Mailstream Plus
Release Announcement for MailStream Plus v2024.6 to meet USPS price and postal changes that go into effect on July 14, 2024
Is a silent install supported on UNIX/Linux when installing MailStream Plus?
Will MailStream Plus allow USPS Marketing Mail Flats in EMM trays
MailStream Plus v8.4.3 S03 – Software Patch Release
How is MailStream Plus supporting the USPS Oct. 6, 2024 thru Jan. 19, 2025 temporary price increase for Commercial Parcels
MailStream Plus v8.4.2 C01 – Software Patch Release
./acushare: No such file or directory using MailStream Plus on Linux
COBOL FILE STATUS=93 FILE and COBOL FILE STATUS=42 on Windows job using MailStream Plus
Checking a license on UNIX/Linux using MailStream Plus
ERROR E0001 when calling MAIL360 GetRange for Mailer ID 123456 Connector: imbcomm/libcurl error: couldn't connect to host using MailStream Plus
Populating the subkeywords MLRNAM and MLRAD* on REPORT MANIFEST using MailStream Plus
PostalOne! error 'The .cqt 3 Digit/5 Digit Container Division must be numeric when the .csm eInduction Indicator = Y' using MailStream Plus
Manifest Rate Codes added for First-Class Letters using MailStream Plus
Setting up entry point parameters for destination discounts versus using a locale code using MailStream Plus
How is MailStream Plus supporting the USPS Oct 3, 2021 thru Dec 26, 2021 temporary price increase for Commercial Parcels
Why do the lines for B17 thru B20 on the Aug 2021 3600-FCM contain no rates using MailStream Plus
Error: "runcbl: No such file or directory" when installing a CODE-1 Plus license on a new Linux OS
Populating the Mail.dat Field Code SEG-1151 "Bypass Seamless Acceptance" in MailStream Plus
The USPS has announced problems with the L012 Labeling List in the Sept and Oct 2020 Postal Reference Files, using MailStream Plus
Error 255 on a Linux machine using MailStream Plus
MailStream Plus release version 8.3.9 on IBMi platform can erase INF parameters.
Understanding the Postage Amount different between 3600-FCM A7 and EngageOne Enrichment (formerly StreamWeaver) spoilage report (from Manifest Keyline.) in MailStream Plus
Can MailStream Plus assign Retail postage rates for un-qualified non-Commercial First-Class letters
Questions about the origin of the MailStream Plus inkjet file
How to control what goes into Mail.dat Field Code SEG-1101 when segmenting by batch using MailStream Plus
Determining the difference between MM and EMM, T, H, and E trays in letter mailings and when are each used using MailStream Plus
Why are Postage Statement 3541 "Advertising Pound Prices" section not being populated for Periodicals NonProfit and Classroom mail - MailStream Plus
What is the USPS's thickness and weight limit for Automation and/or Machinable letters? MailStream Plus
What are the DTAILjobname files in the MailStream Plus work library
Why were pieces within an FSS range not placed in a FSS sack but placed in a MADC sacks using MailStream Plus
Is it possible to skip installing a MailStream Plus version before installing a newer version
How to populate Mail.dat Field Code MPU-1102 (Mail Piece Unit Description) and CPT-1101 (Component Description) in MailStream Plus
How to know when MailStream Plus will move pieces from Basic Carrier Route to the Automation presort group
How to receive the Nonprofit rate in a MailStream Plus presort
How to populate the MPA-1109 when using EPS and MailStream Plus
How to make Undersized Destination Entry pallets of 12 linear feet or 100-pounds using MailStream Plus
Is MailStream Plus correct in marking pieces such as Single Piece rate, and non-barcoded pieces as O for Other in Mail.dat CQT-1112 Service Level Indicator
How to run multiple MailStream Plus jobs simultaneously
How to tell MailStream Plus to put 'mixed-level' and/or 'ADC/AADC' trays/sacks/bundles (as permitted) onto SCF or NDC/ASF pallets
How to make multiple copies of a record in the presort within MailStream Plus
Determining where the MailStream Plus USPS Reference files are installed on an IBMi installation
Are new license(s) needed for new releases of the MailStream Plus
How to use the MDMFPD subkeyword in MailStream Plus.
MailStream Plus - What does NONIDENTICAL on the USPS Statement mean?
How many P ATTR parameters are allowed in a MailStream Plus job
Are the MailStream Plus USPS Postal Reference Files encrypted and secured to download?
Why does MailStream Plus put First-Class Single Piece rate pieces on an Origin SCF pallet instead of putting the tray at the end of the presort
MailStream Plus - How many Periodical automation flats pieces does it take to make a bundle and a sack?
How to populate the Permit Holder CRID or Owner or News Agent Name CRID on Postage Statements using MailStream Plus
How to find where in the DMM does it present FSS (Flats Sequencing System) preparation and preparation options used by MailStream Plus
How to generate the special fees file record file using MailStream Plus
Is there a report that offers a monthly count of how many records were processed using MailStream Plus
Using STID 331 for secure destruction for the USPS option that will allows Full service STIDs for non-auto mail also using MailStream Plus
Determining how MailStream Plus generates what the tray or sack label's content lines should have
Question on P ATTR and B CODE and tray size determination in MailStream Plus
MailStream Plus is there a Maximum weight for sacks or trays using the BG MAX parameter
MailStream Plus - Postal One incorrect message Letter/ Postcard require 150 pieces for origin pieces
Does MailStream Plus offer the rate marking Single-Piece for single rate pieces
How to determine if the IMpB will be 30 bytes or 34 bytes or other length when created using MailStream Plus
Output indicators returned by the POSTRC parameter using Mailstream Plus
Can MailStream Plus populate the Transaction ID field positions 78 to 89 in the version 1.6 Shipping Services File
Walk Sequence order of the input file to get the basic carrier route rate using MailStream Plus
Which "ADDRESS" file ZIP ZIP+4 is used in the CSM-1168 Field Code for the "Entry Point - Actual / Delivery - Postal Code" in MailStream Plus
How to make the USPS Qualification Report come out with the Tray numbers in sequential order in MailStream Plus
Mailstream Plus - What is the USPS definition of the term IMb Post Net Barcode?
How to know that Mail360 Manager is needed for MailStream Plus to generate the Mail Piece File
How to get separate rates for 1 oz and 2 oz First-Class Letter Single Piece rate mail in MailStream Plus
Resolve MailStream Plus not getting an OEL (Optional Endorsement Line) on Package Service Machinable Bound Printed Matter mail pieces
What is the purpose of each of the eight MailStream Plus Postal Reference files
How do you 'map' a field in the MailStream Plus input records so it will be in the output records?
