Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Spectrum Spatial Analyst displays as a blank screen on the default map project
HAZELCAST LICENSE WILL EXPIRE IN <n> DAYS still occurs after latest patch
Key factors to consider while setting the pool size of the spatial component in management console of Spectrum Technology Platform
'Error 401 Unauthorized' message while loading map projects in Single Sign-On enabled deployment in Spectrum Spatial 2020.1
How to add copyright link in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
How to access Spectrum Spatial Repository with WebFolders
SSA Export to PDF Map Layout White Space
Spatial Manager Returns "The TCP/IP connection to the host has failed" Connecting to SQL Server
Knowing about countries supporting PreciselyID
'Failed to determine the template to display information. Contact your system administrator' message in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
'500 - OK' message with Drive time polygon and Drive distance polygon in Spectrum Spatial
Relative path for 'externalLibraryPath' is not working for custom module configuration in Spectrum Spatial Analyst 2022.1
Locating the installer for Enterprise Designer in Spectrum
Map Projects do not display in Spectrum Spatial Analyst v2022.1 after a fresh install or upgrade
Can we install Spectrum Spatial Analyst 2020.1 as a non-root user on Linux Platform?
Unable to render map for individual-ranged thematic layer in Spectrum
Query annotation misaligns in Spectrum Spatial Analyst 2020.1
Unable to define “Maximum Features” value greater than 1000 for Feature Service in Spectrum Spatial
View tables are not listed in Template Designer in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
‘Query in Annotation’ option returns points outside of the created annotation in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
'Total time' and 'Total distance' calculated by 'Routing Page Demo' in Spectrum differs from that of other mapping applications
'Drive time polygon' and 'Drive distance polygon' icons are missing in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Spectrum Spatial Analyst Reports
Find my Nearest not honouring Info Template in Spectrum Spatial Analyst (v20.1)
Spectrum Spatial Analyst (v20.1) - Labels default to off if map is not visible on load regardless of label settings
Poor accuracy issue with the "go to location" function in mobile Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Converting Centrus database (.GSB) data file format to a Shape file (.SHP) or a Tabular file (.TAB) file format
Editing the Pooling-datasource-factory.properties file of spatial module in Spectrum
'Spatial Import' Utility download link cannot be found on Spectrum Welcome Page
'Error 401 Unauthorized' message when geocoding an address in Spectrum Spatial Analyst 2019.1
Creating a new view table by joining two tables with a common column in Spatial Manager
'401 Unauthorized' message with the external tile configuration in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Empty dropdown menu for 'Longitude (X)' / 'Latitude (Y)' field(s) of point in polygon stage in Spectrum
Disabling the "X-Y radio button" in "Enter Co-ordinates icon" in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Customizing the login page color and the loading spinner in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Custom roles or users having access to all the maps in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Can I have different info templates for layers that belong to same table in Spectrum Spatial Analyst ?
'Resource Not Found' message is thrown in Spatial Manager after applying S29 Patch in Spectrum Technology Platform Version 12.2.1
'Unable to load class: org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.interceptor.240 exception' message in Spectrum when creating Postgres Connection in Spectrum Spatial Manager
'File backing binary value not found' exception message is thrown in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
"Either the WMS URL entered is invalid or there was an error processing your request." message in Spatial Manager WMS Configuration
Spectrum Big Data - Log4J - CVE-2021-44228, CVE-2021-45046, CVE-2021-45105
Big Data Databricks Geocoding Sample - Log4J - CVE-2021-44228, CVE-2021-45046, CVE-2021-45105
Spectrum Addressing for Big Data - Log4J - CVE-2021-44228, CVE-2021-45046, CVE-2021-45105
How to install Streetpro data in Spectrum Spatial 2020.1
How to print from Spectrum Spatial Analyst with a property highlighted
How to resolve angular.js error on SSA connect page after upgrade to 12.1
Custom roles or users having access to all the maps in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Can I have different info templates for layers that belong to same table in Spectrum Spatial Analyst ?
