Verifying internal vintage dates of the Finalist (City and ZIP4), DPV, LACSLink and Suitelink databases
CASS™ Cycle O Coding Products Expiration Date
CASS™ Cycle O Product Upgrade Information
Finalist Software Upgrade Inquiry
Finalist Driver recompile with Software upgrade?
How to determine why ADDRSCAN returns two address lines by default
Addresses containing mixed case records fail to validate in Finalist
Resolve fractional words being moved to the "Extra" field instead of the "Unit" field in Finalist
Resolve error "CEE3503s; The load request for module PBFN was unsuccessful" executing program FINALIST
Resolve Finalist error "IGYDS1153-E The Value Clause Was Discarded" calling PBFNADRS copybook
Resolve error "File Open Failed Function Name hkOpenSummaryReportFile filename PBBATCH" executing the FINALIST install verification job
Resolve error "U4094 CEE0802C Heap storage control information was damaged" executing Finalist
Resolving If Finalist Software version 9.0.0 is compatible with Database Version 9.1.0
FINALIST CICS Address Scan Transaction
Finalist - CICS support for ELot (Line of Travel)?
How to locate the Finalist PBFNCFG configuration file on the z/OS platform
How to resolve Finalist 9.0 error "could not reference db partition; military-alias table header "
Can Finalist code to an address if only the postnet barcode is provided?
How to Validate monthly Database updates in Verimove?
Finalist compatibility with z/OS 2.2
Resolve Finalist - Will upcoming changes to military mail addressing require changes?
Is the CODE-1 Plus/Finalist CASS Cycle End Date printed on the CASS 3553 Report?
Is it possible to increase string waits on the Finalist DPVHDB, CBDATA and CBCTYST datasets from 1 to 10?
Compatibility Interface tailoring options in Finalist
How to determine where Finalist should return PMB information for dual address lines
How to enable ZipMove for CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
How to discern the difference between Address Standardization and Address Validation in Finalist
Are new Finalist software keys required if not upgrading to a new release?
Will Finalist always abbreviate pre and post directionals?
How does ZIPMOVE work with Finalist?
How to turn off warning expiration message for a temporary Finalist key
Explanation of error messages: "Could not write log message" and "EDC5000I No Error occurred" in Finalist
Can Finalist read/accept mainframe packed decimal and binary fields?
How to get parsed address elements returned when executing Native Finalist
Finalist is dropping part of the street name in the returned standardized address (ex: 3101 Palm Trace Landings Dr returned as Palm Trace Dr)
How to run Finalist in a Docker Container environment
How to determine if it is possible to call Finalist via a web service
How to determine if a "RC=4" on PRERDI and PREWRAPD is acceptable running INSTALLB for Finalist 9.2
How to define the DPV, LACSLink and Suitelink databases to CICS for use with Finalist
How to define the disposition (DISP) for the Finalist SEEDLOG dataset on the z/OS platform
Function Code section removed from Finalist IMS S56LPCH interactive screen
How to determine if it possible to newcopy all of the modules in the Finalist CICS load library instead of recycling when upgrading to a new release
How to determine if Finalist has a requirement for IDCAMS to be listed in the AUTHTSF section of IKJTSOxx in SYS1.PARMLIB
How to determine if Door Not Accessible (DNA) is available through Finalist's Compatibility Interface
How to determine if CODE-1 Plus and Finalist performs change of address processing
How to install two different versions of Finalist on the same Windows server
How to determine if the Finalist PBFN setup structure fields are padded with blanks or null terminated strings
Information on Finalist support for RLS in a CICS environment
How to determine the CASS expiration for Finalist 9.2
Finalist compatibility with CICS Transaction Server 5.3 and 5.4
Contacting the USPS regarding addressing questions and issues using CODE-1 Plus, Finalist and Verimove
Does the Finalist database contain time zone information?
Finalist compatibility with COBOL versions 5 and 6
State of Connecticut County Code Changing to Planning Regions
Verifying internal vintage dates of the Finalist (City and ZIP4), DPV, LACSLink and Suitelink databases
CASS™ Cycle O Coding Products Expiration Date
Should CODE-1 Plus and Finalist return an RDI flag for CMRA addresses?
