VeriMove NCOA Forwarding Footnote 02 Definition
VeriMove Compatibility on Debian OS
VeriMove version 4.0 compatibility on Windows Server 2022
VeriMove version 4.0 compatibility on Windows Server 2019
VeriMove error: E8006 File: N/A Line: N/A Per USPS Licensee requirements, a mailing list must consist of no fewer than 100 unique names and associated addresses"
VeriMove 4.0 IBMi error: CPF3141 received by G1ADDPFM at *N
Resolving error ‘tar: rmtlseek not stopped at a record boundary tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now’ in Verimove NCOA database unzip
Resolve issue where User cannot execute a batch script from a folder other than where the .exe files are found in Verimove
Resolve error "Object not found" where the object is clk.a.hs1 on IBMi for Verimove 3.7
Resolve the Verimove Access error "The log file for database 'FTI' is full"
Resolve Verimove Access error "input file is not a valid Win32 application"
Resolve Verimove error "Could not open dvdhdr01.dat" with custom explode.bat script
Resolve Verimove error "NCOA Invalid Highmatch" when saving Processing Category change
Resolve error “Reading ank.flt.1…Hashing…FAILED” installing SHA-256 NCOALink database using Verimove 3.7
Resolve USPS CASS REPORT ERRORS; Section B 1 – List Processor’s name in Verimove
Resolve Verimove error "E1000 File Error 2 opening file clk.flt. No such file or directory"
Resolve error "RECEIVE command terminated. Trailer record missing" installing Verimove on the z/OS platform
Resolve Verimove error "Definition incomplete for "NCOAOperatorDef" element"
installing the NCOALink downloaded database on IBMi using Verimove
Resolving VeriMove Installation Assistance - Windows GUI
VeriMove NCOA Database Addresses CASS Certified
How to setup VeriMove output files on z/OS Mainframe
How to resolve an mu.exe error with Verimove Release 3.6
How to obtain information and licensing on ANKLink in conjunction with Verimove processing
How to find if Dispatcher Plus is still supported with Verimove
How to successfully install DPV Database when the error "Request Disallowed" is encountered
How to resolve Verimove E8030 SLK Init failed openStatus:E-Database is expired error
How to resolve error: Unable to logon to the server. Reason: with Verimove Access
How to determine the minimum number of input records required to run a Verimove job
How to determine if the USPS NCOALink data provides the day of the month for the Forwarding Effective Date in addition to “YYYYMM” in Verimove
How to determine what file transfer protocol is used for the Verimove Uploadserver.exe program to move files from a PC to the mainframe
How to locate the Verimove explode.bat file
How to determine if it is possible to run concurrent jobs using Verimove
What keywords can be used to check for explode.bat failures in the TestFileSha.log file in Verimove
Explanation of the matching algorithm used by Verimove when processing input records
How to locate documentation describing internal CASS error codes for Verimove (for example: 4101, 4102, etc.)
How to determine if the RDEFINES-WORD-LIST.txt file is an NCOALink file or a Verimove file
How to install a new Verimove NCOALink key on the IBMi platform
How to populate the Job Name on the Processing Summary Report (PSR) when running Verimove on the mainframe
How to install the S03 patch for Verimove 3.7 on each platform
Processing Category values in Verimove
Files and folders needed when installing or copying Verimove to a new machine
Files needed to troubleshoot USPS rejected Verimove CSL reports
LACSLink, DPV and Suitelink database versions compatible with Finalist 9.x
Locating VeriMove Broker Agent information
NCOALink License type values for Verimove
Does the NCOA notification regarding OneSource enhancement affect VeriMove
VeriMove 4.0 IBMi error: CPF3141 received by G1ADDPFM at *N
Resolving error ‘tar: rmtlseek not stopped at a record boundary tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now’ in Verimove NCOA database unzip
VeriMove Stage 2 output file has Record Type of D in position 298
VeriMove NCOA Forwarding Footnote 02 Definition
VeriMove Compatibility on Debian OS
VeriMove version 4.0 compatibility on Windows Server 2022
VeriMove version 4.0 compatibility on Windows Server 2019
VeriMove error: E8006 File: N/A Line: N/A Per USPS Licensee requirements, a mailing list must consist of no fewer than 100 unique names and associated addresses"
Running VeriMove mureport for two different platform ids
Is it possible to exclude invalid secondary data using Suitelink in VeriMove
Does the NCOA notification regarding OneSource enhancement affect VeriMove
VeriMove 4.0 IBMi error: CPF3141 received by G1ADDPFM at *N
Resolving error ‘tar: rmtlseek not stopped at a record boundary tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now’ in Verimove NCOA database unzip
Verimove error: Internal CASS Engine Error: Return code = CASS System Error - DB version
VeriMove Access Java Client - Unhandled Exception Error
VeriMove TestFileSha” Error “Reading clk.y.hs0...Hashing...FAILED”.