'Resource Not Found' message is thrown in Spatial Manager after applying S29 Patch in Spectrum Technology Platform Version 12.2.1
'Unable to load class: org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.interceptor.240 exception' message in Spectrum when creating Postgres Connection in Spectrum Spatial Manager
How to fix CVE-2025-24813 in Spectrum
Spectrum Spatial Analyst displays as a blank screen on the default map project
HAZELCAST LICENSE WILL EXPIRE IN <n> DAYS still occurs after latest patch
fix pb.service.options.optionNotFound afer upgrading from 22.1 patched to 23.1
How to access Spectrum repository service from another server
CVE-2024-34517 vulnerability in Spectrum
How to change the x-frame-options header from ALLOW-FROM to SAMEORIGIN in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
"HTTP ERROR 403 Forbidden URI: /RepositoryService/" message in Spectrum Spatial
Removing watermark from maps in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Key factors to consider while setting the pool size of the spatial component in management console of Spectrum Technology Platform
'Error 401 Unauthorized' message while loading map projects in Single Sign-On enabled deployment in Spectrum Spatial 2020.1
How to add copyright link in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
How to add a clickable URL to the copyright statement
How to fix admin queries in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
After upgrade to version 23 EPSG:27700 external tile is displayed offset on a EPSG:3587 basemap
How to change the font used for text within the Spectrum Spatial Analyst user interface
How to resolve Event ID 7024 in Spectrum
How to use the WebDav to access the file in Spatial Repository
How to access Spectrum Spatial Repository with WebFolders
SSA Export to PDF Map Layout White Space
Spatial Manager Returns "The TCP/IP connection to the host has failed" Connecting to SQL Server
How to add more Search Datasets in Spectrum Spatial
Spectrum Analyst Maps Not Loading Without "images" Filepath
New customized API template throws an error in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Updating tomcat 9 in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Error: "HTTP Status 404 - Not found. Type Status Report Message Requested resource [/connect/analyst/mobile] is not available"
Setting up proxy server configuration for Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Knowing about countries supporting PreciselyID
'Failed to determine the template to display information. Contact your system administrator' message in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
'500 - OK' message with Drive time polygon and Drive distance polygon in Spectrum Spatial
Path to AnalystConfiguration file in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
'Failed to save the project' message in Spectrum Spatial
Indexing of columns in tabular data in Mapinfo Pro
Eastern part of Russia is clipped off in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Creating a 'Named Map' with multiple layers in Spectrum
Setting a watermark fails in Spectrum Spatial Analyst 2018.2
Relative path for 'externalLibraryPath' is not working for custom module configuration in Spectrum Spatial Analyst 2022.1
Locating the installer for Enterprise Designer in Spectrum
Map Projects do not display in Spectrum Spatial Analyst v2022.1 after a fresh install or upgrade
Can we install Spectrum Spatial Analyst 2020.1 as a non-root user on Linux Platform?
Unable to render map for individual-ranged thematic layer in Spectrum
Query annotation misaligns in Spectrum Spatial Analyst 2020.1
Unable to define “Maximum Features” value greater than 1000 for Feature Service in Spectrum Spatial
View tables are not listed in Template Designer in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
‘Query in Annotation’ option returns points outside of the created annotation in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
'Total time' and 'Total distance' calculated by 'Routing Page Demo' in Spectrum differs from that of other mapping applications
'Drive time polygon' and 'Drive distance polygon' icons are missing in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Spectrum Spatial Analyst Reports
Spectrum Spatial Analyst Upgrade path
Reason for inclined walking route in Spectrum
'Add new record' option is missing in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Admin does not have access to user created map project in Spectrum Spatial Analyst 2018.2
‘No Suitable Driver Found’ message in Spectrum while creating Redshift Connection
Spectrum Spatial - Hyperlinks in databinds
Find my Nearest not honouring Info Template in Spectrum Spatial Analyst (v20.1)
Spectrum Spatial Analyst (v20.1) - Labels default to off if map is not visible on load regardless of label settings
Poor accuracy issue with the "go to location" function in mobile Spectrum Spatial Analyst
How to delete a map project in Spectrum Spatial Analyst when the delete button stops working
How to order search results in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Branding gets lost when hiding the banner - SSA 20.1
Setting up "Routing Configurations" in Spectrum Spatial Manager
Finding the "Locate Commandline Utlity" in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Delete Info Template in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Converting Centrus database (.GSB) data file format to a Shape file (.SHP) or a Tabular file (.TAB) file format
Editing the Pooling-datasource-factory.properties file of spatial module in Spectrum
'Spatial Import' Utility download link cannot be found on Spectrum Welcome Page
'Error 401 Unauthorized' message when geocoding an address in Spectrum Spatial Analyst 2019.1
Creating a new view table by joining two tables with a common column in Spatial Manager
'401 Unauthorized' message with the external tile configuration in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Empty dropdown menu for 'Longitude (X)' / 'Latitude (Y)' field(s) of point in polygon stage in Spectrum
Disabling the "X-Y radio button" in "Enter Co-ordinates icon" in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Customizing the login page color and the loading spinner in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Custom roles or users having access to all the maps in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Can I have different info templates for layers that belong to same table in Spectrum Spatial Analyst ?