PostalOne! error from my MailStream Plus Mail.dat .pdr file: “For seamless parallel processing, the pdr IM barcode field must be populated with a 20, 25, 29, or 31 character value.”
What is the purpose of each of the eight MailStream Plus Postal Reference files
How do you 'map' a field in the MailStream Plus input records so it will be in the output records?
PostalOne! error from my MailStream Plus Mail.dat .pdr file: “For seamless parallel processing, the pdr IM barcode field must be populated with a 20, 25, 29, or 31 character value.”
Release Announcement for MailStream Plus v2024.12 to meet USPS price and postal changes that go into effect on Jan. 19, 2025
Release Announcement for MailStream Plus v2024.6 to meet USPS price and postal changes that go into effect on July 14, 2024
Is a silent install supported on UNIX/Linux when installing MailStream Plus?
Does MailStream Plus use the DSF2 file to qualify for Carrier Route?
Error MSPSWD00 E 0008: Mail Piece cannot be mailed as PSLW ZIP: ##### using MailStream Plus
Information about the MailStream Plus 8.4.5 Release
MailStream Plus v8.4.4 S01 Patch Release information
Elimination of the use of Sacks for Periodical Flats and Marketing Mail Flats
Information about the MailStream Plus 8.4.4 Release
Will MailStream Plus allow USPS Marketing Mail Flats in EMM trays
MailStream Plus v8.4.3 S03 – Software Patch Release
How is MailStream Plus supporting the USPS Oct. 6, 2024 thru Jan. 19, 2025 temporary price increase for Commercial Parcels
Presort settings to create sacks for Exceptional Dispatch using MailStream Plus
MailStream Plus v8.4.3 S01 – Software Patch Release
MailStream Plus v8.4.3 S02 – Software Patch Release
Information about the MailStream Plus 8.4.3 Release
Assigning 3-digit ZIP Codes in parameter EP TBL with overlapping ranges using MailStream Plus
Input file not found for @@DLVCT error when installing the postal reference files on Linux using MailStream Plus
MailStream Plus v8.4.2 C01 – Software Patch Release
./acushare: No such file or directory using MailStream Plus on Linux
COBOL FILE STATUS=93 FILE and COBOL FILE STATUS=42 on Windows job using MailStream Plus
Checking a license on UNIX/Linux using MailStream Plus
ERROR E0001 when calling MAIL360 GetRange for Mailer ID 123456 Connector: imbcomm/libcurl error: couldn't connect to host using MailStream Plus
Populating the subkeywords MLRNAM and MLRAD* on REPORT MANIFEST using MailStream Plus
Mac Batch Certification and MailStream Plus
Changes to the PDX Download URLs for Jan 2022
Information about the MailStream Plus 8.4.2 Release
PostalOne! error 'The .cqt 3 Digit/5 Digit Container Division must be numeric when the .csm eInduction Indicator = Y' using MailStream Plus
Manifest Rate Codes added for First-Class Letters using MailStream Plus
Setting up entry point parameters for destination discounts versus using a locale code using MailStream Plus
How is MailStream Plus supporting the USPS Oct 3, 2021 thru Dec 26, 2021 temporary price increase for Commercial Parcels
Why do the lines for B17 thru B20 on the Aug 2021 3600-FCM contain no rates using MailStream Plus
Error: "runcbl: No such file or directory" when installing a CODE-1 Plus license on a new Linux OS
Information about the upcoming MailStream Plus 8.4.1 Release
How to change the wording 'USPS SCAN REQUIRED' in the Tag Print System II pallet tag
Where does the USPS provide Delivery Standards information for different types of mail?
Populating the Mail.dat Field Code SEG-1151 "Bypass Seamless Acceptance" in MailStream Plus
The USPS has announced problems with the L012 Labeling List in the Sept and Oct 2020 Postal Reference Files, using MailStream Plus
Error 255 on a Linux machine using MailStream Plus
S01 patch release for IBMi users of MailStream Plus version 8.4.0
Tag Print System II gives error reading MailStream Plus 8.4.0 TRA and PLT file
Learning about the C01 update for MailStream Plus 8.3.7 in Summer 2019
Inkjet fields layout changed from position 206 thru 222 in MailStream Plus 8.3.3
Information about the 8.4.0 release of MailStream Plus
Error 'Application did not start correctly 0xc0000142' when running a MailStream Plus job
MailStream Plus release version 8.3.9 on IBMi platform can erase INF parameters.
Understanding the Postage Amount different between 3600-FCM A7 and EngageOne Enrichment (formerly StreamWeaver) spoilage report (from Manifest Keyline.) in MailStream Plus
Can MailStream Plus assign Retail postage rates for un-qualified non-Commercial First-Class letters
Questions about the origin of the MailStream Plus inkjet file
How to control what goes into Mail.dat Field Code SEG-1101 when segmenting by batch using MailStream Plus
Determining the difference between MM and EMM, T, H, and E trays in letter mailings and when are each used using MailStream Plus
Why are Postage Statement 3541 "Advertising Pound Prices" section not being populated for Periodicals NonProfit and Classroom mail - MailStream Plus
What is the USPS's thickness and weight limit for Automation and/or Machinable letters? MailStream Plus
What are the DTAILjobname files in the MailStream Plus work library
Why were pieces within an FSS range not placed in a FSS sack but placed in a MADC sacks using MailStream Plus
Is it possible to skip installing a MailStream Plus version before installing a newer version
How to populate Mail.dat Field Code MPU-1102 (Mail Piece Unit Description) and CPT-1101 (Component Description) in MailStream Plus
How to know when MailStream Plus will move pieces from Basic Carrier Route to the Automation presort group
How to receive the Nonprofit rate in a MailStream Plus presort
How to populate the MPA-1109 when using EPS and MailStream Plus
How to make Undersized Destination Entry pallets of 12 linear feet or 100-pounds using MailStream Plus
Is MailStream Plus correct in marking pieces such as Single Piece rate, and non-barcoded pieces as O for Other in Mail.dat CQT-1112 Service Level Indicator
How to run multiple MailStream Plus jobs simultaneously
How to tell MailStream Plus to put 'mixed-level' and/or 'ADC/AADC' trays/sacks/bundles (as permitted) onto SCF or NDC/ASF pallets
How to make multiple copies of a record in the presort within MailStream Plus
Determining where the MailStream Plus USPS Reference files are installed on an IBMi installation
Are new license(s) needed for new releases of the MailStream Plus
How to use the MDMFPD subkeyword in MailStream Plus.