Verimove 3.5.5. z/OS SOC1 Address ABEND
Retirement of Group1 Website
Information on Verimove support for Windows server 2016
Resolve issue where User cannot execute a batch script from a folder other than where the .exe files are found in Verimove
Resolve error "Object not found" where the object is clk.a.hs1 on IBMi for Verimove 3.7
Resolve the Verimove Access error "The log file for database 'FTI' is full"
Resolve Verimove Access error "input file is not a valid Win32 application"
Resolve Verimove error "Could not open dvdhdr01.dat" with custom explode.bat script
Resolve Verimove error "NCOA Invalid Highmatch" when saving Processing Category change
Resolve error “Reading ank.flt.1…Hashing…FAILED” installing SHA-256 NCOALink database using Verimove 3.7
Resolve USPS CASS REPORT ERRORS; Section B 1 – List Processor’s name in Verimove
Resolve Verimove error "E1000 File Error 2 opening file clk.flt. No such file or directory"
Resolve error "RECEIVE command terminated. Trailer record missing" installing Verimove on the z/OS platform
Resolve Verimove error "Definition incomplete for "NCOAOperatorDef" element"
installing the NCOALink downloaded database on IBMi using Verimove
How to distinguish the differences between VeriMove and VeriMove Express
Does Verimove include an application that allows mass changes for multiple jobs?
How to find the Verimove Junk Word List Table and what it is
How to set up Verimove to process lines that do not end with CRLF (carriage return/line feed)
Resolving VeriMove output returned when no Change of Address Information is available
Resolving VeriMove Installation Assistance - Windows GUI
VeriMove NCOA Database Addresses CASS Certified
How to setup VeriMove output files on z/OS Mainframe
verimove - Custom Script Setup
Can newly issued NCOALink and CASS keys be used with prior releases of Verimove
How to process generational suffixes such as Jr., Sr., and II using Verimove
VeriMove Software Inquiry
When will Verimove 3.3.6 be available?
What are the registry keys for Verimove on Windows?
How to resolve an mu.exe error with Verimove Release 3.6
How to obtain information and licensing on ANKLink in conjunction with Verimove processing
How to find if Dispatcher Plus is still supported with Verimove
Resolve VeriMove Version 3.6 Upgrade Inquiry Module File Sizes
How to change the processing category in Verimove
Verimove - Daily Delete File matches not found running on the IBMi platform
NCOA & Daily Delete Database Installation Process
Where to define the location/path of the Daily Delete file in Unix if not using the GUI in Verimove
How to define "open" and "closed" systems for Verimove
How to successfully install DPV Database when the error "Request Disallowed" is encountered
How to resolve Verimove E8030 SLK Init failed openStatus:E-Database is expired error
How to resolve error: Unable to logon to the server. Reason: with Verimove Access
Performance issues reported after installing the Verimove 3.7 S03 patch
Flag to determine if an address contains a change of address and returned a forwarding address in Verimove
How to determine if the NONOF and NONOL files are necessary for Verimove
Understanding the Verimove Change of Address Procedure
How to determine if the Daily Delete database file date gets written to any VeriMove report or output
How to reflect a company name change is on the Verimove reports
How to determine the minimum number of input records required to run a Verimove job
How to determine if the USPS NCOALink data provides the day of the month for the Forwarding Effective Date in addition to “YYYYMM” in Verimove
How to determine what file transfer protocol is used for the Verimove Uploadserver.exe program to move files from a PC to the mainframe
How to locate the Verimove explode.bat file
How to determine if it is possible to run concurrent jobs using Verimove
What keywords can be used to check for explode.bat failures in the TestFileSha.log file in Verimove
Explanation of the matching algorithm used by Verimove when processing input records
How to locate documentation describing internal CASS error codes for Verimove (for example: 4101, 4102, etc.)