'Resource Not Found' message is thrown in Spatial Manager after applying S29 Patch in Spectrum Technology Platform Version 12.2.1
'Unable to load class: org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.interceptor.240 exception' message in Spectrum when creating Postgres Connection in Spectrum Spatial Manager
'File backing binary value not found' exception message is thrown in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
"Either the WMS URL entered is invalid or there was an error processing your request." message in Spatial Manager WMS Configuration
WMS layer does not display in Spectrum Spatial Analyst v2020.1 after upgrading from v2018.2
Custom break values not visible in Spatial Manager 2020.1
How to add Ordinance Survey WMTS in Spectrum Spatial 12.2
Spectrum Big Data - Log4J - CVE-2021-44228, CVE-2021-45046, CVE-2021-45105
Big Data Databricks Geocoding Sample - Log4J - CVE-2021-44228, CVE-2021-45046, CVE-2021-45105
Spectrum Addressing for Big Data - Log4J - CVE-2021-44228, CVE-2021-45046, CVE-2021-45105
Spectrum Spatial Risk Analyzer - Log4J - CVE-2021-44228, CVE-2021-45046, CVE-2021-45105
Spectrum Spatial Insights - CVE-2021-44228 - "Log4Shell"
Spectrum Spatial Analyst - Log4J - CVE-2021-44228, CVE-2021-45046, CVE-2021-45105
Spectrum Spatial Manager Error "This resource is broken and cannot be used. Modify this table to fix the problem" After v2019.1 Upgrade
Groundview Bundles US and ZIPCODES
Groundview Bundles and Mappable Tables
How to install Streetpro data in Spectrum Spatial 2020.1
How to print from Spectrum Spatial Analyst with a property highlighted
How to resolve angular.js error on SSA connect page after upgrade to 12.1
County Council Uses Location Intelligence Technology To Reduce Asset Management Costs
Print Template in SSA shows data without any formatting
Knowing status of a URL using PowerShell
Getting notified when a user account has been locked out in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Possible causes for failure of Spectrum Spatial Analyst AdminConsole page
How to remove the samples in the Available Map list when adding a new map in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Map Projects do not display in Spectrum Spatial Analyst v2022.1 after a fresh install or upgrade
How to add copyright link in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
How to request Exponare License Key
Table name is shown twice under Template Designer in Spectrum Spatial Analyst 2018.2.0.1
Table is not listed under template designer in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Stopping a layer from being queried in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Some of the feature labels are not translated upon language change in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
'Show Map Legend Initially collapsed' feature is not honored in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
"Service_Error_Internal Server Error" error when creating a thematic in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
'See on Map' button does not appear with the call-out in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
'SERVICE_ERROR Internal Server Error' message while deleting a record in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
'SERVICE_ERROR Internal Server Error' message while creating thematic map in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
'SERVICE_ERROR Internal Server Error' message while accessing MRR raster image in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
'SERVICE_ERROR Internal Server Error' message appears while 'Add as annotation' in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Resolve issue while creating a named connection in Spectrum Spatial
Intermittently missing banner and buttons when loading maps in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
How to add Ordinance Survey WMTS in Spectrum Spatial 12.2
Hiding the Map Legend panel by default in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Friendly name is not shown for pre-defined queries in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Finding out the HardwareID of your machine of Exponare, MapXtreme or MapInfo Discover
Feature Info does not work for WMS Spectrum Spatial Analyst 2019.1
'Resource Not Found' message is thrown in Spatial Manager after applying S29 Patch in Spectrum Technology Platform Version 12.2.1
Error "Path is not a folder" when attempting to create a new Named Connection in Spectrum Spatial Manager 12.1 and 12.2
"Error 1721" during installation of Exponare Enquiry
Delete a layer from a project in Spectrum Spatial
Date is printed incorrectly during print preview in Spectrum Spatial Analyst.