MailStream Plus - What does NONIDENTICAL on the USPS Statement mean?
How many P ATTR parameters are allowed in a MailStream Plus job
Are the MailStream Plus USPS Postal Reference Files encrypted and secured to download?
Why does MailStream Plus put First-Class Single Piece rate pieces on an Origin SCF pallet instead of putting the tray at the end of the presort
MailStream Plus - How many Periodical automation flats pieces does it take to make a bundle and a sack?
How to populate the Permit Holder CRID or Owner or News Agent Name CRID on Postage Statements using MailStream Plus
How to find where in the DMM does it present FSS (Flats Sequencing System) preparation and preparation options used by MailStream Plus
How to generate the special fees file record file using MailStream Plus
Is there a report that offers a monthly count of how many records were processed using MailStream Plus
Using STID 331 for secure destruction for the USPS option that will allows Full service STIDs for non-auto mail also using MailStream Plus
Is MAIL360 Manager required in order for MailStream Plus to produce the USPS Shipping Services File (SSF)
Where and when are the changes listed for new releases of MailStream Plus
Resolve issue with MailStream Plus not producing the CCR file
Determining how MailStream Plus generates what the tray or sack label's content lines should have
Question on P ATTR and B CODE and tray size determination in MailStream Plus
MailStream Plus is there a Maximum weight for sacks or trays using the BG MAX parameter
MailStream Plus - Postal One incorrect message Letter/ Postcard require 150 pieces for origin pieces
Does MailStream Plus offer the rate marking Single-Piece for single rate pieces
How to determine if the IMpB will be 30 bytes or 34 bytes or other length when created using MailStream Plus
Output indicators returned by the POSTRC parameter using Mailstream Plus
Can MailStream Plus populate the Transaction ID field positions 78 to 89 in the version 1.6 Shipping Services File
Walk Sequence order of the input file to get the basic carrier route rate using MailStream Plus
Which "ADDRESS" file ZIP ZIP+4 is used in the CSM-1168 Field Code for the "Entry Point - Actual / Delivery - Postal Code" in MailStream Plus
How to make the USPS Qualification Report come out with the Tray numbers in sequential order in MailStream Plus
Mailstream Plus - What is the USPS definition of the term IMb Post Net Barcode?
How to know that Mail360 Manager is needed for MailStream Plus to generate the Mail Piece File
How to get separate rates for 1 oz and 2 oz First-Class Letter Single Piece rate mail in MailStream Plus
Resolve MailStream Plus not getting an OEL (Optional Endorsement Line) on Package Service Machinable Bound Printed Matter mail pieces
What is the purpose of each of the eight MailStream Plus Postal Reference files
How do you 'map' a field in the MailStream Plus input records so it will be in the output records?
PostalOne! error from my MailStream Plus Mail.dat .pdr file: “For seamless parallel processing, the pdr IM barcode field must be populated with a 20, 25, 29, or 31 character value.”
Installing a license file on the IBMi platform for CODE-1 Plus and MailStream Plus
error: COBOL FILE STATUS=97 FILE=MSWKWK (or other files) FUNCT=OPEN I-O EXT FILE NM=MSWKWK using MailStream Plus
Determining the difference between MM and EMM, T, H, and E trays in letter mailings and when are each used using MailStream Plus
Ensuring zip code 11111 (or other invalid ZIP Codes) are not being treated as valid using MailStream Plus
How to find the locale key/USPS Facility Drop Site Key information to populate the MailStream Plus DRPKEY and PLTKEY sub keywords
Release Announcement for MailStream Plus v2024.12 to meet USPS price and postal changes that go into effect on Jan. 19, 2025
Changing the output sequence of the mailing using SRTFLD, SRTFLn, or xxx SQ parameters in MailStream Plus
Is there a way to check off the Political Campaign Mailing and Official Election Mail boxes on the Postage Statements using MailStream Plus
Resolve why the STID is invalid for a Full Service IMb job in the IMBOUT parameter using MailStream Plus
Using IMBSER parameter in MailStream Plus with IMBOUT and optionally IMBINB to manually generate the IMb serial numbers.
How do the parameters IMBOUT, IMBCTL, and IMBSER work together with IMpb serial numbers, and Shipping Services File serial number using MailStream Plus
How to populate the Mail.dat Field Code CCR-1002 with the 2-byte codes for Incentives, Contents, and Fees using MailStream Plus
How can MailStream Plus be used to identify pieces based on the Pallet, or Tray/Sack, or Bundle levels they are presorted into
How is MailStream Plus supporting the USPS Oct. 6, 2024 thru Jan. 19, 2025 temporary price increase for Commercial Parcels
Are there parameter options for handling invalid ZIP Code pieces using MailStream Plus
How to generate unique container serial numbers using MailStream Plus
Learning about the InkJet file that can be produced with the POSTIJ parameter using MailStream Plus
Why does MailStream Plus put First-Class Single Piece rate pieces on an Origin SCF pallet instead of putting the tray at the end of the presort
How to get separate rates for 1 oz and 2 oz First-Class Letter Single Piece rate mail in MailStream Plus
How to load the z/OS loadlibs in the right order when installing a MailStream Plus update patch
How do you populate the Shipping Services File, Detail Record 2 records using MailStream Plus
What USPS website can provide valid STID codes for IMpb using MailStream Plus
How to produce separate presorted mailings from one input Name-Address file using MailStream Plus
LMIOBAT Error Opening Indexed G1LICEN, File Status = 93 using MailStream Plus on Windows
What parameter can be used to populate the MPA-1124 field code for a MailStream Plus job
Release Announcement for MailStream Plus v2024.6 to meet USPS price and postal changes that go into effect on July 14, 2024
How does MailStream Plus know the Carrier Route counts for Total and Residential that show up in the REPORT CRRTWALK?
MailStream Plus- When using the REPORT CRRTWALK (Walk-Sequence justification report) how do the counts and saturation percentages get calculated?
How does the parameter EP MIN work with multiple ENT PT or SCF PT etc entry points using MailStream Plus
What are the different ways to generate a Postage Statement(s) out of MailStream Plus
Adding the Optional Endorsement Line (OEL) for Unqualified mail pieces using MailStream Plus
MailStream Plus message "One or more WSDATE errors detected, and not posted."