Is "Return Alias Street Name" required to generate a CASS 3553 Form in Finalist
Finalist ABEND=S878-0C executing PGM=FINALIST
Are Finalist 10.0 and CODE-1 Plus 5.0 compatible with z/OS 2.5?
Is Finalist 10.0 compatible with CICS TS 6.1?
Performance recommendations and suggestions for Finalist version 10.0
CASS™ Cycle O Product Upgrade Information
Finalist Software Upgrade Inquiry
Finalist Driver recompile with Software upgrade?
FInalist Release 9.0/8.3 Testing
Retirement of Group1 Website
Resolve "RC=8" for LNKKEYF step when running INSTALLB for Finalist
Resolve Finalist error " ERROR: PBFNINIT - City and ZIP4 db not of same month or same version"
Resolve "20000 DPV Processing Error" executing Finalist
Resolve error "0254;300;20154;LACSLink Err;LACS Error: Function Name: callLacsInit Msg: Case 3 LACS 3" in Finalist
How to determine why ADDRSCAN returns two address lines by default
Addresses containing mixed case records fail to validate in Finalist
Resolve fractional words being moved to the "Extra" field instead of the "Unit" field in Finalist
Resolve error "CEE3503s; The load request for module PBFN was unsuccessful" executing program FINALIST
Resolve Finalist error "IGYDS1153-E The Value Clause Was Discarded" calling PBFNADRS copybook
Resolve error "File Open Failed Function Name hkOpenSummaryReportFile filename PBBATCH" executing the FINALIST install verification job
Resolve issue where both input city and state are not being recognized in the Finalist PBFNFC00 copybook
Resolve an 0C4 abend in LACSLookup when calling FINALOL in Finalist
Resolve error codes 5102 and 5106 in Finalist
Resolve error "U4094 CEE0802C Heap storage control information was damaged" executing Finalist
Resolving If Finalist Software version 9.0.0 is compatible with Database Version 9.1.0
FINALIST CICS Address Scan Transaction
Finalist 9.0 Software CASS Compliancy Inquiry
How to install the Finalist database on a Unix platform
How to resolve error: Finalist Database Error: Failure on pbfninit. rc = Could not read Reference db partition: Multi Zip Table.
Finalist - What is PBFNCOB?
How to resolve Finalist 9.1 FNCIRCAC not returning reason codes
Is CASS re-certification needed when a new version of Coding products are released?
Finalist - CICS support for ELot (Line of Travel)?
How to locate the Finalist PBFNCFG configuration file on the z/OS platform
How to resolve Finalist 9.0 error "could not reference db partition; military-alias table header "
Can Finalist code to an address if only the postnet barcode is provided?
How to Validate monthly Database updates in Verimove?
Finalist compatibility with z/OS 2.2
Resolve Finalist - Will upcoming changes to military mail addressing require changes?
Is the CODE-1 Plus/Finalist CASS Cycle End Date printed on the CASS 3553 Report?
Is it possible to increase string waits on the Finalist DPVHDB, CBDATA and CBCTYST datasets from 1 to 10?
Compatibility Interface tailoring options in Finalist
How to determine where Finalist should return PMB information for dual address lines
How to enable ZipMove for CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
Does Finalist have address lookup with MVS version of software
How to discover if DBD or PSB changes are required for new 9.0 Finalist database on the IMS platform
How to resolve "RDI Failure" error in Finalist
Resolve Getting a RC=4 on LNKWRAP executing INSTALLC installing Finalist 9.1.
Can Finalist software check or validate email addresses
How to return secondary information for Suitelink in Finalist 8.x/9.0
How to discern the difference between Address Standardization and Address Validation in Finalist
Are new Finalist software keys required if not upgrading to a new release?
Will Finalist always abbreviate pre and post directionals?
How does ZIPMOVE work with Finalist?
How to turn off warning expiration message for a temporary Finalist key
Explanation of error messages: "Could not write log message" and "EDC5000I No Error occurred" in Finalist
Can Finalist read/accept mainframe packed decimal and binary fields?