Create a query with a pick list in Spectrum Spatial 2019.1
Accessing images available as public URL in Spectrum Spatial Analyst call-out
Accessing admin queries in the search box in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Embedding Spectrum Spatial Analyst map into a Web Page
'Error 401 Unauthorized' message when geocoding an address in Spectrum Spatial Analyst 2019.1
Updating tomcat 9 in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Missing compass icon in embedded Google Street View service in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Resolve the Spectrum Spatial Analyst Command Line Uploader failing to upload
Error "Data save unsuccessful" when trying to add records in Spectrum Spatial Analyst 12.1
Resolve: Spectrum Spatial Analyst does render MasterMap once uploaded to SQL Server but did when it was uploaded to Oracle
Disabling See on map option from left panel in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Can’t log in to Admin Console in Spectrum Spatial Analyst 2018.2.0
Spectrum Spatial Analyst 2018.2 does not return feature info for WMS layers
Control expansion or collapse of map legends in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Adding a website as hyperlink using Template designer in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Maximum limit for the number of Quick Search Queries in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Is it possible to query features from multiple layers using a polygon selection, i.e. like the polygon select tools in PlanWeb?
Resolve base map picker using actual names instead of user friendly names on the mobile Connect page - Spectrum Spatial Analyst
'SERVICE_ERROR Path was not found' message while deleting a map project in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Spectrum Spatial Map Uploader throws errors while accessing the tool
Is it possible to edit text label style and colour in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Resolve blue box appearing when hovering over legend icon after default branding has been changed
Get Postal Codes Loqate result is missing some postcodes
Labels overlap in Spectrum Spatial Analyst even after the layers were uploaded with no overlap allowed
Labels fails to render in Spectrum Spatial Analyst if the label expression uses new line characters like Chr$(13) or Chr$(10)
Is it possible to expose the ConvertXYToPoint request as an external web service in the Management Console in Spectrum
Spectrum Spatial Manager Error "This resource is broken and cannot be used. Modify this table to fix the problem" After v2019.1 Upgrade
Tiles are not caching after enabling Tile cache for WMTS in Spectrum Spatial Manager
Can map information related to the search box results in Spectrum Spatial Analyst be disabled/bypassed?
Can I use keyboard shortcuts in Spectrum Spatial Analyst?
Spectrum Spatial Analyst features
Can I use custom templates for data-bind results in Spectrum Spatial Analyst?
How to login directly to the Exponare Configuration Manager
Stratus Uploader and reserved words for column names
Map Projects do not display in Spectrum Spatial Analyst v2022.1 after a fresh install or upgrade
How to add copyright link in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
How to request Exponare License Key
Spatial Manager Returns "The TCP/IP connection to the host has failed" Connecting to SQL Server
SSA Export to PDF Map Layout White Space
Watermark appears unexpectedly for 100% transparency in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Unable to search addresses with decimal point in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Troubleshooting issues with map layers in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
The installation shows 'Web utility is not successful' message in Spectrum Spatial Analyst 2019.1
Table name is shown twice under Template Designer in Spectrum Spatial Analyst 2018.2.0.1
Table is not listed under template designer in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Stopping a layer from being queried in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Some of the feature labels are not translated upon language change in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
'Show Map Legend Initially collapsed' feature is not honored in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
"Service_Error_Internal Server Error" error when creating a thematic in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
'See on Map' button does not appear with the call-out in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
'SERVICE_ERROR Internal Server Error' message while deleting a record in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
'SERVICE_ERROR Internal Server Error' message while creating thematic map in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
'SERVICE_ERROR Internal Server Error' message while accessing MRR raster image in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
'SERVICE_ERROR Internal Server Error' message appears while 'Add as annotation' in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Resolve issue while creating a named connection in Spectrum Spatial
"Privacy" hyperlink in Spectrum Spatial Analyst login page is not working
'No address search logs available' message in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Missing queries when more than one query is assigned to layers in Spectrum Spatial Analyst v2018.2
Layers with '%' sign in their names do not appear in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Launching a query via a URL in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
"Invalid LI API URL value" error when a new user is created for Geocoding in Spectrum Spatial
Intermittently missing banner and buttons when loading maps in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
How to add Ordinance Survey WMTS in Spectrum Spatial 12.2
Hiding the Map Legend panel by default in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Friendly name is not shown for pre-defined queries in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Finding out the HardwareID of your machine of Exponare, MapXtreme or MapInfo Discover
Feature Info does not work for WMS Spectrum Spatial Analyst 2019.1
'Resource Not Found' message is thrown in Spatial Manager after applying S29 Patch in Spectrum Technology Platform Version 12.2.1
Error "Path is not a folder" when attempting to create a new Named Connection in Spectrum Spatial Manager 12.1 and 12.2
"Error 1721" during installation of Exponare Enquiry
Delete a layer from a project in Spectrum Spatial
Date is printed incorrectly during print preview in Spectrum Spatial Analyst.