Can you leave Mail.dat Field Code MPA-1123 Mailer ID of Preparer blank if IMBCNT and or IMBPLT parameters are used in MailStream Plus
What does MailStream Plus check to see if a letter piece is automation-compatible or not
Resolving the error "Does not match the Software version"
How does the MailStream Plus ZIP IN position 44 work
Why are some parameters or settings not found on the normal individual CHUI screens using MailStream Plus on IBMi
Are the MailStream Plus monthly Postal Reference Files (PRFs) released on the same day each month?
Can you force the Segment ID (SEG - 1002) to a custom value using MailStream Plus?
PostalOne! gives this error : pdr-1108 is blank or it has an 14 digit alpha numeric using a job from MailStream Plus
Problem getting Postage Statements from USPS TEM or PostalOne! sites from MailStream Plus
Can I generate a USPS 3606-D form Certificate of Bulk Mailing - Domestic using MailStream Plus?
MailStream Plus- using 'EP INF' parameters to input information for one, or more, entry points
Answering entry point specific questions using MailStream Plus
Can only have 1 ENT PT when SCF PT used, or Can only have 1 ENT PT when NDC PT used, or Can only have 1 ENT PT when ADC PT used error in MailStream Plus
Can MailStream Plus run on z/Linux, also known as Linux on System Z
Pieces moving from a 3-Digit and MAADC tray to a 3-Digit scheme tray when the new Postal Reference files are installed using MailStream Plus
How to modify or add custom DD statements when using Windows MailStream Plus or the Windows User Interface
Error during install 'required Engageone product registry area (/opt/engageone) was not found' using MailStream Plus 8.3.9
Did the shared registry area change from '/opt/pb' to '/opt/precisely'?
Resolving the error 'The installer detected a newer version of the product. You need to uninstall the existing product before running this installation' when installing MailStream Plus on AIX
Resolve why the Informed Delivery Campaign Mail.dat .rmr and .rms files are not created in MailStream Plus
How does MailStream Plus know where to install the software or update on UNIX or Linux?
MailStream Plus MSDRWF.exe is throwing "The system cannot find the file specified" error as well as an error about not being able to find MSDR01.acu
Can it be correct for bundles with under the minimum number of pieces for a Flats mailing to be prepared using MailStream Plus
What subkeyword is used to indicate Periodicals mailing frequency in MailStream Plus?
For First Class Flats, are bundles on pallets allowed using MailStream Plus
How to choose whether MailStream Plus merges Auto and non-Auto Flats pieces in a bundle, or keeps them separate.
Verifying discounts based on the entry point/locale key for each facility using MailStream Plus
Why is the Parcel Select Lightweight NDC pallet being created under 100 pounds using MailStream Plus?
Where can the PAVE certificate be found for MailStream Plus
How to run a MailStream Plus job that will use the outbound IMb from the input file
Generating the REPORT USPSTMT does not have a line feed on the last record of the file, just a carriage return using MailStream Plus on Windows
What does the error message in the msrpxlg "MSRFMC Date - not available" mean in MailStream Plus?
Determining the last IMb tray/sack or pallet number that was used for a Mailer ID in MailStream Plus
Where to find the USPS Postal Service Technical Specifications for Mail.dat with Mail.dat file and field information and PostalOne! 4 byte error codes
Posting the actual P ATTR Identifier codes into Mail.dat MPU-1003 Mail Piece Unit ID using MailStream Plus
MailStream Plus will only let you select either the Mail.dat PDR Piece Detail Record file or the PBC Piece Barcode Record file
Code-1 Plus MailStream Plus List Conversion Plus & zCloud Compatibility
Error during install 'required Engageone product registry area (/opt/engageone) was not found' using MailStream Plus 8.3.9
Did the shared registry area change from '/opt/pb' to '/opt/precisely'?
Resolving the error 'The installer detected a newer version of the product. You need to uninstall the existing product before running this installation' when installing MailStream Plus on AIX
Resolve why the Informed Delivery Campaign Mail.dat .rmr and .rms files are not created in MailStream Plus
Installing a license file on the IBMi platform for CODE-1 Plus and MailStream Plus
error: COBOL FILE STATUS=97 FILE=MSWKWK (or other files) FUNCT=OPEN I-O EXT FILE NM=MSWKWK using MailStream Plus
Determining the difference between MM and EMM, T, H, and E trays in letter mailings and when are each used using MailStream Plus
Ensuring zip code 11111 (or other invalid ZIP Codes) are not being treated as valid using MailStream Plus
How to find the locale key/USPS Facility Drop Site Key information to populate the MailStream Plus DRPKEY and PLTKEY sub keywords
Release Announcement for MailStream Plus v2024.12 to meet USPS price and postal changes that go into effect on Jan. 19, 2025
How to use the subkeyword BGLIN4 and Information Variables using MailStream Plus
Where can the USPS STIDs Service Type IDs be found using MailStream Plus and MAIL360 Manager
MailStream Plus - How to setup the Mail.dat .CCR file for USPS incentives and promotions
Changing the output sequence of the mailing using SRTFLD, SRTFLn, or xxx SQ parameters in MailStream Plus
Is there a way to check off the Political Campaign Mailing and Official Election Mail boxes on the Postage Statements using MailStream Plus
Resolve why the STID is invalid for a Full Service IMb job in the IMBOUT parameter using MailStream Plus
Using IMBSER parameter in MailStream Plus with IMBOUT and optionally IMBINB to manually generate the IMb serial numbers.
How do the parameters IMBOUT, IMBCTL, and IMBSER work together with IMpb serial numbers, and Shipping Services File serial number using MailStream Plus
How to populate the Mail.dat Field Code CCR-1002 with the 2-byte codes for Incentives, Contents, and Fees using MailStream Plus
Changing the Mail.dat version generated by MailStream Plus
What platforms are supported for MailStream Plus and Mail360 Manager
When you pass a locale key into MailStream Plus (MSP) using DRPKEY/PLTKEY parameter it drops off the first byte
How can MailStream Plus be used to identify pieces based on the Pallet, or Tray/Sack, or Bundle levels they are presorted into
How is MailStream Plus supporting the USPS Oct. 6, 2024 thru Jan. 19, 2025 temporary price increase for Commercial Parcels
Are there parameter options for handling invalid ZIP Code pieces using MailStream Plus
How to generate unique container serial numbers using MailStream Plus
Learning about the InkJet file that can be produced with the POSTIJ parameter using MailStream Plus
Why does MailStream Plus put First-Class Single Piece rate pieces on an Origin SCF pallet instead of putting the tray at the end of the presort
How to turn on Palletization in MailStream Plus to palletize a mailing
Supporting the USPS Customer Supplier Agreements using MailStream Plus
Can Package Services Machinable Parcels Carrier Route mail be put on pallets with MailStream Plus?