How to get parsed address elements returned when executing Native Finalist
Finalist is dropping part of the street name in the returned standardized address (ex: 3101 Palm Trace Landings Dr returned as Palm Trace Dr)
How to run Finalist in a Docker Container environment
How to determine if it is possible to call Finalist via a web service
How to determine if a "RC=4" on PRERDI and PREWRAPD is acceptable running INSTALLB for Finalist 9.2
How to determine if ADDRSCAN is correct when returning a ZIP Code of 00000-0000 in Finalist
How to turn off Delivery Point Validation processing in Finalist on the z/OS platform
How to determine the expiration date of a Finalist temporary key
How to determine which ZIP Codes are return on the City Information screen using the Finalist LPCF transaction
How to locate the Finalist sample job on the z/OS platform
How to determine if "S" patches are cumulative for CODE--1 Plus, Finalist and Verimove
How to define the DPV, LACSLink and Suitelink databases to CICS for use with Finalist
How to define the disposition (DISP) for the Finalist SEEDLOG dataset on the z/OS platform
Function Code section removed from Finalist IMS S56LPCH interactive screen
How to determine if it possible to newcopy all of the modules in the Finalist CICS load library instead of recycling when upgrading to a new release
How to determine if Finalist has a requirement for IDCAMS to be listed in the AUTHTSF section of IKJTSOxx in SYS1.PARMLIB
How to determine if Door Not Accessible (DNA) is available through Finalist's Compatibility Interface
How to determine if CODE-1 Plus and Finalist performs change of address processing
How to install two different versions of Finalist on the same Windows server
How to determine if the Finalist PBFN setup structure fields are padded with blanks or null terminated strings
Information on Finalist support for RLS in a CICS environment
How to determine the CASS expiration for Finalist 9.2
Finalist compatibility with CICS Transaction Server 5.3 and 5.4
Explanation of an R777 Carrier Route Code returned in CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
How to navigate the eStore Site for Software databases
How to remain CASS Compliant using Finalist
Is Finalist thread-safe in a CICS environment?
Will there be a release of Finalist in November 2019?
Confirming the Finalist Software Key on the z/OS Mainframe Platform
Contacting the USPS regarding addressing questions and issues using CODE-1 Plus, Finalist and Verimove
Does the Finalist database contain time zone information?
Finalist compatibility with COBOL versions 5 and 6
Finding Finalist product version information on Windows and UNIX/Linux
Finalist 9.0 database compatibility with Finalist 9.21 software
Returning the abbreviated city name in Finalist
Will Finalist continue to run if the software key expires?
Obtaining a Greenbar that includes the database record counts for CODE-1 Plus and Finalist databases
Using a Finalist API to return City/State/County
How to install the Finalist database on a Unix platform
State of Connecticut County Code Changing to Planning Regions
Verifying internal vintage dates of the Finalist (City and ZIP4), DPV, LACSLink and Suitelink databases
Is "Return Alias Street Name" required to generate a CASS 3553 Form in Finalist
Finalist ABEND=S878-0C executing PGM=FINALIST
Are Finalist 10.0 and CODE-1 Plus 5.0 compatible with z/OS 2.5?
Finding the System ID for Finalist on a Windows platform
Returning Puerto Rico Urbanization name in Finalist
Finalist - What is PBFNCOB?
How to make sense of the Finalist 9.0 ADDR020D copybook changes
How to combine the Batch and CICS load libraries in Finalist
Compatibility Interface tailoring options in Finalist
Resolve Finalist - Will upcoming changes to military mail addressing require changes?
Does Finalist have a text or VSAM file that contains at least one valid address for every ZIP Code in the US?
Are new Finalist software keys required if not upgrading to a new release?
Finalist 9.21 compatibility with z/OS 2.4
How to change default LSRPOOL and STRING settings for Finalist or CODE-1 Plus in CICS
How to install two different versions of Finalist on the same Windows server
Link to the Software and Data Marketplace
New web address/url for Software Data Marketplace
Do the databases used in conjunction with Finalist and CODE-1 Plus contain personal names?