Create a query with a pick list in Spectrum Spatial 2019.1
Changing text for menu items in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
British postcodes address search error in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Base map fails to update in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Assigning table specific update permissions in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Adding a Mapbox Vector Tile (MVT) in Spectrum Spatial Analyst 2018.2
Adding Raster layers in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Accessing images available as public URL in Spectrum Spatial Analyst call-out
Accessing admin queries in the search box in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Embedding Spectrum Spatial Analyst map into a Web Page
'Error 401 Unauthorized' message when geocoding an address in Spectrum Spatial Analyst 2019.1
Updating tomcat 9 in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Missing compass icon in embedded Google Street View service in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Resolve the Spectrum Spatial Analyst Command Line Uploader failing to upload
Error "Data save unsuccessful" when trying to add records in Spectrum Spatial Analyst 12.1
Resolve: Spectrum Spatial Analyst does render MasterMap once uploaded to SQL Server but did when it was uploaded to Oracle
Disabling See on map option from left panel in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Can’t log in to Admin Console in Spectrum Spatial Analyst 2018.2.0
Spectrum Spatial Analyst 2018.2 does not return feature info for WMS layers
Control expansion or collapse of map legends in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Adding a website as hyperlink using Template designer in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Maximum limit for the number of Quick Search Queries in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Is it possible to query features from multiple layers using a polygon selection, i.e. like the polygon select tools in PlanWeb?
Resolve base map picker using actual names instead of user friendly names on the mobile Connect page - Spectrum Spatial Analyst
'SERVICE_ERROR Path was not found' message while deleting a map project in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Spectrum Spatial Map Uploader throws errors while accessing the tool
Is it possible to edit text label style and colour in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Resolve blue box appearing when hovering over legend icon after default branding has been changed
Get Postal Codes Loqate result is missing some postcodes
Labels overlap in Spectrum Spatial Analyst even after the layers were uploaded with no overlap allowed
Labels fails to render in Spectrum Spatial Analyst if the label expression uses new line characters like Chr$(13) or Chr$(10)
Adding external WMS maps to a map configuration in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Resolve "An unexpected error has occurred" message in Spectrum Spatial Map Uploader
Raster Images Shearing and incorrect spatial transformation in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Is it possible to expose the ConvertXYToPoint request as an external web service in the Management Console in Spectrum
Spectrum Spatial Manager Error "This resource is broken and cannot be used. Modify this table to fix the problem" After v2019.1 Upgrade
Tiles are not caching after enabling Tile cache for WMTS in Spectrum Spatial Manager
A step by step guide to using the Spectrum Tile Generator to generate map tiles
Support for permanent token-based authentication per user to access WMTS tile service in Spectrum Spatial
Possible causes for failure of Spectrum Spatial Analyst AdminConsole page
How To Delete Templates on SSA Template Designer
What are the supported formats for raster data in Spectrum
Can you use more than three words in the showMarker parameter for Stratus/Spatial Analyst?
Can map information related to the search box results in Spectrum Spatial Analyst be disabled/bypassed?
Can I use keyboard shortcuts in Spectrum Spatial Analyst?
Spectrum Spatial Analyst features
Setting permissions on newly created basemaps in Stratus Connect
Getting notified when a user account has been locked out in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Using multi-line text annotations in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Adding Google maps as base maps in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Finding the extents of the current map window in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
How to change the maxconnection setting for IIS Ria Proxy web.config file for Spectrum Spatial
Can I use custom templates for data-bind results in Spectrum Spatial Analyst?
