MVS to UNIX Sort Converter
'No suitable driver found' message for Databricks jdbc connection in Connect ETL
Connect ETL (DMX) - Log4J - CVE-2021-44228, CVE-2021-45046, CVE-2021-45105
Unknown authentication error when connecting to DMX service
Unable to connect to a remote DMX server
SFTP connection error: SSH: Unable to exchange encryption keys
SRVAUTHFAIL to PAM enabled DMX service on Linux / Unix
Troubleshooting Connect Version Incompatibility Errors
How to download old releases of DMExpress
(INVPLATFORM) the license key type is not valid for the current platform
App Mod Syntax Errors and Unsupported Features
(KEYTYPE) the license key file contains invalid key information
What is the DMX repository?
Connect: The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect.
THREADCREATIONERROR / JNOTHRD error cannot create a thread
Considerations for upgrading or downgrading DMX
'KEYINST: (READERR) Unable to install License Key' message in Connect ETL
'No suitable driver found' message for Databricks jdbc connection in Connect ETL
Connect ETL (DMX) - Log4J - CVE-2021-44228, CVE-2021-45046, CVE-2021-45105
Running I/O Benchmark Tests
SRVAUTHFAIL Connecting to Local DMExpress Server on Windows
SFTP error: password authentication is not supported by the server (SSHDNAPS)
Resolving the DBCNNTES/FLLDALIB Errors
Resolving the SRVAUTHFAIL Error
`GLIBCXX_N.N.NN' not found after fresh Connect install on Linux
Unknown authentication error when connecting to DMX service
Unable to connect to a remote DMX server
SFTP connection error: SSH: Unable to exchange encryption keys
Obtaining and Applying a New Connect (DMX) License Key
Connect (DMX) Implementation Best Practices
(CLOSE) unable to close error with FTP source file
Resolving the DMExpress Library Not Found Error
Cannot set registry values / Unable to launch vcredist
INVNODE license error
SRVAUTHFAIL to PAM enabled DMX service on Linux / Unix
Troubleshooting Connect Version Incompatibility Errors
How to download old releases of DMExpress
(KILLED) the process has been terminated with the kill command
Applying a new license key to an existing installation
Unable to connect to the local DMX server
Transferring Connect (DMX) job and task files across servers
Text/grid display issues with display scaling on high-resolution monitors
Debugging a hang on Linux/UNIX
(INVPLATFORM) the license key type is not valid for the current platform
App Mod Syntax Errors and Unsupported Features
(KEYTYPE) the license key file contains invalid key information
What is the DMX repository?
Connect: The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect.
THREADCREATIONERROR / JNOTHRD error cannot create a thread
Considerations for upgrading or downgrading DMX
Troubleshooting Connect Version Incompatibility Errors
'No suitable driver found' message for Databricks jdbc connection in Connect ETL
'KEYINST: (READERR) Unable to install License Key' message in Connect ETL
(KILLED) the process has been terminated with the kill command
`GLIBCXX_N.N.NN' not found after fresh Connect install on Linux
What is the DMX repository?
Text/grid display issues with display scaling on high-resolution monitors
Resolving the SRVAUTHFAIL Error
Cannot set registry values / Unable to launch vcredist
SFTP error: password authentication is not supported by the server (SSHDNAPS)
SFTP connection error: SSH: Unable to exchange encryption keys
Unknown authentication error when connecting to DMX service
App Mod Syntax Errors and Unsupported Features
Applying a new license key to an existing installation
Obtaining and Applying a New Connect (DMX) License Key
Connect ETL (DMX) - Log4J - CVE-2021-44228, CVE-2021-45046, CVE-2021-45105
Troubleshooting Connect Version Incompatibility Errors
'No suitable driver found' message for Databricks jdbc connection in Connect ETL
'KEYINST: (READERR) Unable to install License Key' message in Connect ETL
Connect: The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect.
Unable to connect to the local DMX server
Resolving the DMExpress Library Not Found Error
(KEYTYPE) the license key file contains invalid key information
Resolving the DBCNNTES/FLLDALIB Errors
Unable to connect to a remote DMX server
(KILLED) the process has been terminated with the kill command
`GLIBCXX_N.N.NN' not found after fresh Connect install on Linux
What is the DMX repository?