How to determine if the RDEFINES-WORD-LIST.txt file is an NCOALink file or a Verimove file
How to install a new Verimove NCOALink key on the IBMi platform
How to populate the Job Name on the Processing Summary Report (PSR) when running Verimove on the mainframe
How to install the S03 patch for Verimove 3.7 on each platform
Formatting VeriMove personal name input field
Information on Java use with Verimove
How to resolve Verimove warning message "W5005 File: Schema.cpp Line: 224"
Installing the GUI for VeriMove on the z/OS platform
Posting the NCOALink return codes in Verimove
NCOALink and Daily Delete data download location for use with Verimove
Processing Category values in Verimove
Files and folders needed when installing or copying Verimove to a new machine
Files needed to troubleshoot USPS rejected Verimove CSL reports
Verimove recommendations for downloading the Daily Delete file on the z/OS platform
Verimove 3.8 release date
Maximum length for input VeriMove City names
Determining if Verimove is running Internal CASS or External CASS
Can Verimove post a Residential Delivery Indicator?
Algorithm used for Verimove's matching process
LACSLink, DPV and Suitelink database versions compatible with Finalist 9.x
Locating VeriMove Broker Agent information
NCOALink License type values for Verimove
How long will Verimove will return a forwarding address
Why does an ANKLink record get a 00 NCOALink code in Verimove?
Clearing FTI properties for VeriMove Access Server
Does Verimove process Puerto Rican addresses
Is there a maximum number of input records that VeriMove can process in one job?
Using the Daily Delete File for VeriMove on z/OS
System requirements for installing Verimove on the Windows platform
Verimove 2020 Site Support and NCOALink keys
How to safely send large files to Technical Support
VeriMove error: E8006 File: N/A Line: N/A Per USPS Licensee requirements, a mailing list must consist of no fewer than 100 unique names and associated addresses"
Running VeriMove mureport for two different platform ids
Resolve Verimove error "E1000 File Error 2 opening file clk.flt. No such file or directory"
How to determine if a new release of Verimove can be installed prior to August 1st
USPS ANKLink data that can be used in Verimove processing
Installing the GUI for VeriMove on the z/OS platform
How to determine the NCOA DPV flag layout returned by VeriMove
How to use the "CheckRecordLength" utility in Verimove to determine if all records in an input file have the same length
How to determine if files such as "libgcc_s.a" and "nlk/lib/libgcc_s.a.6" are obsolete in VeriMove
Processing Category values in Verimove
Link to the Software and Data Marketplace
New web address/url for Software Data Marketplace
How to download the USPS ACS (Address Change Service) files for Verimove
Where to define the location/path of the Daily Delete file in Unix if not using the GUI in Verimove
If the Verimove "Date Signed" field is not updated, will a warning be issued in the following year
Using a proxy with Verimove getfilehttps.exe utility
Finalist, CODE-1 Plus, Canadian CODE-1 Plus and Verimove compatibility with z/OS 2.4
How to obtain information and licensing on ANKLink in conjunction with Verimove processing
Using Verimove to process 2 or more moves within a timeframe of 18 months or less
Changing a Processing Acknowledgement Form (PAF) signer in Verimove
Information on technical support assistance with custom user applications calling CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
Can Verimove post a Residential Delivery Indicator?