How to login directly to the Exponare Configuration Manager
Stratus Uploader and reserved words for column names
Disabling Authentication for Web Services in Spectrum Spatial
Changing the Guest user timeout in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Adding the Guest Role and User manually in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
How to understand the difference between Exponare version 5.6 and 6.0 when utilizing a dynamic dropdown query
Uploading and using custom symbols in Spectrum Spatial 2019.1
SSA Possibility of having a disclaimer when accessing map projects
Resolve java.sql.SQLRecoverableException Closed Connection using Oracle in Spectrum Spatial
Resolve error "CS2001 Source file could not be found" in Exponare
Resolve error "E069001: Unknown error encountered. Cause: 'org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: This connection has been closed" in Spectrum Spatial
Error "sqlServerException: The connection is closed" or "com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: The connection is closed. " in Spectrum Spatial Manager and Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Resolve the Exponare Error: "An ASP.NET setting has been detected that does not apply in Integrated managed pipeline mode"
Resolve Geolocate function not working in Google Chrome with Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Resolve error "The installer was interrupted before MI QlikView service 1.0 could be installed. You need to restart the installer" in Spectrum Spatial for BI
Hiding Apache Tomcat version number from HTTP error pages of Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Increasing java heap memory for Neo4j in Spectrum
'File backing binary value not found' exception message is thrown in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Resolve error "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process" in Spectrum Spatial
A guide to creating a WMTS layer in Spectrum Spatial and viewing this in MapInfo Pro
Error "XXXX overlay(s) are not present in the selected map project" when using the overlays URL parameter in Spectrum Spatial Analyst to launch a map in the web browser
How to perform a backup of configuration and custom data files prior to an upgrade - Spectrum Technology Platform and Spectrum Spatial
Creating a New Template with Spectrum Spatial Analyst Template Designer
Unable to access Bing maps in MapInfo Professional and Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Adding a website as hyperlink using Template designer in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Troubleshooting issues with map layers in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Resolve Exponare error - "Connection Failed" and "Could not load file or assembly"
Failed to read custom node type definitions stored in /nodetypes/custom_nodetypes.xml message in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Resolve the error "No suitable driver found for jdbc" when trying to create a database connection in Spectrum Spatial
Possible causes for failure of Spectrum Spatial Analyst AdminConsole page
Uploading maps in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Resolve java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException when requesting a GetTravelBoundary in Spectrum Spatial
Enabling Public Access to Spectrum Spatial Analyst using Reverse Proxy
Adding custom company logo to Spectrum Spatial Analyst map web page
Resolve error "Failed to load Map(s)..." in Stratus Connect
How to request Exponare License Key
Adding Google maps as base maps in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
How to change the maxconnection setting for IIS Ria Proxy web.config file for Spectrum Spatial
Error message "Connection failed" appears when test connection is clicked in Spectrum Spatial Analyst installer
How to convert multiple GSB files to SHP files
Spectrum Spatial Analyst Guest Account Access to All Projects Correction
Resolve "A failure ocurred attempting to install .NET Framework 3.5 SP1" in Spectrum Spatial
"My location" function is not working and message "position unavailable" is shown in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Resolve "[ExceptionLoggingAspect] java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException" error in Spectrum Spatial
‘No Suitable Driver Found’ message in Spectrum while creating Redshift Connection
Error Cannot read property 'name' of undefined in Spectrum Spatial Analyst v12.1
'Unable to load class: org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.interceptor.240 exception' message in Spectrum when creating Postgres Connection in Spectrum Spatial Manager
"Server response: Object reference not set to an instance of an object." in MapInfo Pro Map Uploader tool for Spectrum Spatial 12.2
Groundview Bundles US and ZIPCODES
Resolve "An unexpected error has occurred" message in Spectrum Spatial Map Uploader
Resolve application crashes and the COM+ error in Exponare
Resolve unhandled exception has occurred in the Spectrum Spatial map uploader when attempting to upload data
'Resource Not Found' message is thrown in Spatial Manager after applying S29 Patch in Spectrum Technology Platform Version 12.2.1
How to use the tile generator utility in Spectrum Spatial
'Error 401 Unauthorized' message when geocoding an address in Spectrum Spatial Analyst 2019.1
Spectrum Spatial Risk Analyzer - Log4J - CVE-2021-44228, CVE-2021-45046, CVE-2021-45105
Create a query with a pick list in Spectrum Spatial 2019.1
Converting Centrus database (.GSB) data file format to a Shape file (.SHP) or a Tabular file (.TAB) file format
Custom roles or users having access to all the maps in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Using Spectrum Web Services over HTTPS in Spectrum Spatial
Resolve issue where the Spectrum wrapper.log and and Spectrum Spatial Analyst analystadmin-stderr file display Repo_Load_Error