How to get separate rates for 1 oz and 2 oz First-Class Letter Single Piece rate mail in MailStream Plus
How to load the z/OS loadlibs in the right order when installing a MailStream Plus update patch
How do you populate the Shipping Services File, Detail Record 2 records using MailStream Plus
What USPS website can provide valid STID codes for IMpb using MailStream Plus
How to produce separate presorted mailings from one input Name-Address file using MailStream Plus
LMIOBAT Error Opening Indexed G1LICEN, File Status = 93 using MailStream Plus on Windows
What parameter can be used to populate the MPA-1124 field code for a MailStream Plus job
Release Announcement for MailStream Plus v2024.6 to meet USPS price and postal changes that go into effect on July 14, 2024
How does MailStream Plus know the Carrier Route counts for Total and Residential that show up in the REPORT CRRTWALK?
MailStream Plus- When using the REPORT CRRTWALK (Walk-Sequence justification report) how do the counts and saturation percentages get calculated?
How does the parameter EP MIN work with multiple ENT PT or SCF PT etc entry points using MailStream Plus
What are the different ways to generate a Postage Statement(s) out of MailStream Plus
When setting up a Walk Sequence job, do you need an indicator on the record that shows if the piece is residential or business using MailStream Plus
How to input the date on USPS forms in MailStream Plus
How to put all of your mail onto pallets using MailStream Plus
What is the purpose of each of the eight MailStream Plus Postal Reference files
Checking to see when the USPS Reference files expire in MailStream Plus
Resolve error lmiobat error opening indexed g1licen file status 91 using MailStream Plus
Adding the Optional Endorsement Line (OEL) for Unqualified mail pieces using MailStream Plus
MailStream Plus message "One or more WSDATE errors detected, and not posted."
Can you leave Mail.dat Field Code MPA-1123 Mailer ID of Preparer blank if IMBCNT and or IMBPLT parameters are used in MailStream Plus
Resolving the error MSNA00B W M3STUB00; MAIL360 program not installed using MailStream Plus on z/OS
Does MailStream Plus support USPS Ground Advantage mailings
Common reasons for letters and flats mail pieces not getting automation rates when using MailStream Plus.
How to resolve the MailStream Plus error *** ERROR *** CP MAX weight not 2 times FORCE
How to populate the Mail.dat CSM-1106 "Mail.dat Facility Type" using MailStream Plus
Does MailStream Plus support Certified Mail
What does MailStream Plus check to see if a letter piece is automation-compatible or not
Resolving the error "Does not match the Software version"
How does the MailStream Plus ZIP IN position 44 work
Why are some parameters or settings not found on the normal individual CHUI screens using MailStream Plus on IBMi
Are the MailStream Plus monthly Postal Reference Files (PRFs) released on the same day each month?
Can you force the Segment ID (SEG - 1002) to a custom value using MailStream Plus?
Setting up entry point parameters for destination discounts versus using a locale code using MailStream Plus
How to control overflow containers using MailStream Plus and other ALG LV options
Resolve error "No corresponding basic STID for 548" MailStream Plus
PostalOne! gives this error : pdr-1108 is blank or it has an 14 digit alpha numeric using a job from MailStream Plus
Problem getting Postage Statements from USPS TEM or PostalOne! sites from MailStream Plus
Can I generate a USPS 3606-D form Certificate of Bulk Mailing - Domestic using MailStream Plus?
MailStream Plus- using 'EP INF' parameters to input information for one, or more, entry points
Answering entry point specific questions using MailStream Plus
Can only have 1 ENT PT when SCF PT used, or Can only have 1 ENT PT when NDC PT used, or Can only have 1 ENT PT when ADC PT used error in MailStream Plus
Can MailStream Plus run on z/Linux, also known as Linux on System Z
Pieces moving from a 3-Digit and MAADC tray to a 3-Digit scheme tray when the new Postal Reference files are installed using MailStream Plus
How to modify or add custom DD statements when using Windows MailStream Plus or the Windows User Interface
Error during install 'required Engageone product registry area (/opt/engageone) was not found' using MailStream Plus 8.3.9
Did the shared registry area change from '/opt/pb' to '/opt/precisely'?
Resolving the error 'The installer detected a newer version of the product. You need to uninstall the existing product before running this installation' when installing MailStream Plus on AIX
Resolve why the Informed Delivery Campaign Mail.dat .rmr and .rms files are not created in MailStream Plus
How does MailStream Plus know where to install the software or update on UNIX or Linux?
MailStream Plus MSDRWF.exe is throwing "The system cannot find the file specified" error as well as an error about not being able to find MSDR01.acu
MailStream Plus Zone Matrix file doubled in size with the May 2018 USPS data.
Periodicals mailing- using NONSUB parameter and P ATTR position 64 to populate Mail.dat CQT-1010 in MailStream Plus
Can I use MailStream Plus for PMOD Priority Mail Open and Distribute
Can it be correct for bundles with under the minimum number of pieces for a Flats mailing to be prepared using MailStream Plus
What subkeyword is used to indicate Periodicals mailing frequency in MailStream Plus?
For First Class Flats, are bundles on pallets allowed using MailStream Plus
How to choose whether MailStream Plus merges Auto and non-Auto Flats pieces in a bundle, or keeps them separate.
Verifying discounts based on the entry point/locale key for each facility using MailStream Plus
Why is the Parcel Select Lightweight NDC pallet being created under 100 pounds using MailStream Plus?
Where can the PAVE certificate be found for MailStream Plus
How to run a MailStream Plus job that will use the outbound IMb from the input file
Generating the REPORT USPSTMT does not have a line feed on the last record of the file, just a carriage return using MailStream Plus on Windows
What does the error message in the msrpxlg "MSRFMC Date - not available" mean in MailStream Plus?