Learn how to generate the Verimove job definition file
How to determine if the Daily Delete database file date gets written to any VeriMove report or output
Locating ASCII formats for LACSLink and SuiteLink databases in the Software and Data Marketplace
How to fill in Product Name/Release numbers required on the Stage 2 Compliance Testing Product Information Form for Verimove
How to resolve error: Unable to logon to the server. Reason: with Verimove Access
Monthly database availability for CODE-1 Plus, Finalist and VeriMove
Saving changes to the files in Verimove Access
Is it possible to do a silent installation of Verimove
VeriMove Software Inquiry
Maximum length for input VeriMove City names
Obtaining a customer list in Verimove
How to set up Verimove to process lines that do not end with CRLF (carriage return/line feed)
Updating the Verimove Site Support key, NCOALink key or Serial number
Changes to the Verimove and Finalist database installation
Locating the Verimove sample IVP job on the z/OS platform
Determining if Verimove is running Internal CASS or External CASS
After-hours support for CODE-1 Plus, Finalist and Verimove
System requirements for installing Verimove on the Windows platform
Verimove 2020 Site Support and NCOALink keys
How to safely send large files to Technical Support
Contacting USPS to resolve mail fraud issues
VeriMove Stage 2 output file has Record Type of D in position 298
VeriMove NCOA Forwarding Footnote 02 Definition
VeriMove Compatibility on Debian OS
VeriMove version 4.0 compatibility on Windows Server 2022
VeriMove version 4.0 compatibility on Windows Server 2019
VeriMove error: E8006 File: N/A Line: N/A Per USPS Licensee requirements, a mailing list must consist of no fewer than 100 unique names and associated addresses"
Running VeriMove mureport for two different platform ids
Resolve Verimove error "E1000 File Error 2 opening file clk.flt. No such file or directory"
Is it possible to exclude invalid secondary data using Suitelink in VeriMove
Does the NCOA notification regarding OneSource enhancement affect VeriMove
What keywords can be used to check for explode.bat failures in the TestFileSha.log file in Verimove
How to tell if it is possible to use Coding Products to create a "Do Not Mail" suppression list
installing the NCOALink downloaded database on IBMi using Verimove
Creating 'Null' Reports with Verimove
How to determine if a new release of Verimove can be installed prior to August 1st
USPS ANKLink data that can be used in Verimove processing
Installing the GUI for VeriMove on the z/OS platform
How to distinguish the differences between VeriMove and VeriMove Express
Locating VeriMove Broker Agent information
NCOA & Daily Delete Database Installation Process
What is the email address for questions or issues with Verimove Access?
Transferring data directly from the Verimove input record to the output record
Determining which Verimove files are used to generate the Customer Service Log (CSL) report
How to determine the NCOA DPV flag layout returned by VeriMove
How to use the "CheckRecordLength" utility in Verimove to determine if all records in an input file have the same length
How to determine if files such as "libgcc_s.a" and "nlk/lib/libgcc_s.a.6" are obsolete in VeriMove
Will a change to the system id require a new NCOALink key?
Information on Java use with Verimove
VeriMove NCOA Database Addresses CASS Certified
Verimove input and output field definitions
How to populate the Job Name on the Processing Summary Report (PSR) when running Verimove on the mainframe
How to determine if the RDEFINES-WORD-LIST.txt file is an NCOALink file or a Verimove file
Processing Category values in Verimove
Link to the Software and Data Marketplace
New web address/url for Software Data Marketplace
How to download the USPS ACS (Address Change Service) files for Verimove
Where to define the location/path of the Daily Delete file in Unix if not using the GUI in Verimove
If the Verimove "Date Signed" field is not updated, will a warning be issued in the following year
NCOALink License type values for Verimove
verimove - Custom Script Setup
Algorithm used for Verimove's matching process
Using a proxy with Verimove getfilehttps.exe utility
Finalist, CODE-1 Plus, Canadian CODE-1 Plus and Verimove compatibility with z/OS 2.4
How to obtain information and licensing on ANKLink in conjunction with Verimove processing
How to determine if the Verimove 3.7 S02 patch is required
Is Dynamic Application Penetration Testing performed on VeriMove
How long does it take to download and install the NCOALink and Daily Delete databases for use with Verimove
Software Data Marketplace account locked due to multiple failed sign in attempts
Populating Verimove VSAM datasets such as VERIMOVE.VSAM.WORDDIC, VERIMOVE.VSAM.JUNKLST on the z/OS platform
Verimove - Daily Delete File matches not found running on the IBMi platform
Using Verimove to process 2 or more moves within a timeframe of 18 months or less
Changing a Processing Acknowledgement Form (PAF) signer in Verimove
Information on technical support assistance with custom user applications calling CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
Can Verimove post a Residential Delivery Indicator?
Learn how to generate the Verimove job definition file
How to determine if the Daily Delete database file date gets written to any VeriMove report or output
Locating ASCII formats for LACSLink and SuiteLink databases in the Software and Data Marketplace
How to fill in Product Name/Release numbers required on the Stage 2 Compliance Testing Product Information Form for Verimove
How to resolve error: Unable to logon to the server. Reason: with Verimove Access
Monthly database availability for CODE-1 Plus, Finalist and VeriMove
Saving changes to the files in Verimove Access
Is it possible to do a silent installation of Verimove
Files needed to troubleshoot USPS rejected Verimove CSL reports
Posting the NCOALink return codes in Verimove
Locating VeriMove FTCMD.exe error messages
How to determine the minimum number of input records required to run a Verimove job
How to setup VeriMove output files on z/OS Mainframe
Does CODE-1 Plus, Finalist, Canadian CODE-1 Plus and Verimove support Endevor change management software?
