message in EngageOne Inform
How to delete a mailing job from the EngageOne Inform after the Mail Piece File was ingested?
Information about EngageOne Inform, and what accounts can be used for the needed processes
Learn whether to edit a Stored Procedure in EngageOne Inform
Effect of migrating from USPS IMb Tracing and PostalOne! to Informed visibility on EngageOne Delivery Audit
How to remove message type with status 'F' and 'I' in Large Message Queue (LMQ) in Engage One Inform
How to delete a user from EngageOne Inform
Is Tomcat v9 supported in EngageOne Delivery Audit version 4.1.0 or EngageOne Inform 4.2.0
Removing the 0 record partition in EngageOne Inform
'Runtime Error' message in EngageOne Inform
Question on deleted EngageOne Inform Data Manager Files and extract files
How to query the volume of mail pieces for a single year using the EngageOne Inform database
Resolving this error in the message receiver log '@i_facility_zip cannot be spaces' using EngageOne Delivery Audit/EngageOne inform
ERROR - There was no endpoint listening using EngageOne Inform
Adding a new Mailer ID into EngageOne Inform, and preparing the Hub for it.
How is the Delivery Scan Date determined on the Outbound Delivered Mailpiece Report using EngageOne Inform
Communication between EngageOne Inform Web UI, EngageOne Inform Services and Mail360 HUB
How to reset user password in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Information about the ports used by EngageOne Inform Web services to communicate to Mail360 Hub
How to ensure Remit scans are sent to customer's Data Manager from the Precisely Hub using EngageOne Inform (Previously EngageOne Delivery Audit/MAIL360 Data Manager)
Significance of 'Mailed' status in Postal Tracking in EngageOne Inform
ERROR CI.IdentityServerUI.Model.PoxConnectorIdentityServer - The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error in EngageOne Delivery Audit/EngageOne Inform
How to check for scans for a specific Mailer ID using Mail360 Data Manager/EngageOne Delivery Audit database
Purging in EngageOne Inform
How to test new installation of EngageOne Inform with dummy scans
Resolve Identity Server Web UI Login screen does not respond after entering user name and password in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Knowing the need of rebuilding/reorganizing indexes and updation of statistics in EngageOne Inform Databases
'You are not authorized to access the application error' message in EngageOne Inform
Hardware requirement of EngageOne Delivery Audit
Resolve 'unable to connect to remote server' while logging in Data Manager or Identity Server Web in EngageOne Delivery Audit
How often are Address Change Service(ACS) scans normally sent from the USPS to the EngageOne Delivery Audit/EngageOne Inform/Mail360 Data Manager hub
IMB matching criteria in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Increasing the logging level using EngageOne Inform/Engage One Delivery Audit/Mail360 Data Manager
Mail360 Manager, Mail360 Server, and Mail360 Data Manager. When are the supported 'end-of-life' for the various versions?
User Interface report shows that the delivery date for a mail piece has changed using EngageOne Inform's(Previously EngageOne Delivery Audit and MAIL360 Data Manager)
How to ingest STC scan
How to rematch Confirm and ACS Scans using EngageOne Inform
Resolve scans events for a specific mailer are not coming in EngageOne Delivery Audit
How do I get a login to use the MAIL360 Identity Server User Interface using Mail360 Data Manager/EngageOne Delivery Audit
Can you generate reports by Mail Piece type using Mail360 Data Manager/EngageOne Delivery Audit
How to request electronic return receipt for Certified Mailings using Mail360 Data Manager/EngageOne Delivery Audit
Resolve "An item with the same key has already been added" occurred during Job Ingestion in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Checking if scans are getting downloaded in EngageOne Inform
Resolve Mail360 Data Manager and Mail360 ClientBus Services are not getting started in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Support of R-IMb's in EngageOne Delivery Audit
How often does the EngageOne Inform Hub server send updates for Confirm or ACS data from the USPS
Mail360 Data Manager, (EngageOne Delivery Audit, EngageOne Inform) customer not getting scans for a Remit code
How to find out if new Certificates are required while configuring Mail360 Data Manager in new Windows 2012 Server
Support for SQL Server Database Clustering and Failover in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Information on the email from the USPS Informed Visibility Customer HelpDesk about data delegation when using EngageOne Delivery Audit/EngageOne Inform
Delivery count being larger than Expected count in Remittance Summary report in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Learn the recommendations to rematch events in EngageOne Inform
How to address security vulnerabilities in EngageOne Delivery Audit 4.0 and Mail360 Data Manager version 3.1
Mail360 Data Manager Job Marked For Deletion
Researching mail pieces that have slow USPS delivery when using EngageOne Inform
Ingest a Job file corresponding to Mail-piece(s) to be shipped at later date in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Does Mail360 Data Manager version 2.4.0 support Internet Explorer version 11.0
Resolving issue with the USPS reporting the change of address records with PO BOX are in the wrong format
Resolve EngageOne Delivery Audit services not visible in Service console
Identity Server Login screen does not respond after login attempt in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Support of version 2.X and 3.X in EngageOne Delivery Audit
Learn possible reason of (Mailpiece file) ingestion failure in EngageOne Inform
Can Mail360 Data Manager (EngageOne Delivery Audit, EngageOne Inform) use the Mail.dat files for Start-the-Clock?
issue- MAIL360 Data Manager reports do not show any scans received for a mailing. (Due to late ingestion of the Mail Piece Job file.)
EngageOne™ Inform contains self-service downloads within Precisely Data Experience for user accounts with active entitlements:
For more details, please see the Precisely Data Experience user guide.
- Go to Precisely Data Experience.
- Select My Software Products. You may be prompted for a login if not already authenticated.
- Select on the product to download. Product naming conventions may slightly differ and other products may also display.
- Once within a product, the latest version will be displayed by default and older versions can be selected via the Release dropdown.
- Select any product file to download.
For more details, please see the Precisely Data Experience user guide.
EngageOne™ Inform does not currently offer self-service license keys. Please raise a case via the Customer portal or Partner portal for EngageOne™ Inform license requests.