Determining the last IMb tray/sack or pallet number that was used for a Mailer ID in MailStream Plus
Where to find the USPS Postal Service Technical Specifications for Mail.dat with Mail.dat file and field information and PostalOne! 4 byte error codes
Posting the actual P ATTR Identifier codes into Mail.dat MPU-1003 Mail Piece Unit ID using MailStream Plus
MailStream Plus will only let you select either the Mail.dat PDR Piece Detail Record file or the PBC Piece Barcode Record file
Code-1 Plus MailStream Plus List Conversion Plus & zCloud Compatibility
Is there a way to run a job with expired USPS Reference files using MailStream Plus
How to use the MailStream Plus ML MIN parameter to control if a mailing qualifies for presort rates.
How to navigate the eStore Site for Software databases
Ensuring zip code 11111 (or other invalid ZIP Codes) are not being treated as valid using MailStream Plus
Determining the difference between MM and EMM, T, H, and E trays in letter mailings and when are each used using MailStream Plus
Resolve COBOL file status 37 error (with Postal Reference Files or other files) in MailStream Plus
How to find the locale key/USPS Facility Drop Site Key information to populate the MailStream Plus DRPKEY and PLTKEY sub keywords
error: COBOL FILE STATUS=97 FILE=MSWKWK (or other files) FUNCT=OPEN I-O EXT FILE NM=MSWKWK using MailStream Plus
Resolving *** ERROR *** Invalid Informed Delivery Split xxxxxxx - P ATTR x using MailStream Plus
"Missing Shortcut Windows is searching for ..." or "The system cannot find the file specified" type errors in MailStream Plus on Windows
MailStream Plus- Standard Mail- Why might a smaller Carrier Route not get the High-Density (HD) or High-Density Plus (HDP) rates
How do you contact the USPS PostalOne! HelpDesk
How to resolve E COBOL FILE STATUS=35 FILE=MSRFDC FUNCT=OPEN EXT FILE NM=MSRFDC (or other files) using MailStream Plus
COBOL File Status 93 error on MSMDSFB file (or other files) in MailStream Plus
MailStream Plus - How to setup the Mail.dat .CCR file for USPS incentives and promotions
Perpetual licenses and maintenance contract
Command used to find the glib for Linux systems
Using STID 331 for secure destruction for the USPS option that will allows Full service STIDs for non-auto mail also using MailStream Plus
Possible reasons the USPS 'scorecard' is reporting "undocumented pieces" in mailings from MailStream Plus
Checking if the license is current on UNIX or Linux using MailStream Plus
Resolve memory access violation COBOL error at 000000 status 255 on Linux in MailStream Plus
Installing a license on the z/OS platform for Code1 Plus or MailStream Plus
Correcting the error: Your account does not have access to eDoc sender CRID: ####### using PostalOne! and MailStream Plus
Do you need to enter Access Keys during installation of the software with MailStream Plus
Finding the layout of the USPS Shipping Services File (SSF)
What are the volume sizes of USPS Bags (sacks), and what are the default bags used in MailStream Plus
Resolve Unix job error "acushare version 7.0.0 or later is not running MSDR00 ended with status 255" using MailStream Plus
What is the USPS's thickness and weight limit for Automation and/or Machinable letters? MailStream Plus
Is IMb or IMpb used for a Bound Printed Matter presort (and some other types of mailings, such as Priority Mail) using MailStream Plus
error 1030: Unmatched PA INF XXXXXX - P ATTR/Link not found in MailStream Plus
Why do I receive COBOL FILE STATUS=92 FILE=MSRFMC (or other USPS db file) using MailStream Plus
Why is mail in an MAADC Tray labeled to the MAADC ZIP Code 334 instead of labeled to the 5 digit of the pieces in the tray using MailStream Plus
How to put all of your mail onto pallets using MailStream Plus
Resolve xxRUNJOB command and error RNX0233 in MailStream Plus, CODE-1 Plus, List Conversion Plus, and more on IBMi
Error "wrun32.exe is not recognized as an internal or external command operable command or batch file" when running MailStream Plus on Windows
Information about the upcoming MailStream Plus 8.4.1 Release
MailStream Plus- When using the REPORT CRRTWALK (Walk-Sequence justification report) how do the counts and saturation percentages get calculated?
Determining why some letter/flat mail is not receiving the DSCF discount, when it is being entered at the SCF within MailStream Plus
What platforms are supported for MailStream Plus and Mail360 Manager
Strapping requirements for First-Class Flats in letter trays using MailStream Plus
What is the minimum number of letter trays (or weight in bundles or sacked mail) required to make a pallet. MailStream Plus
*** ERROR *** The Mail Induction Date is out of Range for the PRF due to Value of INF MDMFSD using MailStream Plus
The Manifest key line reflects the postage rate applied to the mail piece before any Full Service discount using MailStream Plus
PostalOne! error from my MailStream Plus Mail.dat .pdr file: “For seamless parallel processing, the pdr IM barcode field must be populated with a 20, 25, 29, or 31 character value.”