VeriMove Software Inquiry
Maximum length for input VeriMove City names
Obtaining a customer list in Verimove
Is there a cost associated with upgrading to a new release of CODE-1 Plus, Finalist, Verimove, etc.?
How to define "open" and "closed" systems for Verimove
Verimove support for Windows Server 2016
Can newly issued NCOALink and CASS keys be used with prior releases of Verimove
Locating new software releases for CODE-1 Plus, Finalist, and Verimove
Information on Verimove support for Windows server 2016
How to set up Verimove to process lines that do not end with CRLF (carriage return/line feed)
Updating the Verimove Site Support key, NCOALink key or Serial number
Changes to the Verimove and Finalist database installation
How long will Verimove will return a forwarding address
How to automate creating and sending of the Verimove monthly reports to the USPS
How to process generational suffixes such as Jr., Sr., and II using Verimove
How to use the getFileHTTPs.exe command to get information on the Daily Delete file in VeriMove
Installing the VeriMove™ CASS™ Key for Internal CASS™ Processing on Unix
Serial number to use for Verimove on the Windows platform
Locating the Verimove sample IVP job on the z/OS platform
Determining if Verimove is running Internal CASS or External CASS
After-hours support for CODE-1 Plus, Finalist and Verimove
Populating ZIP + 4 Software Name, Version and Release on the Verimove monthly CSL report
How to determine if it is possible to run concurrent jobs using Verimove
Resolve VeriMove Version 3.6 Upgrade Inquiry Module File Sizes
Verimove getFileHTTPs returns the following error: <407> Proxy Authentication Required
Flag to determine if an address contains a change of address and returned a forwarding address in Verimove
How to tell what the Verimove ANKLink Return Codes do
What is the email address for questions or issues with Verimove Access?
Resolve error "Could not load file or assembly ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib" running daily delete utility in Verimove
Error "Job failed. Exit code 26, Status: "The specified disk or diskette cannot be accessed." running Verimove job
Resolve Error "System.IO.FileNotFoundException" in Verimove
Finalist, CODE-1 Plus, Canadian CODE-1 Plus and Verimove compatibility with z/OS 2.4
How to distinguish the differences between VeriMove and VeriMove Express
Resolving error ‘tar: rmtlseek not stopped at a record boundary tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now’ in Verimove NCOA database unzip
Verimove error: Internal CASS Engine Error: Return code = CASS System Error - DB version
Resolve error "RECEIVE command terminated. Trailer record missing" installing Verimove on the z/OS platform
Error 8005 "File does not end on a reasonable record boundary" error in VeriMove
How to download the USPS ACS (Address Change Service) files for Verimove
Information on technical support assistance with custom user applications calling CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
NCOA & Daily Delete Database Installation Process
Expired/Invalid Processing Acknowledgement Form (PAF) statement running a job in Verimove
Error "NCOA Data Expired" running a VeriMove job
Does Verimove return a forwarding address for a temporary move?
Error "Unhandled Exception: System.Net.WebException" on Verimove when downloading the Daily Delete file
Where does the technical documentation for CODE-1 Plus, Canadian CODE-1 Plus, Finalist, and VeriMove reside?
Verimove reporting error, "Your CSL file has been received but incorrectly formatted "
Understanding the Verimove Change of Address Procedure
Updating the Verimove Site Support key, NCOALink key or Serial number
How to use the getFileHTTPs.exe command to get information on the Daily Delete file in VeriMove
Does CODE-1 Plus, Finalist, Canadian CODE-1 Plus and Verimove support Endevor change management software?