Explanation of the Residential Delivery File feature used in CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
How to discover if DBD or PSB changes are required for new 9.0 Finalist database on the IMS platform
Is it possible to increase string waits on the Finalist DPVHDB, CBDATA and CBCTYST datasets from 1 to 10?
Migrating from the Finalist Compatibility Interface to the Native Interface
Contacting 'Renewal and Maintenance' by phone for MailStream Plus, CODE-1 Plus, Finalist, etc.
How to determine if it possible to newcopy all of the modules in the Finalist CICS load library instead of recycling when upgrading to a new release
Returning the abbreviated city name in Finalist
Compatibility of Finalist, CODE-1 Plus, and Verimove with z13, z14, and z15 processors
Requesting a software key or license through Precisely Product Fulfillment
How to determine the Dual Address options/switches in Finalist
How to turn off warning expiration message for a temporary Finalist key
Is Dynamic Application Penetration Testing performed on VeriMove
Is there a way to customize the LPCF transaction default settings in Finalist?
Software Data Marketplace account locked due to multiple failed sign in attempts
Requesting a new permanent Software Key/License for Finalist and CODE-1 Plus
How to enable ZipMove for CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
Should the CR-RT Coded (Section C box E) and ELOT Assigned (Section C box F) be equal on the CASS 3553 Report for CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
Information on technical support assistance with custom user applications calling CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
Locating ASCII formats for LACSLink and SuiteLink databases in the Software and Data Marketplace
Finalist - CICS support for ELot (Line of Travel)?
Total number of load modules in the Finalist Batch and CICS load libraries
How to install the Finalist database on a Unix platform
State of Connecticut County Code Changing to Planning Regions
Verifying internal vintage dates of the Finalist (City and ZIP4), DPV, LACSLink and Suitelink databases
Requesting a Finalist temporary software key
How to safely send large files to Technical Support
CASS™ Cycle O Product Upgrade Information
CASS™ Cycle O Coding Products Expiration Date
Should CODE-1 Plus and Finalist return an RDI flag for CMRA addresses?
CODE-1 Plus and Finalist compatibility with CICS Transaction Server (TS) 5.5 and 5.6
Is "Return Alias Street Name" required to generate a CASS 3553 Form in Finalist
Finalist ABEND=S878-0C executing PGM=FINALIST
Are Finalist 10.0 and CODE-1 Plus 5.0 compatible with z/OS 2.5?
Explanation of an R777 Carrier Route Code returned in CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
Is Finalist 10.0 compatible with CICS TS 6.1?
Error when downloading CODE-1 Plus data via eStore links
How to tell if it is possible to use Coding Products to create a "Do Not Mail" suppression list
Does Finalist have address lookup with MVS version of software
List of valid secondary unit designators accepted by the USPS for use with CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
Finding the System ID for Finalist on a Windows platform
Returning Puerto Rico Urbanization name in Finalist
Finalist - What is PBFNCOB?
JCL members used to install the Finalist databases on a z/OS platform
Confirming a proper address format for any country
Function Code section removed from Finalist IMS S56LPCH interactive screen
How to activate Residential Delivery Indicator (RDI) using the Finalist LPCF and PBFN transactions in CICS
When is a call made to the PBFNKEYF load module in Finalist?
How to navigate the eStore Site for Software databases
How to make sense of the Finalist 9.0 ADDR020D copybook changes
How to combine the Batch and CICS load libraries in Finalist
Compatibility Interface tailoring options in Finalist
Resolve Finalist - Will upcoming changes to military mail addressing require changes?
Does Finalist have a text or VSAM file that contains at least one valid address for every ZIP Code in the US?
Are new Finalist software keys required if not upgrading to a new release?
How to quantify the number of changes to the postal data from month to month
Difference between the DPV Full, Split and Flat databases in CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
Is the CODE-1 Plus/Finalist CASS Cycle End Date printed on the CASS 3553 Report?
Finalist 9.21 compatibility with z/OS 2.4
How to change default LSRPOOL and STRING settings for Finalist or CODE-1 Plus in CICS
How to install two different versions of Finalist on the same Windows server
Finalist 9.0 database compatibility with Finalist 9.21 software
When is CASS Cycle O scheduled to begin?