Are temporary licenses necessary for disaster/recovery for CODE-1 Plus, Finalist, and MailStream Plus
Installing new versions, and updates/patches to MailStream Plus
How to set up a 'Parcel Select Lightweight' mailing which goes onto a 3605 Postage Statement in MailStream Plus
How to populate the Mail.dat Field Code CCR-1002 with the 2-byte codes for Incentives, Contents, and Fees using MailStream Plus
Setting up entry point parameters for destination discounts versus using a locale code using MailStream Plus
What options are there for MailStream Plus presort, Palletization Plus, Manifest Reporting Plus, and DuoSort
Populating the value "RR" in the Mail.dat CCR file get the Earned Value Reply Mail Credit using MailStream Plus
How to set up a full service job for outbound mail pieces using MailStream Plus
Are there parameter options for handling invalid ZIP Code pieces using MailStream Plus
Why is a USPS Marketing Mail Flats mailing receiving the SCF discount at the NDC entry point when using MailStream Plus
Changes to the PDX Download URLs for Jan 2022
How to populate the Mail.dat files to indicate an eInduction mailing, Field Code CSM-1186 eInduction Indicator using MailStream Plus
Does MailStream Plus support Certified Mail
How is MailStream Plus supporting the USPS Oct 3, 2021 thru Dec 26, 2021 temporary price increase for Commercial Parcels
Indicating the Destination Entry Facility discounts DADC, DDU, DSCF or DNDC using MailStream Plus
Installing a license file on the IBMi platform for CODE-1 Plus and MailStream Plus
Verifying an Sxx, Cxx, or Oxx patch update was applied and is being used in MailStream Plus
Finding the layout of the Mail.dat files produced by MailStream Plus
How to understand the USPS Flats Sequencing System (FSS) for use with MailStream Plus
Resolve the error 'program missing or inaccessible' when trying to load the MailStream Plus USPS Postal Reference files
Software Temporary License Request
Releasing the latest USPS Reference Files for MailStream Plus
MailStream Plus v8.4.3 S02 – Software Patch Release
Mailing nonprofit Parcels in USPS Marketing Mail using MailStream Plus
Resolving *** ERROR *** Invalid Informed Delivery Split xxx - P ATTR xxx using MailStream Plus
Received file appears not to be an Interactive Data Transmission Facility file error when running the RECEIVE jcl on z/OS to install a update/patch in MailStream Plus
Resolve Error "One or more required .csm Actual Postal Codes are blank" to Populate CSM-1168 Using MDMFEP Instead of MDMFPZ
Populating Mail.dat Payment Account Number field in MailStream Plus
How to qualify Carrier Routes for Basic, High Density, or High Density Plus using the ADDNAM parameter in MailStream Plus
MailStream Plus v8.4.3 S01 – Software Patch Release
Resolve the MailStream Plus error "Invalid Mailer ID xxxxxxxxx at record number yyyyyyyyy"
USPS Marketing Mail Flat mailing. Why aren't all of the CRRT Bundles on pallets getting the 'Basic - CR Bundles/Pallet' rate using MailStream Plus
Checking to see when the USPS Reference files expire in MailStream Plus
Where to obtain a license file for MailStream Plus, Mail360 Manager, Mail360 Server, and Mail360 Data Manager/EngageOne Delivery Audit, EngageOne Inform
How to resolve MailStream Plus *** ERROR *** The Postal Reference file has Expired, and when are each month's files valid for mailings
How to sort an input file into Walk Sequence or Line-of-Travel Carrier Route order in MailStream Plus
Information about what Mail.dat files are required to be uploaded to PostalOne! when using MailStream Plus
Resolve error lmiobat error opening indexed g1licen file status 91 using MailStream Plus
How to Label the Destination line of the First Class OMX pallet using MailStream Plus
MailStream Plus Error "One or more required .csm Actual Postal Codes are blank" and "One or more CSM-1167 locale keys blank, LOCY00000 used"
How to control overflow containers using MailStream Plus and other ALG LV options
How to control the Sequence Number on Manifest Reports in MailStream Plus
How to tell MailStream Plus to put 'mixed-level' and/or 'ADC/AADC' trays/sacks/bundles (as permitted) onto SCF or NDC/ASF pallets
How to indicate in the Mail.dat files the permit number, associated ZIP Code, and publication number in MailStream Plus
PostalOne! error from my MailStream Plus Mail.dat .pdr file: “For seamless parallel processing, the pdr IM barcode field must be populated with a 20, 25, 29, or 31 character value.”
Are temporary licenses necessary for disaster/recovery for CODE-1 Plus, Finalist, and MailStream Plus
Ensuring zip code 11111 (or other invalid ZIP Codes) are not being treated as valid using MailStream Plus
Determining the difference between MM and EMM, T, H, and E trays in letter mailings and when are each used using MailStream Plus
Resolve COBOL file status 37 error (with Postal Reference Files or other files) in MailStream Plus
How to find the locale key/USPS Facility Drop Site Key information to populate the MailStream Plus DRPKEY and PLTKEY sub keywords
error: COBOL FILE STATUS=97 FILE=MSWKWK (or other files) FUNCT=OPEN I-O EXT FILE NM=MSWKWK using MailStream Plus
Resolving *** ERROR *** Invalid Informed Delivery Split xxxxxxx - P ATTR x using MailStream Plus
"Missing Shortcut Windows is searching for ..." or "The system cannot find the file specified" type errors in MailStream Plus on Windows
MailStream Plus- Standard Mail- Why might a smaller Carrier Route not get the High-Density (HD) or High-Density Plus (HDP) rates
How do you contact the USPS PostalOne! HelpDesk
How to resolve E COBOL FILE STATUS=35 FILE=MSRFDC FUNCT=OPEN EXT FILE NM=MSRFDC (or other files) using MailStream Plus
COBOL File Status 93 error on MSMDSFB file (or other files) in MailStream Plus
MailStream Plus - How to setup the Mail.dat .CCR file for USPS incentives and promotions
Perpetual licenses and maintenance contract
Command used to find the glib for Linux systems
Using STID 331 for secure destruction for the USPS option that will allows Full service STIDs for non-auto mail also using MailStream Plus
Possible reasons the USPS 'scorecard' is reporting "undocumented pieces" in mailings from MailStream Plus
Checking if the license is current on UNIX or Linux using MailStream Plus
Resolve memory access violation COBOL error at 000000 status 255 on Linux in MailStream Plus
Installing a license on the z/OS platform for Code1 Plus or MailStream Plus
Correcting the error: Your account does not have access to eDoc sender CRID: ####### using PostalOne! and MailStream Plus
Do you need to enter Access Keys during installation of the software with MailStream Plus
Finding the layout of the USPS Shipping Services File (SSF)
How to mail USPS Marketing Mail Marketing Parcels in MailStream Plus and information on what they are
Resolve COBOL File Status 39 error on Mailstream Plus
What is the difference between Informed Visibility and Informed Delivery
What are the volume sizes of USPS Bags (sacks), and what are the default bags used in MailStream Plus
Resolve Unix job error "acushare version 7.0.0 or later is not running MSDR00 ended with status 255" using MailStream Plus
What is the USPS's thickness and weight limit for Automation and/or Machinable letters? MailStream Plus
Is IMb or IMpb used for a Bound Printed Matter presort (and some other types of mailings, such as Priority Mail) using MailStream Plus
error 1030: Unmatched PA INF XXXXXX - P ATTR/Link not found in MailStream Plus
Why do I receive COBOL FILE STATUS=92 FILE=MSRFMC (or other USPS db file) using MailStream Plus
What are Origin or Entry 3 Digit Trays in First-Class Mail USPS Marketing Mail and Periodicals using MailStream Plus
Resolving the error "Does not match the Software version"
Information about the 8.4.0 release of MailStream Plus
Why is mail in an MAADC Tray labeled to the MAADC ZIP Code 334 instead of labeled to the 5 digit of the pieces in the tray using MailStream Plus
How to put all of your mail onto pallets using MailStream Plus
Resolve xxRUNJOB command and error RNX0233 in MailStream Plus, CODE-1 Plus, List Conversion Plus, and more on IBMi
Error "wrun32.exe is not recognized as an internal or external command operable command or batch file" when running MailStream Plus on Windows
Information about the upcoming MailStream Plus 8.4.1 Release
MailStream Plus- When using the REPORT CRRTWALK (Walk-Sequence justification report) how do the counts and saturation percentages get calculated?