VeriMove error "E8030 File: N/A Line: N/A Internal CASS Engine Error: Return code = Unknown CASS Error"
Installing the VeriMove™ CASS™ Key for Internal CASS™ Processing on Unix
Files needed to troubleshoot USPS rejected Verimove CSL reports
How to determine what file transfer protocol is used for the Verimove Uploadserver.exe program to move files from a PC to the mainframe
Processing Category values in Verimove
Error "E1000 The system cannot find the path specified" running Verimove monthly reports
Link to the Software and Data Marketplace
Verimove performance recommendations
Error “SOC4” in module BPXINLPA installing the Daily Delete file in Verimove
How to set up Verimove to process lines that do not end with CRLF (carriage return/line feed)
How to determine if the Daily Delete database file date gets written to any VeriMove report or output
Updating VeriMove NCOALink keys on the Windows platform
How to automate creating and sending of the Verimove monthly reports to the USPS
If the Verimove "Date Signed" field is not updated, will a warning be issued in the following year
"Error 1450 reading from file D:Preciselyncoa/lcd.nt. Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service" in Verimove
Changing a Processing Acknowledgement Form (PAF) signer in Verimove
What keywords can be used to check for explode.bat failures in the TestFileSha.log file in Verimove
Populating ZIP + 4 Software Name, Version and Release on the Verimove monthly CSL report
Posting the NCOALink return codes in Verimove
Verimove getFileHTTPs returns the following error: <407> Proxy Authentication Required
Resolve the Verimove Access error "The log file for database 'FTI' is full"
How to safely send large files to Technical Support
Software Data Marketplace account locked due to multiple failed sign in attempts
Resolve Verimove error "Definition incomplete for "NCOAOperatorDef" element"
Resolve Verimove Access error "input file is not a valid Win32 application"
How to locate the Verimove explode.bat file
What is the email address for questions or issues with Verimove Access?
Resolve error "Could not load file or assembly ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib" running daily delete utility in Verimove
Error "Job failed. Exit code 26, Status: "The specified disk or diskette cannot be accessed." running Verimove job
Resolve Error "System.IO.FileNotFoundException" in Verimove
Finalist, CODE-1 Plus, Canadian CODE-1 Plus and Verimove compatibility with z/OS 2.4
How to distinguish the differences between VeriMove and VeriMove Express
Resolving error ‘tar: rmtlseek not stopped at a record boundary tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now’ in Verimove NCOA database unzip
Verimove error: Internal CASS Engine Error: Return code = CASS System Error - DB version
Resolve error "RECEIVE command terminated. Trailer record missing" installing Verimove on the z/OS platform
Error 8005 "File does not end on a reasonable record boundary" error in VeriMove
How to download the USPS ACS (Address Change Service) files for Verimove
Information on technical support assistance with custom user applications calling CODE-1 Plus and Finalist
NCOA & Daily Delete Database Installation Process
Expired/Invalid Processing Acknowledgement Form (PAF) statement running a job in Verimove
Error "NCOA Data Expired" running a VeriMove job
Does Verimove return a forwarding address for a temporary move?
Error "Unhandled Exception: System.Net.WebException" on Verimove when downloading the Daily Delete file
Where does the technical documentation for CODE-1 Plus, Canadian CODE-1 Plus, Finalist, and VeriMove reside?
Verimove reporting error, "Your CSL file has been received but incorrectly formatted "
How to determine the NCOA DPV flag layout returned by VeriMove
Files and folders needed when installing or copying Verimove to a new machine
How to resolve error: Unable to logon to the server. Reason: with Verimove Access
NCOALink and Daily Delete data download location for use with Verimove
Locating the VeriMove Platform ID on Windows platform
Resolve Verimove 3.7 install error "version `GCC_4.2.0' not found (required by /usr/lib/"
Understanding the Verimove Change of Address Procedure
Updating the Verimove Site Support key, NCOALink key or Serial number
How to use the getFileHTTPs.exe command to get information on the Daily Delete file in VeriMove
Does CODE-1 Plus, Finalist, Canadian CODE-1 Plus and Verimove support Endevor change management software?
VeriMove error "E8030 File: N/A Line: N/A Internal CASS Engine Error: Return code = Unknown CASS Error"
Installing the VeriMove™ CASS™ Key for Internal CASS™ Processing on Unix
Determining which Verimove files are used to generate the Customer Service Log (CSL) report
Serial number to use for Verimove on the Windows platform
Verimove 2020 Site Support and NCOALink keys
Files needed to troubleshoot USPS rejected Verimove CSL reports
How to determine what file transfer protocol is used for the Verimove Uploadserver.exe program to move files from a PC to the mainframe
Processing Category values in Verimove
Re-configure the uploadserver transfer of NCOALink data from Windows to Mainframe in Verimove
How to locate documentation describing internal CASS error codes for Verimove (for example: 4101, 4102, etc.)