Contacting the USPS if an address is not validated/coded using CODE-1 Plus, Finalist or the lookup tool
Is the Census Bureau the source of the US Postal database for CODE-1 Plus and Finalist?
Is Finalist compatible with IMS 13.1?
How to locate samples for Finalist PBCS functions
Link to the Software and Data Marketplace
New web address/url for Software Data Marketplace
Do the databases used in conjunction with Finalist and CODE-1 Plus contain personal names?
Explanation of the Residential Delivery File feature used in CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
How to discover if DBD or PSB changes are required for new 9.0 Finalist database on the IMS platform
Is it possible to increase string waits on the Finalist DPVHDB, CBDATA and CBCTYST datasets from 1 to 10?
Migrating from the Finalist Compatibility Interface to the Native Interface
Contacting 'Renewal and Maintenance' by phone for MailStream Plus, CODE-1 Plus, Finalist, etc.
How to determine if it possible to newcopy all of the modules in the Finalist CICS load library instead of recycling when upgrading to a new release
Returning the abbreviated city name in Finalist
Compatibility of Finalist, CODE-1 Plus, and Verimove with z13, z14, and z15 processors
Requesting a software key or license through Precisely Product Fulfillment
Is CASS re-certification needed when a new version of Coding products are released?
Finalist 9.0 Software CASS Compliancy Inquiry
Finalist, CODE-1 Plus, Canadian CODE-1 Plus and Verimove compatibility with z/OS 2.4
Is the EWS (Early Warning System) file available for download on the Software and Data Marketplace for Finalist?
Can Finalist software check or validate email addresses
How to determine the cause of a 4601 return code in Finalist
How to determine the Dual Address options/switches in Finalist
How to turn off warning expiration message for a temporary Finalist key
Is Dynamic Application Penetration Testing performed on VeriMove
Processing International and Canadian addresses using CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
How to locate the Finalist 64-bit datasets on the z/OS platform
Is the County name returned by CODE-1 Plus and Finalist based on 5-digit ZIP or ZIP+4
How to resolve a Finalist SEC6 abend on the z/OS platform
Activating firm name processing using Finalist in native mode
How to change the default functionality in Finalist 9.0 (PO Box Street address)
Is there a way to customize the LPCF transaction default settings in Finalist?
Software Data Marketplace account locked due to multiple failed sign in attempts
Requesting a new permanent Software Key/License for Finalist and CODE-1 Plus
Finding Finalist product version information on Windows and UNIX/Linux
List of characters and symbols considered valid/acceptable by Finalist
How to navigate to the Finalist Interactive LPCF Transaction Return Area screen
Resolving If Finalist Software version 9.0.0 is compatible with Database Version 9.1.0
Learn if the DPV NoStat table size increase will cause performance issues with Finalist and CODE-1 Plus
How to tell if version 9.0 of Finalist is compatible with CICS 5.3?
How to enable ZipMove for CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
Should the CR-RT Coded (Section C box E) and ELOT Assigned (Section C box F) be equal on the CASS 3553 Report for CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
Information on technical support assistance with custom user applications calling CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
Obtaining a specific data file format using the Software and Data Marketplace API get_products_info call
Is there an end of support date for the Finalist Compatibility Interface?
How to get parsed address elements returned when executing Native Finalist
Finalist 9.21/9.22 software key distributed in 2021
How to determine if "S" patches are cumulative for CODE--1 Plus, Finalist and Verimove
Can two software keys be added to the KEYSTORE JCL in Finalist
Locating ASCII formats for LACSLink and SuiteLink databases in the Software and Data Marketplace
Finalist - CICS support for ELot (Line of Travel)?