Determining why some letter/flat mail is not receiving the DSCF discount, when it is being entered at the SCF within MailStream Plus
What platforms are supported for MailStream Plus and Mail360 Manager
Strapping requirements for First-Class Flats in letter trays using MailStream Plus
What is the minimum number of letter trays (or weight in bundles or sacked mail) required to make a pallet. MailStream Plus
*** ERROR *** The Mail Induction Date is out of Range for the PRF due to Value of INF MDMFSD using MailStream Plus
The Manifest key line reflects the postage rate applied to the mail piece before any Full Service discount using MailStream Plus
PostalOne! error from my MailStream Plus Mail.dat .pdr file: “For seamless parallel processing, the pdr IM barcode field must be populated with a 20, 25, 29, or 31 character value.”
Are temporary licenses necessary for disaster/recovery for CODE-1 Plus, Finalist, and MailStream Plus
Installing new versions, and updates/patches to MailStream Plus
How to set up a 'Parcel Select Lightweight' mailing which goes onto a 3605 Postage Statement in MailStream Plus
How to populate the Mail.dat Field Code CCR-1002 with the 2-byte codes for Incentives, Contents, and Fees using MailStream Plus
Setting up entry point parameters for destination discounts versus using a locale code using MailStream Plus
What options are there for MailStream Plus presort, Palletization Plus, Manifest Reporting Plus, and DuoSort
Populating the value "RR" in the Mail.dat CCR file get the Earned Value Reply Mail Credit using MailStream Plus
How to set up a full service job for outbound mail pieces using MailStream Plus
Are there parameter options for handling invalid ZIP Code pieces using MailStream Plus
Why is a USPS Marketing Mail Flats mailing receiving the SCF discount at the NDC entry point when using MailStream Plus
Changes to the PDX Download URLs for Jan 2022
How to populate the Mail.dat files to indicate an eInduction mailing, Field Code CSM-1186 eInduction Indicator using MailStream Plus
Does MailStream Plus support Certified Mail
How is MailStream Plus supporting the USPS Oct 3, 2021 thru Dec 26, 2021 temporary price increase for Commercial Parcels
Indicating the Destination Entry Facility discounts DADC, DDU, DSCF or DNDC using MailStream Plus
Installing a license file on the IBMi platform for CODE-1 Plus and MailStream Plus
Verifying an Sxx, Cxx, or Oxx patch update was applied and is being used in MailStream Plus
Finding the layout of the Mail.dat files produced by MailStream Plus
How to understand the USPS Flats Sequencing System (FSS) for use with MailStream Plus
Resolve the error 'program missing or inaccessible' when trying to load the MailStream Plus USPS Postal Reference files
Contacting 'Renewal and Maintenance' by phone for MailStream Plus, CODE-1 Plus, Finalist, etc.
How to work with MAIL360 Manager using MailStream Plus on Windows
Tag Print System II gives error reading MailStream Plus 8.4.0 TRA and PLT file
Software Temporary License Request
Releasing the latest USPS Reference Files for MailStream Plus
MailStream Plus v8.4.3 S02 – Software Patch Release
Mailing nonprofit Parcels in USPS Marketing Mail using MailStream Plus
Resolving *** ERROR *** Invalid Informed Delivery Split xxx - P ATTR xxx using MailStream Plus
Received file appears not to be an Interactive Data Transmission Facility file error when running the RECEIVE jcl on z/OS to install a update/patch in MailStream Plus
Resolve Error "One or more required .csm Actual Postal Codes are blank" to Populate CSM-1168 Using MDMFEP Instead of MDMFPZ
Populating Mail.dat Payment Account Number field in MailStream Plus
How to qualify Carrier Routes for Basic, High Density, or High Density Plus using the ADDNAM parameter in MailStream Plus
MailStream Plus v8.4.3 S01 – Software Patch Release
Resolve the MailStream Plus error "Invalid Mailer ID xxxxxxxxx at record number yyyyyyyyy"
USPS Marketing Mail Flat mailing. Why aren't all of the CRRT Bundles on pallets getting the 'Basic - CR Bundles/Pallet' rate using MailStream Plus
Checking to see when the USPS Reference files expire in MailStream Plus
Where to obtain a license file for MailStream Plus, Mail360 Manager, Mail360 Server, and Mail360 Data Manager/EngageOne Delivery Audit, EngageOne Inform
How to resolve MailStream Plus *** ERROR *** The Postal Reference file has Expired, and when are each month's files valid for mailings
How to sort an input file into Walk Sequence or Line-of-Travel Carrier Route order in MailStream Plus
Information about what Mail.dat files are required to be uploaded to PostalOne! when using MailStream Plus
Resolve error lmiobat error opening indexed g1licen file status 91 using MailStream Plus
How to Label the Destination line of the First Class OMX pallet using MailStream Plus
MailStream Plus Error "One or more required .csm Actual Postal Codes are blank" and "One or more CSM-1167 locale keys blank, LOCY00000 used"
How to control overflow containers using MailStream Plus and other ALG LV options
How to control the Sequence Number on Manifest Reports in MailStream Plus
How to tell MailStream Plus to put 'mixed-level' and/or 'ADC/AADC' trays/sacks/bundles (as permitted) onto SCF or NDC/ASF pallets
How to indicate in the Mail.dat files the permit number, associated ZIP Code, and publication number in MailStream Plus
Elimination of the use of Sacks for Periodical Flats and Marketing Mail Flats
Can I generate a USPS 3606-D form Certificate of Bulk Mailing - Domestic using MailStream Plus?
Populating the SSF Header record with the Vendor Code using MailStream Plus
Mailstream Plus contains self-service downloads within Precisely Data Experience for user accounts with active entitlements:
For more details, please see the Precisely Data Experience user guide.
- Go to Precisely Data Experience.
- Select My Software Products. You may be prompted for a login if not already authenticated.
- Select on the product to download. Product naming conventions may slightly differ and other products may also display.
- Once within a product, the latest version will be displayed by default and older versions can be selected via the Release dropdown.
- Select any product file to download.
For more details, please see the Precisely Data Experience user guide.
Mailstream Plus does not currently offer self-service license keys. Please raise a case via the Customer portal or Partner portal for Mailstream Plus license requests.