Information on Verimove support for Windows server 2016
VeriMove NCOA Database Addresses CASS Certified
Supported platforms for Coding products (CODE-1 Plus, Finalist, Verimove)
Monthly database availability for CODE-1 Plus, Finalist and VeriMove
Error "E1000 The system cannot find the path specified" running Verimove monthly reports
Link to the Software and Data Marketplace
Verimove performance recommendations
Error “SOC4” in module BPXINLPA installing the Daily Delete file in Verimove
How to set up Verimove to process lines that do not end with CRLF (carriage return/line feed)
How to determine if the Daily Delete database file date gets written to any VeriMove report or output
VeriMove Access Server Error: "Logon to VeriMove was Not Successful"
Determining if Verimove is running Internal CASS or External CASS
Using a proxy with Verimove getfilehttps.exe utility
Updating VeriMove NCOALink keys on the Windows platform
How to automate creating and sending of the Verimove monthly reports to the USPS
If the Verimove "Date Signed" field is not updated, will a warning be issued in the following year
Contacting USPS to resolve mail fraud issues
Verimove support for Windows Server 2016
Error "DPVH Error - Database Not The Same Month" executing a job in Verimove
NCOALink License type values for Verimove
Resolve USPS CASS REPORT ERRORS; Section B 1 – List Processor’s name in Verimove
Can newly issued NCOALink and CASS keys be used with prior releases of Verimove
"Error 1450 reading from file D:Preciselyncoa/lcd.nt. Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service" in Verimove
Changing a Processing Acknowledgement Form (PAF) signer in Verimove
What keywords can be used to check for explode.bat failures in the TestFileSha.log file in Verimove
Verimove recommendations for downloading the Daily Delete file on the z/OS platform
How to successfully install DPV Database when the error "Request Disallowed" is encountered
Resolve Verimove error "Could not open dvdhdr01.dat" with custom explode.bat script
How to reflect a company name change is on the Verimove reports
Where to define the location/path of the Daily Delete file in Unix if not using the GUI in Verimove
Installation key used when installing Verimove on Windows and the Verimove GUI
Populating ZIP + 4 Software Name, Version and Release on the Verimove monthly CSL report
Posting the NCOALink return codes in Verimove
Verimove getFileHTTPs returns the following error: <407> Proxy Authentication Required
How to install a new Verimove NCOALink key on the IBMi platform
LACSLink, DPV and Suitelink database versions compatible with Finalist 9.x
System requirements for installing Verimove on the Windows platform
Using the Daily Delete File for VeriMove on z/OS
Changes to the Verimove and Finalist database installation
Resolve error “Reading ank.flt.1…Hashing…FAILED” installing SHA-256 NCOALink database using Verimove 3.7
Resolve the Verimove Access error "The log file for database 'FTI' is full"
How to safely send large files to Technical Support
Software Data Marketplace account locked due to multiple failed sign in attempts
Will Code-1 Plus continue to run if maintenance expires?
Location of the Verimove NCOALink key on the z/OS platform
Locating ASCII formats for LACSLink and SuiteLink databases in the Software and Data Marketplace
Information on Java use with Verimove
Populating Verimove VSAM datasets such as VERIMOVE.VSAM.WORDDIC, VERIMOVE.VSAM.JUNKLST on the z/OS platform
Resolve Verimove error "E1000 File Error 2 opening file clk.flt. No such file or directory"
Resolve Verimove error "Definition incomplete for "NCOAOperatorDef" element"
Resolve Verimove Access error "input file is not a valid Win32 application"
How to locate the Verimove explode.bat file
How to use the "CheckRecordLength" utility in Verimove to determine if all records in an input file have the same length
How to determine the minimum number of input records required to run a Verimove job
Verimove 3.8 release date
How to find if Dispatcher Plus is still supported with Verimove
What are the registry keys for Verimove on Windows?
How to process generational suffixes such as Jr., Sr., and II using Verimove
VeriMove contains self-service downloads within Precisely Data Experience for user accounts with active entitlements:
For more details, please see the Precisely Data Experience user guide.
- Go to Precisely Data Experience.
- Select My Software Products. You may be prompted for a login if not already authenticated.
- Select on the product to download. Product naming conventions may slightly differ and other products may also display.
- Once within a product, the latest version will be displayed by default and older versions can be selected via the Release dropdown.
- Select any product file to download.
For more details, please see the Precisely Data Experience user guide.
VeriMove does not currently offer self-service license keys. Please raise a case via the Customer portal or Partner portal for VeriMove license requests.