Map configs setup for guest access do not work after upgrade to Spectrum Spatial Analyst
How to setup a WMS layer in Spectrum
Spectrum Spatial Insights - CVE-2021-44228 - "Log4Shell"
Support for permanent token-based authentication per user to access WMTS tile service in Spectrum Spatial
Call to Spectrum Spatial analyst throws an error not being able to find the named resource
Map Projects do not display in Spectrum Spatial Analyst v2022.1 after a fresh install or upgrade
'Error->[ngModel:numfmt] http://errors.angularjs.org/XX' message in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
"SERVICE ERROR Internal_Server_Error" message when clicking 'See on map' button for view table in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Creating a View Table and thematic map in Spectrum Spatial 2019.1
'401 Unauthorized' message with the external tile configuration in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
"Field count mismatch between columns" error in Spectrum Spatial
"Failed to connect to the specified server. Please ensure that your credentials and the server name is correct" error in Spectrum Spatial Map Uploader
Resolve error "E031001: Service Configuration Error - Cache folder not found" in Spectrum Spatial Repository
Resolve java.sql.SQLRecoverableException Closed Connection using Oracle in Spectrum Spatial
Resolve error "CS2001 Source file could not be found" in Exponare
Resolve error "E069001: Unknown error encountered. Cause: 'org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: This connection has been closed" in Spectrum Spatial
Error "sqlServerException: The connection is closed" or "com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: The connection is closed. " in Spectrum Spatial Manager and Spectrum Spatial Analyst
"Authentication Service failed" error when trying to sign in to Spectrum Spatial Analyst to view a map
Installing the Spectrum Map Uploader Tool in Mapinfo Pro
Error "XXXX overlay(s) are not present in the selected map project" when using the overlays URL parameter in Spectrum Spatial Analyst to launch a map in the web browser
How to perform a backup of configuration and custom data files prior to an upgrade - Spectrum Technology Platform and Spectrum Spatial
Resolve java.sql.SQLRecoverableException Closed Connection using Oracle in Spectrum Spatial
Resolve error "CS2001 Source file could not be found" in Exponare
Resolve error "E069001: Unknown error encountered. Cause: 'org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: This connection has been closed" in Spectrum Spatial
Error "sqlServerException: The connection is closed" or "com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: The connection is closed. " in Spectrum Spatial Manager and Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Resolve the Exponare Error: "An ASP.NET setting has been detected that does not apply in Integrated managed pipeline mode"
Resolve Geolocate function not working in Google Chrome with Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Spectrum Spatial Analyst - Log4J - CVE-2021-44228, CVE-2021-45046, CVE-2021-45105
Exponare - Errors loading workspace file
Resolve Error when session state is set to State Server in Exponare
Resolve error "The installer was interrupted before MI QlikView service 1.0 could be installed. You need to restart the installer" in Spectrum Spatial for BI
Hiding Apache Tomcat version number from HTTP error pages of Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Increasing java heap memory for Neo4j in Spectrum
'File backing binary value not found' exception message is thrown in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Resolve error "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process" in Spectrum Spatial
A guide to creating a WMTS layer in Spectrum Spatial and viewing this in MapInfo Pro
A step by step guide to using the Spectrum Tile Generator to generate map tiles
"Authentication Service failed" error when trying to sign in to Spectrum Spatial Analyst to view a map
Installing the Spectrum Map Uploader Tool in Mapinfo Pro
Error "XXXX overlay(s) are not present in the selected map project" when using the overlays URL parameter in Spectrum Spatial Analyst to launch a map in the web browser
How to perform a backup of configuration and custom data files prior to an upgrade - Spectrum Technology Platform and Spectrum Spatial
Creating a New Template with Spectrum Spatial Analyst Template Designer
Unable to access Bing maps in MapInfo Professional and Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Adding a website as hyperlink using Template designer in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Troubleshooting issues with map layers in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Resolve Exponare error - "Connection Failed" and "Could not load file or assembly"
Failed to read custom node type definitions stored in /nodetypes/custom_nodetypes.xml message in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Resolve the error "No suitable driver found for jdbc" when trying to create a database connection in Spectrum Spatial
Possible causes for failure of Spectrum Spatial Analyst AdminConsole page
Uploading maps in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Resolve java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException when requesting a GetTravelBoundary in Spectrum Spatial
Finding out the HardwareID of your machine of Exponare, MapXtreme or MapInfo Discover
Support for token based authentication for WMS in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Resolve - Exponare State server TCP IP timeout
Exponare - Nearmaps Tile Server configuration
Spectrum Spatial Map Uploader documentation
Improving performance in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Enabling Public Access to Spectrum Spatial Analyst using Reverse Proxy