Total number of load modules in the Finalist Batch and CICS load libraries
Setting the Return Alias Street option in Finalist
Determining the expiration date for temporary licenses/keys in CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
Monthly database availability for CODE-1 Plus, Finalist and VeriMove
Programming language used to develop Finalist
Determining why the County name is not returned in CODE-1 Plus and/or Finalist for certain addresses
Ensuring temporary storage queues are cleared when calling FINALOL in Finalist
Interpreting the Delivery Point Validation (DPV) Return Codes (blank, Y, N, D, S) in CODE-1 Plus processing
Contacting the USPS if an address is not validated/coded using CODE-1 Plus, Finalist or the lookup tool
Maximum length of a City name according to the USPS for use with CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
Calculating the check digit for street type addresses in CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
Explanation of CODE-1 Plus and Finalist Region Size (region=0) parameter in JCL
Resolve error "U4094 CEE0802C Heap storage control information was damaged" executing Finalist
How to get the system id on Linux Version 7+ for use with CODE-1 Plus, Finalist, and Spectrum licensing
Requesting a software key or license through Precisely Product Fulfillment
Learn the meaning of the DPV No-Stat table for use with CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
When is Finalist version 10.0 scheduled to be released
CODE-1 Plus and Finalist compatibility with CICS Transaction Server (TS) 5.5 and 5.6
Finalist, CODE-1 Plus, Canadian CODE-1 Plus and Verimove compatibility with z/OS 2.4
US Postal, Suitelink, DPV and LACS database expiration schedule for CODE-1 Plus, Finalist and Verimove
Is the 2-digit Delivery Point Barcode (DPBC) unique to each address in CODE-1 Plus and Finalist?
Error "B37" when FTP'ing a CODE-1 Plus or Finalist database file to the mainframe (z/OS platform)
Error "DFHFC0987" with VSAM codes "0008 00A8" when executing Finalist
When is CASS Cycle O scheduled to begin?
Finalist standardizing address using Single Trailing Alpha on Primary Number
Is it possible to increase string waits on the Finalist DPVHDB, CBDATA and CBCTYST datasets from 1 to 10?
Error "IEW2689W 4C40 DEFINITION SIDE FILE IS NOT DEFINED" executing Finalist INSTALLB JCL member
Are temporary licenses necessary for disaster/recovery for CODE-1 Plus, Finalist, and MailStream Plus
Creating a Case for Product Distribution Services-PDS (Fulfillment)
Is a new FINALIST software key or new CODE-1 Plus license required for a model number/MIPS change on z/OS platform?
Finalist 9.21/9.22 software key distributed in 2021
Warning "Expire Date : Non-expiring/Non-CASS" in Finalist batch report
Using KEYSTORE to install the Finalist software key in batch and CICS
Difference between the DPV Full, Split and Flat databases in CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
Contacting 'Renewal and Maintenance' by phone for MailStream Plus, CODE-1 Plus, Finalist, etc.
Information on technical support assistance with custom user applications calling CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
Requesting a new permanent Software Key/License for Finalist and CODE-1 Plus
Compatibility of Finalist, CODE-1 Plus, and Verimove with z13, z14, and z15 processors
Determining the expiration date for temporary licenses/keys in CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
Contacting the USPS regarding addressing questions and issues using CODE-1 Plus, Finalist and Verimove
Error "Invalid System ID" in Finalist
Resolve error "CEE3503s; The load request for module PBFN was unsuccessful" executing program FINALIST
Using a Finalist API to return City/State/County
Understanding the difference in the ZIP+4 returned for the same address in CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
Confirming the Finalist Software Key on the z/OS Mainframe Platform
How to resolve error: Finalist Database Error: Failure on pbfninit. rc = Could not read Reference db partition: Multi Zip Table.
Finalist INSTALLB JCL returns an "Return Code=4" on pre-link steps
CICS error "DFHTP4103" when using 'c/' for online transactions in Finalist
Error "Err;00005 DPV Processing Error Problem opening dpvh.db" running a Finalist job
Resolve "RC=8" for LNKKEYF step when running INSTALLB for Finalist
Finalist compatibility with CICS Transaction Server 5.3 and 5.4
Error "Could not allocate memory for" messages in Finalist
Resolve "DPV Processing Error Problem opening dph.hsc file" in Finalist and CODE-1 Plus
How to determine the expiration date of a Finalist temporary key
Resolve Getting a RC=4 on LNKWRAP executing INSTALLC installing Finalist 9.1.