(CLOSE) unable to close error with FTP source file
THREADCREATIONERROR / JNOTHRD error cannot create a thread
SRVAUTHFAIL to PAM enabled DMX service on Linux / Unix
Connect (DMX) Implementation Best Practices
(INVPLATFORM) the license key type is not valid for the current platform
Running I/O Benchmark Tests
Text/grid display issues with display scaling on high-resolution monitors
Resolving the SRVAUTHFAIL Error
Cannot set registry values / Unable to launch vcredist
Considerations for upgrading or downgrading DMX
INVNODE license error
Transferring Connect (DMX) job and task files across servers
Debugging a hang on Linux/UNIX
How to download old releases of DMExpress
SRVAUTHFAIL Connecting to Local DMExpress Server on Windows
SFTP error: password authentication is not supported by the server (SSHDNAPS)
SFTP connection error: SSH: Unable to exchange encryption keys
Unknown authentication error when connecting to DMX service
App Mod Syntax Errors and Unsupported Features
Applying a new license key to an existing installation
Obtaining and Applying a New Connect (DMX) License Key
Connect ETL (DMX) - Log4J - CVE-2021-44228, CVE-2021-45046, CVE-2021-45105
SFTP connection error: SSH: Unable to exchange encryption keys
Connect ETL (DMX) - Log4J - CVE-2021-44228, CVE-2021-45046, CVE-2021-45105
Obtaining and Applying a New Connect (DMX) License Key
Resolving the DMExpress Library Not Found Error
`GLIBCXX_N.N.NN' not found after fresh Connect install on Linux
Unable to connect to the local DMX server
What is the DMX repository?
Running I/O Benchmark Tests
THREADCREATIONERROR / JNOTHRD error cannot create a thread
(INVPLATFORM) the license key type is not valid for the current platform
(KEYTYPE) the license key file contains invalid key information
Resolving the SRVAUTHFAIL Error
'No suitable driver found' message for Databricks jdbc connection in Connect ETL
'KEYINST: (READERR) Unable to install License Key' message in Connect ETL
Text/grid display issues with display scaling on high-resolution monitors
How to download old releases of DMExpress
SFTP connection error: SSH: Unable to exchange encryption keys
Connect ETL (DMX) - Log4J - CVE-2021-44228, CVE-2021-45046, CVE-2021-45105
Obtaining and Applying a New Connect (DMX) License Key
Connect (DMX) Implementation Best Practices
Applying a new license key to an existing installation
Debugging a hang on Linux/UNIX
Considerations for upgrading or downgrading DMX
Unable to connect to a remote DMX server
SFTP error: password authentication is not supported by the server (SSHDNAPS)
Resolving the DMExpress Library Not Found Error
`GLIBCXX_N.N.NN' not found after fresh Connect install on Linux
Unable to connect to the local DMX server
Transferring Connect (DMX) job and task files across servers
Resolving the DBCNNTES/FLLDALIB Errors
Connect: The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect.
SRVAUTHFAIL to PAM enabled DMX service on Linux / Unix
App Mod Syntax Errors and Unsupported Features
(KILLED) the process has been terminated with the kill command
What is the DMX repository?
Running I/O Benchmark Tests
THREADCREATIONERROR / JNOTHRD error cannot create a thread
Cannot set registry values / Unable to launch vcredist
SRVAUTHFAIL Connecting to Local DMExpress Server on Windows
INVNODE license error
Unknown authentication error when connecting to DMX service
Troubleshooting Connect Version Incompatibility Errors
(CLOSE) unable to close error with FTP source file
(INVPLATFORM) the license key type is not valid for the current platform
(KEYTYPE) the license key file contains invalid key information
Resolving the SRVAUTHFAIL Error
'No suitable driver found' message for Databricks jdbc connection in Connect ETL
'KEYINST: (READERR) Unable to install License Key' message in Connect ETL
Text/grid display issues with display scaling on high-resolution monitors
How to download old releases of DMExpress
MVS to UNIX Sort Converter does not currently offer self-service downloads. Please raise a case via the Customer portal or Partner portal for MVS to UNIX Sort Converter downloads.
MVS to UNIX Sort Converter does not currently offer self-service license keys. Please raise a case via the Customer portal or Partner portal for MVS to UNIX Sort Converter license requests.