Adding custom company logo to Spectrum Spatial Analyst map web page
Resolve error "Failed to load Map(s)..." in Stratus Connect
Embedding Spectrum Spatial Analyst map into a Web Page
Creating a Map from Microsoft SQL Server table in Spectrum Spatial Manager
Adding external WMS maps to a map configuration in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Tiles are not caching after enabling Tile cache for WMTS in Spectrum Spatial Manager
Spectrum Spatial Analyst documentation
Missing compass icon in embedded Google Street View service in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
How to request Exponare License Key
Adding Google maps as base maps in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
How to change the maxconnection setting for IIS Ria Proxy web.config file for Spectrum Spatial
Resolve error "E069001: Unknown error encountered" in Spectrum
Customizing the login page color and the loading spinner in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Accessing admin queries in the search box in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Session timeout setting is not honored in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
How to Upgrade the JAVA version for Spectrum Spatial Analyst 12.0 or 12.1
Feasibility of implementing single sign-on (SSO) in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Error message "Connection failed" appears when test connection is clicked in Spectrum Spatial Analyst installer
How to convert multiple GSB files to SHP files
Spectrum Spatial Analyst Guest Account Access to All Projects Correction
Resolve "A failure ocurred attempting to install .NET Framework 3.5 SP1" in Spectrum Spatial
"My location" function is not working and message "position unavailable" is shown in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Resolve "[ExceptionLoggingAspect] java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException" error in Spectrum Spatial
Resolve RIA Application on IIS throwing error: Connection Refused
Configuring Usage Statistics in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Adding Raster layers in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
‘No Suitable Driver Found’ message in Spectrum while creating Redshift Connection
Error Cannot read property 'name' of undefined in Spectrum Spatial Analyst v12.1
'Unable to load class: org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.interceptor.240 exception' message in Spectrum when creating Postgres Connection in Spectrum Spatial Manager
"Server response: Object reference not set to an instance of an object." in MapInfo Pro Map Uploader tool for Spectrum Spatial 12.2
Groundview Bundles US and ZIPCODES
Resolve "An unexpected error has occurred" message in Spectrum Spatial Map Uploader
Resolve application crashes and the COM+ error in Exponare
Resolve unhandled exception has occurred in the Spectrum Spatial map uploader when attempting to upload data
'Resource Not Found' message is thrown in Spatial Manager after applying S29 Patch in Spectrum Technology Platform Version 12.2.1
How to use the tile generator utility in Spectrum Spatial
'Error 401 Unauthorized' message when geocoding an address in Spectrum Spatial Analyst 2019.1
Spectrum Spatial Risk Analyzer - Log4J - CVE-2021-44228, CVE-2021-45046, CVE-2021-45105
Create a query with a pick list in Spectrum Spatial 2019.1
Converting Centrus database (.GSB) data file format to a Shape file (.SHP) or a Tabular file (.TAB) file format
Custom roles or users having access to all the maps in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Using Spectrum Web Services over HTTPS in Spectrum Spatial
Resolve issue where the Spectrum wrapper.log and and Spectrum Spatial Analyst analystadmin-stderr file display Repo_Load_Error
Map configs setup for guest access do not work after upgrade to Spectrum Spatial Analyst
How to setup a WMS layer in Spectrum
Spectrum Spatial Insights - CVE-2021-44228 - "Log4Shell"
Support for permanent token-based authentication per user to access WMTS tile service in Spectrum Spatial
Call to Spectrum Spatial analyst throws an error not being able to find the named resource
Map Projects do not display in Spectrum Spatial Analyst v2022.1 after a fresh install or upgrade
'Error->[ngModel:numfmt] http://errors.angularjs.org/XX' message in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Resolve HTTP 500 Error when logging in to Spatial Analyst Admin Console
Guest role is able to access to all map projects in Spectrum Spatial 2019.1 even though the role was not assigned
Spectrum Spatial Analyst - Upgrade to SSA 12
"SERVICE ERROR Internal_Server_Error" message when clicking 'See on map' button for view table in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
Creating a View Table and thematic map in Spectrum Spatial 2019.1
'401 Unauthorized' message with the external tile configuration in Spectrum Spatial Analyst
"Field count mismatch between columns" error in Spectrum Spatial
"Failed to connect to the specified server. Please ensure that your credentials and the server name is correct" error in Spectrum Spatial Map Uploader
Resolve error "E031001: Service Configuration Error - Cache folder not found" in Spectrum Spatial Repository
Groundview Bundles and Mappable Tables
Error: "HTTP Status 404 - Not found. Type Status Report Message Requested resource [/connect/analyst/mobile] is not available"
Missing legend icons and parts of layer objects missing from map project in Spectrum Spatial
Spectrum Spatial Analyst does not currently offer self-service downloads. Please raise a case via the Customer portal or Partner portal for Spectrum Spatial Analyst downloads.
Spectrum Spatial Analyst does not currently offer self-service license keys. Please raise a case via the Customer portal or Partner portal for Spectrum Spatial Analyst license requests.