Resolve error 20120 DPV Processing Error (not same month as ZIP+4 file) error in Finalist
Resolve Finalist error "20126 DPV Processing Error Call Product tech support Case 2 DPV6"
Interpreting the Delivery Point Validation (DPV) Return Codes (blank, Y, N, D, S) in CODE-1 Plus processing
Contacting the USPS if an address is not validated/coded using CODE-1 Plus, Finalist or the lookup tool
Maximum length of a City name according to the USPS for use with CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
Explanation of an R777 Carrier Route Code returned in CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
How to find the CPU ID on a z/OS machine for use with Finalist and CODE-1 Plus licensing
Resolve error codes 5102 and 5106 in Finalist
How to resolve a "COND CODE 0008" on prelink steps of Finalist INSTALLB & INSTALLC JCL
Address not identified as commercial mail receiving agency (CMRA) in Spectrum
CASS™ Cycle O Product Upgrade Information
Calculating the check digit for street type addresses in CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
Explanation of CODE-1 Plus and Finalist Region Size (region=0) parameter in JCL
Resolve error "U4094 CEE0802C Heap storage control information was damaged" executing Finalist
Locating information on using the Exceptions Table in the Finalist documentation
Error "ICAP" Error (icap_error)" when attempting to download the DPV database for CODE-1 Plus, Finalist, Verimove or Spectrum
How to resolve a Finalist SEC6 abend on the z/OS platform
How to contact the USPS - Products Contact Information
End of Support Policy for Coding Product Releases
List of valid secondary unit designators accepted by the USPS for use with CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
How to get the system id on Linux Version 7+ for use with CODE-1 Plus, Finalist, and Spectrum licensing
Requesting a software key or license through Precisely Product Fulfillment
Learn the meaning of the DPV No-Stat table for use with CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
Finding the System ID for Finalist on a Windows platform
Resolve an ASRA abend with Finalist LPCF transaction in CICS
Confirming USPS acceptable city names returned by Finalist and CODE-1 Plus
Confirming a proper address format for any country
Impact of running in CASS mode versus non-CASS mode using Finalist or CODE-1 Plus
Optimum address line length according to the USPS for CODE-1 Plus, Finalist and Verimove
When is Finalist version 10.0 scheduled to be released
CODE-1 Plus and Finalist compatibility with CICS Transaction Server (TS) 5.5 and 5.6
Finalist, CODE-1 Plus, Canadian CODE-1 Plus and Verimove compatibility with z/OS 2.4
US Postal, Suitelink, DPV and LACS database expiration schedule for CODE-1 Plus, Finalist and Verimove
Is the 2-digit Delivery Point Barcode (DPBC) unique to each address in CODE-1 Plus and Finalist?
Error "B37" when FTP'ing a CODE-1 Plus or Finalist database file to the mainframe (z/OS platform)
Resolve Finalist error "IGYDS1153-E The Value Clause Was Discarded" calling PBFNADRS copybook
Will Finalist always abbreviate pre and post directionals?
Address does not match in Finalist or CODE-1 Plus but exists on
Error "DFHFC0987" with VSAM codes "0008 00A8" when executing Finalist
When is CASS Cycle O scheduled to begin?
Finalist standardizing address using Single Trailing Alpha on Primary Number
Is it possible to increase string waits on the Finalist DPVHDB, CBDATA and CBCTYST datasets from 1 to 10?
Error "IEW2689W 4C40 DEFINITION SIDE FILE IS NOT DEFINED" executing Finalist INSTALLB JCL member
Are temporary licenses necessary for disaster/recovery for CODE-1 Plus, Finalist, and MailStream Plus
Determining if Finalist and CODE-1 Plus process International addresses
Requesting a Finalist temporary software key
Resolve error "RC=12" on SHMFUNC (LNKSHM/XLNKSHM) executing the Finalist INSTALLB JCL
Creating a Case for Product Distribution Services-PDS (Fulfillment)
Is a new FINALIST software key or new CODE-1 Plus license required for a model number/MIPS change on z/OS platform?
Finalist 9.21/9.22 software key distributed in 2021
Warning "Expire Date : Non-expiring/Non-CASS" in Finalist batch report
Using KEYSTORE to install the Finalist software key in batch and CICS
Difference between the DPV Full, Split and Flat databases in CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
Contacting 'Renewal and Maintenance' by phone for MailStream Plus, CODE-1 Plus, Finalist, etc.
Information on technical support assistance with custom user applications calling CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
Requesting a new permanent Software Key/License for Finalist and CODE-1 Plus
Compatibility of Finalist, CODE-1 Plus, and Verimove with z13, z14, and z15 processors
Determining the expiration date for temporary licenses/keys in CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
Contacting the USPS regarding addressing questions and issues using CODE-1 Plus, Finalist and Verimove
Error "Invalid System ID" in Finalist
Resolve error "CEE3503s; The load request for module PBFN was unsuccessful" executing program FINALIST
Using a Finalist API to return City/State/County
Understanding the difference in the ZIP+4 returned for the same address in CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
Confirming the Finalist Software Key on the z/OS Mainframe Platform
How to resolve error: Finalist Database Error: Failure on pbfninit. rc = Could not read Reference db partition: Multi Zip Table.
Finalist INSTALLB JCL returns an "Return Code=4" on pre-link steps
CICS error "DFHTP4103" when using 'c/' for online transactions in Finalist
Is it possible to FTP the Finalist, CODE-1 Plus and Verimove databases directly to a mainframe
Adjusting Finalist copybooks to use the new AddressData Structure
How to change default LSRPOOL and STRING settings for Finalist or CODE-1 Plus in CICS
Finalist 9.21 compatibility with z/OS 2.4
How to discern the difference between Address Standardization and Address Validation in Finalist
Finding Finalist product version information on Windows and UNIX/Linux
Error "Err;00005 DPV Processing Error Problem opening dpvh.db" running a Finalist job
Resolve "RC=8" for LNKKEYF step when running INSTALLB for Finalist
Finalist compatibility with CICS Transaction Server 5.3 and 5.4
When is the next release of Finalist after 9.21 scheduled to be available?
Sample script to FTP Finalist database files to the z/OS platform
JCL members used to install the Finalist databases on a z/OS platform
How to remain CASS Compliant using Finalist
ASRA abend with Finalist transaction LPCT after 9.2 upgrade
CODE-1 Plus products and Finalist support for z/OS 2.3
Error "Could not allocate memory for" messages in Finalist
Resolve "DPV Processing Error Problem opening dph.hsc file" in Finalist and CODE-1 Plus
How to determine the expiration date of a Finalist temporary key
How to determine the CASS expiration for Finalist 9.2
Explanation of error messages: "Could not write log message" and "EDC5000I No Error occurred" in Finalist
Error "Software Key Missing in PBFN.CFG" running a Finalist job
Is Finalist compatible with COBOL version 6?
Setting the Return Alias Street option in Finalist
Does Finalist have address lookup with MVS version of software
Resolve Getting a RC=4 on LNKWRAP executing INSTALLC installing Finalist 9.1.
Resolve error 20120 DPV Processing Error (not same month as ZIP+4 file) error in Finalist
Resolve Finalist error "20126 DPV Processing Error Call Product tech support Case 2 DPV6"
Finalist Z4SELECT database support
How to resolve "RDI Failure" error in Finalist
How to discover if DBD or PSB changes are required for new 9.0 Finalist database on the IMS platform
How to navigate the eStore Site for Software databases
How to resolve address not matching issue due to phonentics in Finalist
Displaying a "Database Expired" message using Finalist
Finalist contains self-service downloads within Precisely Data Experience for user accounts with active entitlements:
For more details, please see the Precisely Data Experience user guide.
- Go to Precisely Data Experience.
- Select My Software Products. You may be prompted for a login if not already authenticated.
- Select on the product to download. Product naming conventions may slightly differ and other products may also display.
- Once within a product, the latest version will be displayed by default and older versions can be selected via the Release dropdown.
- Select any product file to download.
For more details, please see the Precisely Data Experience user guide.
Finalist does not currently offer self-service license keys. Please raise a case via the Customer portal or Partner portal for Finalist license requests.